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Everything posted by R!P REVOLUTIONARIES

  1. Either you can't explain why the author is a fool or you believe that if not everyone agrees with you, they must some how be stupid. I'm not saying you're a fool but if you can't explain your reason the author is a fool then you might be a fool. If it's that simple that we are idiots if we have to ask you why you think the article is foolish, then it should be very easy to explain why you feel that way. Or we can continue to be idiots & you can continue to make statements w/out backing them up with reason other than the theory that you are right & we are idiots for not knowing that you are right with your eternal knowingness.
  2. It sounds like you don't entirely understand what civil rights are. Civil rights are not just about the 1960's & African Americans. You have civil rights & I as well. One of which is freedom of privacy & protection against unreasonable warrantless searches. As it stands now there has not been any official explanation of probable cause. If that stands, then Lynch & his buddies had their civil rights violated. Sitting in a vehicle is not a crime. They are also called civil liberties or Constitutional rights. This is what is supposed to make us the most free country in history & what is supposed to seperate us from China or Russia. When people say "America is the best country in the world" it is because of our Constitutional civil rights but sadly most Americans have no idea how much our government violates the Constitution.
  3. Since I cannot express my personal opinions on the civil rights of Lynch & others being violated (My post Gestapoly taken off the board earlier), I will post this article that explains it better. http://www.realfootball365.com/articles/bills/13643
  4. Regardless if the gun belonged to Lynch or if he violated a concealed weapon law, the civil liberties of the people in this country are gradually being trampled on. Everyday we move closer & closer to a soft form of fascism. Like it was in Nazi, Germany, they would approach any citizen they wanted to & say "papers please". Violation of privacy, checkpoints, profiling and warrantless searches are common things used in this country to "protect" us from ourselves. The definition of a free society is where you can do whatever you want unless it involves harming others. That notion has been ignored for years now, as our "leaders" pretend they are doing us a favor by violating our rights. They say "We are protecting your freedom" while at the very same time violating that very same freedom they pretend to pretect. It's total hipocracy. Based on the information we have so far, the police had no probable cause to search the vehicle. Let's pretend they did have probable cause. They find the gun & Lynch is where he's at now. He is being charged with possesion of a CONCEALED weapon. He is legally allowed to have it, but not allowed to conceal it. Apparently a gun concealed in a trunk is more dangerous than a gun exposed on the waist of an individual in a car. After all he would have a better success rate in a drive by with the gun in the trunk. He would have a better chance at shooting someone if he had to first open the trunk and then run out of the car, get it and then shoot someone. Lynch should have known better. Next time he should strap the gun on his forehead, chest or mount it on the front of the wind-sheild. Even if he would have had it exposed, he would have still gotten hassled about it. "Papers Please." What about the people who don't even own a gun, getting their privacy violated!? There's more freedom in Canada & Switzerland than this country!
  5. Dog food is exguisite like moter tubs. Just my attempt at sarcastic bath tubs.
  6. The thing that everyone is forgetting as they post these threads about different coaches is that Wilson will not hire a big time coach. Marty would be nice but Wilson does not spend money on coaches. It would take a lot to talk Marty into coaching the Bils. He would be cheaper than Cowher but Marty is out of football right now. He would either need a lot of money or a team that is ready & established to lure him in.
  7. I have been hearing a lot of calls to bench Trent and even talk that he is not out future QB. It's only his second year for goodness sake. Despite throwing 3 INTS we still had chance to win in the end. Bad play calling on the last three plays cost us this game. How many QBS do you know of in their second year play flawless football? Everyone seems to forget that we are finally starting to turn the corner from being horrible the past 8 years. We have had a huge meltdown the past month but we would not even be .500 right now if we got rid of Trent or played Losman. We need to start buliding the line on both sides. That's the key. All great teams of today have sured up their offensive and defensive lines. That's our problem. We are only a few big guys away from ending these missed playoff seasons. Would you rather be a 5-5 team or a 3-7 team like the last decade? People expect too much. YOu can't win all the time. We are heading in the right direction but it takes time. Teams take 3 to 4 years to rebuild. We are only in the second year of that process. I promise you, be patient. We are finally forming into a team that is capable of winning a SB in the next couple years.
  8. Come on, people. It is has to be D. Even though the comp. % is lower, we know turnovers are key. Besides Trent comp.% is great right now and we are struggling. In the past three games we have lost Trent has turned the ball over more than in the games we won. The QB with the best TD to turnover ratio would be the best for us. D has 17 TDs to 10 Ints.
  9. Snow would actually work against us because we can not run the ball. Our home feild advantage could actually hurt us. It's not like the Browns are running great but they are running far better than us. This would be an advantage to them.
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