Regardless if the gun belonged to Lynch or if he violated a concealed weapon law, the civil liberties of the people in this country are gradually being trampled on. Everyday we move closer & closer to a soft form of fascism. Like it was in Nazi, Germany, they would approach any citizen they wanted to & say "papers please". Violation of privacy, checkpoints, profiling and warrantless searches are common things used in this country to "protect" us from ourselves. The definition of a free society is where you can do whatever you want unless it involves harming others. That notion has been ignored for years now, as our "leaders" pretend they are doing us a favor by violating our rights. They say "We are protecting your freedom" while at the very same time violating that very same freedom they pretend to pretect. It's total hipocracy.
Based on the information we have so far, the police had no probable cause to search the vehicle.
Let's pretend they did have probable cause. They find the gun & Lynch is where he's at now. He is being charged with possesion of a CONCEALED weapon. He is legally allowed to have it, but not allowed to conceal it.
Apparently a gun concealed in a trunk is more dangerous than a gun exposed on the waist of an individual in a car. After all he would have a better success rate in a drive by with the gun in the trunk. He would have a better chance at shooting someone if he had to first open the trunk and then run out of the car, get it and then shoot someone.
Lynch should have known better. Next time he should strap the gun on his forehead, chest or mount it on the front of the wind-sheild. Even if he would have had it exposed, he would have still gotten hassled about it. "Papers Please." What about the people who don't even own a gun, getting their privacy violated!?
There's more freedom in Canada & Switzerland than this country!