Since NFL teams share 50 to 75% of TV revenue and the new contract is outlandish. No way any team can lose, especially since our stadium still has 90% or so seats filled and we have a very large attendenace overall.Since the 1960s, all regular season and playoff games broadcast in the United States have been aired by national television networks. Currently, the terrestrial television networks CBS ($3.73B), NBC ($3.6B) and Fox ($4.27B) — as well as cable television's ESPN ($8.8B) — are paying a combined total of US$20.4 billion[1] to broadcast NFL games as per the current contract that ends in 2013. From 2014 to 2022, the same networks will pay $39.6 billion for the same broadcast rights.
You must be one of our front office guys that bottom line on how much we make is only concern....