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Posts posted by markj

  1. I cant even dignify this gibberish with an intelligent response...so I will stoop to the level of the merit of the post...


    "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

    Nice!!! :w00t:

  2. Getting a flu shot does not mean you won't get the flu. They guess what strains will be around teh next year and sometimes they are wrong.

    I remember reading that he was so sick he could barely crawl to the bathroom to puke. I've been that sick from the flu (the two weeks before SB XXV)

    I was sick for about two weeks after that super bowl and it wasn't because of the flu. :P

  3. You forgot Trent doesn't see open guys anymore, he only see's RB's in the flat. If it is forcasted to be cold tomorrow, You can Mark this up as another Edwards bomb of a game. The guy until proven otherwise cant function in the cold weather.

    TE will see Josh Reed if he plays. I think a lot of his trouble has been no Josh Reed. I'd like to see Reed in the slot and Johnson out wide. Also Feed Lynch the ball 20 - 25 times.

  4. Just to admit here, I'd've went with Holcolmb over JP if he wasn't 33-34 years old and physically unable to throw mid-long passes. You can't/shouldn't build a franchise around someone in the twilight.


    TE has hit a bit of a sophomore slump.... but even in the losses I can see that he has good fundamentals. Early on Monday, well, sh-- happens sometimes and there will be days like that. What's more telling to me is that 15-20yard laser he put to Royal with ~1:30 left. Kid finally got it together with time to win and then the coaches went into a shell.

    I strongly agree

  5. Did enough to win??!! This was a home game on primetime tv and we have been fumbling and stumbling the last few games! If you are willing for mediocrity then THAT'S exactly what you'll get OR less and that's exactly what we got, LESS!

    Mediocrity is exactly what I expect out of this coaching staff. The conservative approach is getting real old and might I say real predictable. Even the announcers knew they were going to run the ball to set up for the field goal. If Ralph wants a winning team then some heads should start to roll.

  6. The Case for Dick:


    My worldview is starkly different from some of the posters here at TSW. I know this because my continuing support of Dick Jauron is met with sharp, nasty opposition. Whatever, nobody here has any say, and very few people (if any) know what ACTUALLY happens during the VAST majority of time this team spends together at practice, during games, in film sessions, in the weight room, in the locker room, and when they're not at work. Let's face it, most of our "knowledge" about this team comes from the same collection of media and personal sources, we all pretty much get the same scoop, but what it IS fed to us, is a tiny TINY glimpse at what actually happens with this team.


    I also know that many TSW posters don't share my opinion because I like to haunt PPP. For those who stay away from THAT blood bath, here's what you need to know: I'm 24 years old- therefore, FUNDAMENTALLY, I don't shlt about shlt. In all seriousness, that's probably a fair assessment, when it comes to matters of wisdom and mental soundness, what could I POSSIBLY have over a person twice my age? Still hasn't stopped me from being a total smartass, but that's beside the point! ;)


    My personal arrogance, and naivete aside, I'm not a TOTAL dummy. I went to a good school, got good grades, and can effectively put a thought together. You might say, when it comes to powers of the mind, by all assessments, and especially by comparison to folks my age, I'm at least above average.


    So here's what I know:


    Dick Jauron, 58 graduated with distinction from Yale University. He is the only football player in Yale history to achieve first-team all-Ivy three times. He played in 100 NFL games, and was named to the Pro Bowl his rookie season as a punt returner. He has coached in the NFL for 23 consecutive years, nearly my entire life span.


    They average NFL player has masterful skill at his position, and has worked very hard his entire life. Dick Jauron, included.


    The average NFL player has dealt with the pressures of fame and accelerated maturity since college and even high school. The average NFL player is fairly wealthy, but more importantly to this argument, thrust into money quickly, forcing certain responsibilities to evolve MUCH faster than they do for us normies. The average NFL player can afford to and does hire people to worry about these things for him, publicists, accountants, attorneys, et al.


    The average NFL player is about 26 or 27 years old, a few years older than me, but just on the cusp of that "dumb ass" zone some of you old balls keep reminding me about. The average NFL player is also not INCREDIBLY intelligent. This can be accredited to a lot of things: lack of education, never being held academically accountable, coming from a poor environment, to name a few. They're not all bozos, but for the most part, what they exhibit in terms of maturity and responsibility, is sometimes offset by what they lack in brains. I think we all appreciate the efforts of Jauron and Co. to seek out the brightest of the bunch, as evident by the guys they've brought in, but even some of those guys fall considerably shy of genius. Let's not rehash some of the events of the offseason.


    So to review:


    Dick Jauron: intelligent, experienced.


    Me: smart [ass], but only 24, so an idiot at heart.


    Average NFL Player: Quite young, has earned more swagger than the average Joe, may be not as smart as Joe (or Dick).


    Now since my age informs my naivete and overall "cluelessness" before all other things, please consider the following about the players who are key in helping Dick Jauron achieve his professional goals:


    Two years younger than me

    Steve Johnson

    Marshawn Lynch


    One year younger than me

    James Hardy

    Donte Whitner

    Derek Schouman

    Leodis McKelvin

    Paul Posluszny


    Less than one year older than me

    Keith Ellison

    Reggie Corner

    Trent Edwards

    Ko Simpson

    Brad Butler


    One year older than me

    Kyle Williams



    The mistakes our team has made during this streak are dumbass mistakes that immature, dumb ass players make- turnovers, stupid penalties, etc. And just about ALL the players named above are in their first or second years in the league.


    When it comes to trusting who- between our young players and our seasoned coach- is more prepared on Sunday, and has a better grasp of what it takes to win an NFL football game, I trust Jauron, for the same reason I trust that all you old farts are right to tell me to buzz off and come back when I get a clue! :worthy:

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