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Ice Cold Bruschi

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Everything posted by Ice Cold Bruschi

  1. They'll probably just do away with the Bills and make the Toronto Argonauts an NFL team since they're a better run organization
  2. Like the Patriots I promote solidarity
  3. Not saying I care that he smokes weed, I'm saying he's a retard for driving around smoking when he's a millionaire, sh-- I haven't really gone on a blunt cruise since I lived with my parents. The cops pull you over and you stink like ganj you're gonna get f_cked with. But the point still stands he's a repeat offender of run ins with the law. They didn't suspend him the first time and he didn't stay out of trouble, he has no one to blame but himself
  4. Yeah your offense tore us up that game for a total of 0 points
  5. Don't you mean carrying an unregistered hand gun, while reeking of weed, after running over an old woman and running away the year before? Yeah I think that warrants a suspension
  6. lol 10 characters
  7. You all should just stop bitching about it, you weren't going to win the superbowl anyway so who cares.
  8. reminds me of the fat kid from bad santa
  9. It probably wasn't just the alcohol, I mean think of all the times you're out drinking and its like 2 or 3 in the morning and you're like "wow a couple slices of pizza sound great right about now" so you eat a few slices and go to bed not too long after, thats probably where that weight is coming from
  10. See Guards- Hannah, John New England Patriots http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL_75th_Anni...y_All-Time_Team http://i.cdn.turner.com/sivault/si_online/...81/0803_mid.jpg
  11. Off the top of my head, the Denver play off loss (Tom's first ever) where Champ Bailey fumbled the ball out of the endzone which would of course make it a touchback with the pats retaining possession on their own 20. Also in that game there was a 40 ghost pass interference call on samuel while he was defending ashley lelie, put denver right on the one and they punched it in. Then of course there was the pats afc championship game, the colts always get some cheap pass interference calls to go their way. Not as bad these days now that Manning got a ring and the League isn't trying to get him one. The Giants superbowl was pretty clean, I think we came up with that Ahmad Bradshaw fumbled that ball but it wasn't a big deal since they punted the next play anyways. Its hard to come up with a lot of games that we got jobbed by the refs because when your team seldom loses, you don't really need t o make up excuses for their failures, you just move on to next week. Its like that one guy said, its just the loser mentality of Buffalo fans, they just try to make themselves a victim instead of accepting the fact that their team sucks
  12. How does Wood remind you of the greatest guard of all-time? What parallels could you possibly draw at this point in his career?
  13. Its cruel of him to get your hopes up like this
  14. Gibbs is too high, Belichick too low, Walsh too low, Landry too low, Shula too high, Hayes too low, there shouldn't be any baseball coaches in the top 20-30, also I think Dick Vermiel should be somewhere on the list, somewhere low on the list but on it to be sure, the guy won big in college and the pros both with programs that had previously little or no success ie. ucla bruins, the eagles, the rams, and to a much lesser extent the chiefs. Just checked wiki and interestingly enough he has the distinction of being named coach of the year at every level of coaching, highschool, junior college, ncaa d1, and the pros
  15. You Bills fans should fix that broken record its been playing for quite a few years now. But yeah, definitely plastic, your buds will just dry up in paper, thats no good brah
  16. Ziplock plastic, keeps the nugs fresh.
  17. If the Bills were good last year, and d-bag extraordinaire JP wasn't starting, and if they hadn't been coming off a 1-5 stretch, they probably would have sold more tickets. Toronto will be a fine market whenever they get an NFL team, be it the Bills, expansion team, or otherwise.
  18. Nah you guys will probably hire Rod Marinelli, Cam Cameron, Art Shell, or Dom Capers
  19. in 03 and 04 they certainly did, I'll give you 01 though obviously.
  20. Steelers also go lucky in who they played in the play offs, a lot of other teams did the work for them, they played an 8-8 (without their best player even touching the field) team, an 11-5 team that they had already beaten twice, and a 9-7 team. One of the easiest play off runs ever. Had the Colts, Giants, Eagles, and Titans not choked they wouldn't be champs. Hell if the Pats hadn't had such bad luck with the tie breaker I think we could have knocked them out too.
  21. I really don't understand the hatred of Bruschi, I can understand Brady, Harrison, and Wilfork, but not Bruschi.
  22. Your coaching sucks, it really really sucks. With the exception of Bobby April
  23. I like the giant though, except Eli, the NFL draft is there for a reason d-bag.
  24. I think he's commenting on the fact that you don't have respect for a guy who's kicked your teams butt up and down the field the entire decade. You don't have to like him but the guy's body of work speaks for itself.
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