Rex is such a defensive genius he has to have 90 percent of his defense be 1st or 2nd round picks. 90 percent of his 1st round picks have been defensive players.
beat me to it, I saw Tom Day, Ron McDole, Jim Dunaway, Harry Jacobs, Mike Stratton, John Tracy,George Saimes, Booker Edgerson, Butch Byrd, etc, but Tom Sestak was great and being a 27 round pick has to be best ever
If Rex is such a defensive Guru, why has his first draft pick every year except one as a head coach been for a defensive player? why the need? Also why have his defenses always regressed year after year?
Davis was one of guys Rex liked to talk up but to me he is even more overrated that CB we saw sammy destroy in out last game. Average at best is Davis. We could do better.