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  1. Yea i agree with you about the whole stripper thing (no pun intended). I was thinking maye white water rafting? There are actually a couple places in NY that offer overnight packages. I think this will be fun, have a guys weekend out on the water!
  2. Whats up gents? I need your help and figured some of you would have some input. I'm getting married this summer and my brother wants to know what I want to do. To be honest I'm not really sure. I live in Massachusetts so some guys go to Boston for the night and go out. I was wondering what you have experienced and was a good time. Camping and fishing? Strippers and herpes? A night out on the town? What was your favorite Bachelor party?
  3. NOPE! I can attest to that and I'm sure "locals" would agree. I live in Massachusetts and I've been a DIE HARD BB fan since I was about 8 years old. It's actually sort of funny because Bills fans are so damn passionate about their team! If I ever see someone rocking Bills gear here in Ma 100% of the time we have a great convo because I know he/she are die hard also! Ask my neighbors what happened Sept 25 2012 at about 4pm. My whole neighborhood knows I'm BUFFALO BILLS FAN! *Also have a Buffalo Bills Flag Hanging in front of house ( Wife hates it!hahah )
  4. It has a great family feel....
  5. Relax guys, if we don't make these kinds of moves we'll never get better then 8-8. Nix did get decent value. Albert Haynesworth also went for a 4th rounder
  6. Big Dikta HugeSac Bellicheats Mike Sukmiouf
  7. Great to read some of these comments! I like many of you, identify myself with the buffalo bills a bit. Lived in Mass my entire life and starting watching football in the late 80's and early 90's. Had my first buffalo bills birthday cake at 8 years old. I Love the bills, not sure why since they break my heart alot. To be honest, I think I never really looked anywhere else once I saw how loyal bills fans are. It's sort of a brother hood. Anytime I got caught rocking Bills gear by another Bills fan here in Mass, there is always an instant connection. (those that live outstide Buff know what I'm talking about) I have to listen to a lot of patriots fans that think football started in the early 2000's, but I go to Gillete every year wearing the red white and blue with pride. Go Bills
  8. Whats happening Bills Fans? It looks like Madden has leaked yet another uniform (arizona last time). I was bit skeptical but this makes sense. They have removed the vid from youtube. The blue charging buffalo logo remains the same but will now be featured on a white helmet, a blue/white/red/white/blue stripe down the middle and a grey facemask. At home it’s a return to royal blue jerseys, red/white/red stripes around the neck, two red/white/red stripes around the arms, jersey numbers are white with no trim. The BILLS wordmark appears under the collar in white. Pants are white with a blue/red/blue stripe down the side. On the road it’s the opposite of the homes, white jerseys with red/blue/red around the neck. The arms have two red/blue/red stripes around the arms with blue numbers on the chest, backs and arms. Pants are royal blue with a white/red/white stripe down the leg. Personally, I love the new look, it’s clean, it’s crisp, it’s just a good-looking uniform all around. Hopefully the team will perform as well as they look in the years to come. Oddly enough, a graphical rendering of this new uniform has been available to anybody on Wikipedia since before the Super Bow courtesy a user named “JohnnySeoul”, a shame it went unnoticed until now.
  9. Was that Don Shula in the red????? No really was it?
  10. The title of this post reveals you watch lost
  11. Chris Berman Always wanted to see this happen. I was 11 yrs old and remember watching this game. Bills VS Niners! I thought some of your may enjoy watching some of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ohe8-CeTdo...feature=related
  12. An Indianapolis Colts win in Super Bowl XLIV in Miami would not be enough to top Patriots Patriot fans believe they are the best football team to ever play on this earth http://blog.masslive.com/patriots/2010/02/...xliv-miami.html
  13. And the best part is it was the last question in the catergory, which is the hardest! hahaha
  14. I don't know why we should judge a QB on his last throw. Think about how many players threw a touchdown then retired.......... it is a irrelevant statement when it comes to football. How does a football game end? I wonder how many QB's last throw was a INT
  15. I'm pretty sure we are putting in the 3-4 defense. Would this move Maybin to LB?
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