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Ice Cold Bruschi

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Everything posted by Ice Cold Bruschi

  1. Lol listen to yourselves, you've all become TO apologists, you've come to love the man that every sane football fan hates.
  2. 1. Its the home opener 2. Its a monday nighter 3. We're superbowl favorites this year (again) 4. ITS TOM FUC_IN BRADY'S FIRST GAME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you even think thats a possibility?
  3. Is this like the deep source that leaked that Ralph was dead?
  4. Cutler is not better than Bledsoe, Bledsoe led his team to the play offs multiple times and to the superbowl (twice if you want to count him stepping in and winning the afccg back in 01) The debate isn't even close Cutler has had A good statistical season and zero play off births
  5. Lol by this logic Jeff Hostetler & Mark Rypien > Jim Kelly
  6. Considering we traded our 2nd rounder for Welker and our 2nd 1st rounder for the picks that got us Mayo and Moss I'd say the 07 picks were used pretty damn well.
  7. Lol did you watch those games? Heres to number 12 in a row come september, kinda fitting for brady's return.
  8. their 05 draft was pretty great getting an all pro guard in logan mankins at #32 our starting right tackel Nick Kazcur at the end of the 3rd. Our starting corner Ellis Hobbs, our starting SS James Sanders, oh and Matt Cassel who we just got a 2nd round pick for, pretty damn good draft if you ask me. The 06 draft was noticibly worse Maroney, pretty much a bust because of injuries, Chad Jackson total bust. Pretty much only got Gostkowski who is an all pro kicker so atleast we got something. The 07 draft we drafted Meriweather who is becoming a beast at this point, then we didn't draft anyone in until the 4th round so we cut a bunch of 5th 6th and 7th rounders who couldn't make the cut to be part of uhhh I dunno THE MOST DOMINANT TEAM OF ALL TIME of course we weren't going to have room for late round scrubs to groom. As for the 08 draft we go the DROY so as of now its a success but we have our backup qb and a few good corners so theirs a good ceiling on this class.
  9. I'm not a Bills fan so I will say it, you guys aren't going anywhere, you're stuck to the bottom of the barrel like so many moldy pickles. We're gonna destroy you, Brady is back with a vengence and the Bills are the first course on the menu. You're gonna get raped worse than Warren Beatty in Deliverance. Hannibal Lecter wouldn't even have the stomach to watch how bad we're gonna slaughter you. You're just the first little critter to be turned to roadkill on our cruise to title number 4. The Dynasty Rolls On.....
  10. I never said pollard's hit was dirty
  11. Yes because we've beat you the last 11 times all thanks to the NFL's scheming, its all a conspiracy, we never would have won any of those super bowls if the NFL hadn't doctored the schedule so we could get past the mighty Bills
  12. Quit whining and go to a sports bar like everyone else. I'm a Pats fan living in Buffalo so I deal with the same thing, atleast you get to watch good games with good teams every week whereas I get stuck watching games like when the bills got beat 9-3 by the 49'ers
  13. What did you expect when they signed TO?
  14. Yeah this rule seems to arbitrary to me. As for Wilfork get over it he was thrown into JP, and we did you a favor by getting rid of him anyway, ushering your savior Edwards into the starting lineup
  15. Because we lost asante samuel in free agency and he went on to make the pro bowl, deal with it
  16. http://www.profootballtalk.com/2009/03/23/...y-night-opener/ Lol Its always nice to start the season off 1-0 haha, GO PATS!
  17. You've been the bottom feeders for a long time now
  18. Shrug, couldn't tell yah, I've never lived in Boston, but in terms of sports they pretty much have the right to be arrogant since they have 6 world championships in 3 sports and all their teams are high in the running for more championships this year. I'm not saying Buffalo is the treasure trove of sports idiocy, but to say that Buffalo fans are blessed with some exceptional football knowledge is pretty stupid, when I say like 90% of Bills fans are idiots when it comes to football thats only because 90% of football fans in general are idiots when it comes to football. The only reason it appears there are more idiots in other fan bases is because you're looking at a bigger population and therefore there are going to be more idiots total but still the same ratio.
  19. Lol this is an EXTREMELY arrogant post, after going to UB for 4 years I can say with confidence that about 85-90% of Bills fans are complete idiots.
  20. Lol the Bills the 09 Cardinals lol? No chance considering they don't have A. a decent quarterback (let alone one that could even hold Warner's jockstrap B. Any good wide receivers (Evans is way over rated and a pathetic route runner) C. Anything that vaguely resembles good coaching. D. A line that could stop a girl scout troupe E. A D line that could put any pressure on anyone.......Need I go on?
  21. He probably would have killed himself in a motorcycle crash
  22. He wouldn't play for the bills, he's been playing for the cardinals for 6 years and he finally gets to play in the play offs why would he want to come to the bills and not go to the play offs for another >6 years
  23. Lewis doesn't want to play for losers, we'll have him come play in New England, for less money than the bills would offer.
  24. Yeah I mean look what you guys gave up for Bledsoe lol
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