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Everything posted by Gisele

  1. He's great in space but he gets overpowered by linemen when he gets to the line.
  2. He didn't launch and he tried to lead with his shoulder. The receiver was as much to blame as he was. So yes, he will be fined.
  3. Wow. I am really beginning to like Mayock.
  4. Ha! I read this fast and initially thought it said he went through miles of crack.
  5. A lot of them get small signing bonuses and had a small salary during camp. They made more in a couple months than I make all year. You're right, they didn't get rich but they should be okay.
  6. Hopefully we won't need either of them on offense so it may come down to who's better on special teams (and I don't have the answer to that one)
  7. Who cares. Watch games and form your own opinions. Don't let someone else's opinions ruin your day.
  8. IS the CBS issue with DTV going to blackout games on Sunday Ticket? Half of the games are on CBS.
  9. Called around midnight (east coast). Got a really nice person with a good sense of humor. Told them I paid full price last year and any financial assistance would be appreciated. She looked at my account and said she could give me the $40 a month for a year and $18 a month for six months. I was in complete shock how easy it was. She actually accidentally doubled my discounts and I caught it on my account while she was still on the phone. I didn't want to be greedy so I told her she gave me too much. She thanked me for my honesty and said she fixed it but my account still shows $96 off this month. In 20+ years of DTV this was by far the best experience I've had. Maybe the late at night call helps. Who knows.
  10. Just got my bill and Sunday Ticket was already added. I called DTV and in a very lighthearted manner complained that they took away my opportunity to haggle with them this year. The person I spoke with laughed and gave it to me completely free! No arguing, threatening or haggling. Now that I look at it, I got more than free. She gave me $40 off a month for a year and $18 off a month for six months. Now might be a good time to call.
  11. Some of the longtime posters on here take this message board way too seriously. I'm pretty sure Astro was just a tad (actually a lot) more mature than them and was tired of the weird/petty banter.
  12. Maybe white nationalist groups should start wearing Kaepernick shirts.
  13. I've typed several posts but deleted them before I hit reply. You can't say anything anymore without offending someone (and I wouldn't want to do that).
  14. I make my own helmets and play with colors. It gets boring making the same old helmet every time. Sometimes you swing and miss.
  15. I have this logo on a helmet and I love it. I'm at work and don't have a picture.
  16. He also said the Lakers were going to win the West. The man obviously knows his sports.
  17. Drink a lot. Same as yesterday, today, tomorrow....
  18. I really hope this happens
  19. Away game at Foxboro in Dec. Scored great lower level seats from a friend who's a Patriots season ticket holder. He says I can have these seats every year. And I'll also be at the preseason Carolina game.
  20. I was thinking the same thing.
  21. Some people are just this way. Ignore them. To me, the season officially starts when the schedule is released. Can't wait. Already have great seats lined up for the game in Foxboro. Just have to pounce on a hotel room when the schedule comes out.
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