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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsMagic1

  1. And we're using a traffic cone to simulate the Jets RT and Lts......
  2. He can pl;ay HBack, FB, TE and was good receiver at U of Pitt I believe. Versatile player.
  3. We should work out one of their offenive cuts to see what is up , if anything with the famous Jets wildcat crap....
  4. He looked better each week from what I have seen. Guy is big and hits hard. Maybe he takes out tebow???
  5. Look at SU and QB Ryan Nasibb, looks like real deal.
  6. To me Smith is bad as KO returner, can't throw, and wildcat would be just as effeective with a RB as Smith does not throw anyway. Thiggy can not thorw as well. Only thing is , he knows the plays. He should be cut ASAP as wellas Smith.
  7. Revis is most overreated DB. He always has help up top when he jams SJ. Watch on Sunday and you will see this one V one agaisnt SJ is BS. LT Ferguson and CB Revis are 2 of most overrated guys I have seen. SJ owns him!!! Don't forget SJ dropped asure TD last gane against him when he was wide open and mayvbe was like a 40 yarder or so he missed.
  8. If he looks great, trade him.....
  9. New England!!!!! Click on ESPN site, then NFL , then Scoreboard and find game, it is there
  10. Buddy was GM therefore he is ultimately responsible. Not crrzy about his picks either. Even I could stumble into Dareus and Gilmore....
  11. Why give up a 5th or 6th pik for a medicore QB like the current ones we already have?
  12. Guy gets tangled up by WRs!!!!!
  13. We jsut need a MLB. Shep look sbad and can't shed even Wrs blocking him. Also, all lastyear he did not create one TO???? Not what I want in a 2 down MLB.
  14. Jet's LT is horrendous as well. Most oeverated LT in football. Ferguson will be destroyed by Anderson!!! Also SJ will urinate on Revis once again!
  15. He'l sign with the Jets and get 10sacks this year..... Hope not!
  16. But WRs of Minny were knocking Shepp back!!!!
  17. Shep I saw in 2nd half being tied up and knocked back by WRs of Minn. Shepp looks horrible. Need a cahnge at MLB for us to be great,m not average defense.
  18. Howell a real surprise, Sheppard can't get off of any blocks to make a tackle. Cut him now.
  19. Perhaps..... , that or give Tank a chance in the middle?
  20. Agree, We need Tankster to take over. Shep is too slow and can not get off of blocks. Seems bad to me.
  21. If Thigcrap beats out Vince for #2 Obama and Jesse shoudl investigate this. Vince is so much better than Thiggy and maybe Fitz it is not even close.
  22. Jets have worst off line in pro footbal. Otherr than Mangold they all suck. LT Ferghuson is most overrated player in football. Hunter sucks and both guards are useless. we may get 10 sacks opening day if they try and pass.
  23. I think he throws better than Thiggy.
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