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Ice Cold Bruschi

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Everything posted by Ice Cold Bruschi

  1. This was an anomoly, he's been really horrible for us on offense (good on st though) and for some reason we gave him a contract extension through 2011
  2. Boooooo Hoooooooo poor Titans I hope we didn't hurt their feelings by scoring too many points. If they didn't like it theres something they could have done about it.....stopped us. At that point in the game we were giving our Undrafted Rookie Back up QB reps in a gametime situation. Booooooo Hoooooooo It was like 45-0 at the half, what would super nice guy dick Juaron have done at that point, take a knee on every play of the 2nd half? (obviously no one will ever know because his teams suck can't throttle someone like BB's teams can)
  3. It all starts with the owner, and the Bills have a terrible one.
  4. It pains me to say it but in my heart I know he's going to be a Jet next year.
  5. Just saying, these conspiracy theories are just pathetic, yes it was a ticky tack call, but it was deserved, if you watched the game you would know Suggs had absolutely no need to go to the ground he flat out dove at Brady's knee. Lol bribing the refs? Really?
  6. :devil: :censored: Boo Hoo Bills fans.
  7. Notre Dame has done alright for itself. Montana, Theisman, are hof'ers lots of 1st round busts though such as Brady Quinn and Rick Mirer. 'Bama used to be great for QB's Today I think you have to say USC, of their last 4 starting QB's 4 were top 10 draft picks, 1 (John David Booty) is a back up in Minnesota, and one of their BACK UPS who didn't even play in his time there led the Pats to an 11-5 record last year. Barkley looks like he's a slam dunk 1st rounder in a few years.
  8. This happened almost a year ago, and how does it reflect on the organization at all? That some drunk bimbo cheerleader drew a swastika on some kid who couldn't hold his booze
  9. Just wondering, who are the four "great" QBs you're talking about? Brady and Manning obviously, Big Ben probably and who?
  10. Meh their win over us wasn't that impressive. Go Bills (against the Jets)
  11. The rumors of Tom Brady's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
  12. They play the 97 rock broadcast of the game. As for the Giants, thats because they have training camp at UAlbany, and before they won their most recent super bowl all those signs said "Welcome to Albany Summer home of the 2000 NFC East Division Champion Giants"
  13. Aside from my 3 years of living in Buffalo while I attended UB, I've lived in Albany my whole life. I'd have to say thats its about 40% Giants fans, then 20% Pats, 20% Jets, and 20% Bills. Now the Pats and Giants have fluctuated in recent years just because of their teams success. (Right now the Giants 40% and Pats 20% are very vocal populations compared to the down trodden Jets and Bills fans)
  14. http://ballhype.com/video/espn_sportscente...atieri_and_jim/
  15. I'll go 5-3 breaking it down like this NE-L Tampa-W Saints-L Miami-W Cleveland-W NYJ-W Panthers-L Houston-W Granted theres always the chance for Jauron to give away any game.
  16. Wow, his potential for going to the hof has really gone down the tubes the last few seasons
  17. "Which one of you did it?"-Thread on Patsfans.com messageboards
  18. I'll reserve my opinion on the Jets and Sanchez when they play us next week. You know, a team that hasn't led the league in sacks allowed almost every year of their existence.
  19. ....dumb....Are you trying to say its the system? or the personel? If its the latter, who does he have to throw to aside from Colston who is hurt half the time and not elite by any means even when he is healthy. If you're trying to say its the system, every player plays in a system, the QB still has to go out and make the plays, you don't come 16 yards from breaking a record thats stood for 25 years because of a system alone.
  20. I remember watching an nfl films special on the '86 afccg ("The Drive") and Elway was talking about how Cleveland Fans were just driving around the hotel just honking their car horns literally the entire night. But yeah I'm kind surprised this kind of thing doesn't happen to every visiting team almost every week.
  21. 1st point lol No..... Harrison's 2 SB rings> TO's Zero 2nd point Duly noted, they're both a-holes but Rodney was our A-Hole and TO's yours so whatever 3rd point- Yeah all that intelligence like the time he "misread the bottle" (::cough::tried to kill himself ::cough: with a bottle of pain meds. And all the charisma that makes him so endearing to his teammates and coaches.
  22. Here is the fact, the trade is done, the patriots have the pick all thats left to occur is for seymour to pass his physical which he will, right now its the oakland raiders problem that he hasn't reported to take his physical yet. Now if seymour doesn't report thats not the patriots problem and the trade cannot be voided for that, like I said, the only thing that voids the trade is a failed physical, him not taking it yet means nothing so he's essentially just holding out.
  23. They're already embarrassed that they have to share the field with an embarrassment of a team like the Bills
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