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Posts posted by Gisele

  1. To win in this league you have to be able to make adjustments during the game. Belichik will counter any "game plan" we have and make adjustments accordingly, DURING the game. Jauron will tell us in the post game conference that we weren't prepared for what they did, what a great team the Patriots, what a great coach Belichik is and how we'll get back to work on Monday.


    Guys and gals, if I'm wrong, please feel free to rip me a new one after the game. But please, wait until after the game. As much as I hate talking trash about my Bills, this has been Jauron's MO.

  2. Whatever......hopefully our coaching staff can make some smarter decisions in the future

    Let's just face it, the Jets were the better team today. They had a better coach, quarterback, running back, d-line, o-line and secondary. And I'm pretty sure they've got us on cheerleaders too (I don't think they have cheerleaders.) Let's just hope we can learn from these awful games and be competitive through January.

  3. Why isn't he making more plays? You would think that with all of the single man coverage that he recieved totay going up against a 5-11 4th round draft pick that he would have at least made some plays today. Wouldn't yah!!!!!

    I think you said enough when you put "James Hardy?."

  4. You're so wrong it's not even funny.

    Trent is fine. I truly believe that if the offense was opened up a little he would shine. I'm not saying we should throw deep ten times a game, but an occassional end around, half back pass or a throw to a tackle eligible would make me happy. Hell, just run a hurry up every now and again. It really isn't that hard.

  5. We obviously have receivers covered deeper-as we get very few long pass route completions (not talking about yards after the catch)...but the constant "ramming the run" seems useless. Never any holes to break though. At least pitching the ball out to Lynch and Jackson gives them some field of vision to use- as opposed to viewing some lineman's fat ass. Let these guys get defenders 1-1 on the outside! Any decent success forces safeties up and gets our receivers 1-1 coverage. Why is the wildcat working? these 220 pound guys have a head of steam and a couple more yards in front of them to make a move! Without a running game- we are destined to let Trent keep getting sacked. 5 Times today? We are going backwards here. Lets get the freaking predicitbility out of the playcalling!

    I couldn't agree with you more. Why did they continue to run right at Jenkins?

  6. I've been reading the usual forum overreactions.


    Trent is the same a JP.


    Fire Jauron.


    Ralph Wilson is killing us.


    blah blah blah.


    It's the typical 1hr after a loss stuff.


    I don't blame Trent at all really. he still converted 63% of his 3rd downs.


    But NO QB is gonna have success when your run game average 1.8 yards. Oline is shoddy in pass blocking at your D is not making tackles to stop teams and take the pressure off the O.


    I'm not saying he didn't make a bad decision on the 1st INT.


    But about halfway through the 2nd Q the Jets realized they didn't need to fear our run game at all and just started teeing off in the pass rush. No QB is gonna have success in these circumstances.


    Our run game needs to be fixed ASAP. I think that means firing McNally.


    Our big expensive OL is getting dominated weekly now. I don't know what happened to Peters, and that needs fixing. And the C-RG spots might need fixing as well.


    But our blocking schemes are terrible and the line opens NOTHING up for Lynch and Jackson. WHich leads to Trent having to pass against all out pass D's.


    Should we fire Wade Phillips too?

  7. I'm no football expert, but sitting on the couch today after zero preparation for this game, I was able to predict if we were running or passing on most of the plays. Could it be that the Jets coaches who do this for a living were able to that too? Have you noticed how there is little running room for the Bills backs and that the LOS is usually jammed with defenders outnumbering the number of blockers? I'd guess that the Bills offense is a bit predictable. One positive was more use of the tight end today.


    On defense, the Bills did rush and extra player here and there and had some success with that. It sure looks to me like the coaches are not willing to commit the 5th or 6th rusher very often. Getting pressure with this front 4 is wishful thinking. With Schobel there is better pressure, but even then it's marginal.



    You beat me to this one. My brother and I joke during all of the games how easy it is to predict the plays from the couch. Why would they run right at Jenkins on 4th and 1?

  8. Umm....gameplan was fine. We win with a decent o-line and without TE throwing pick-6's in the redzone.



    What was the gameplan? I know what the Jets wanted to do. I know what the Dolphins wanted to do. I could tell what the Chargers were trying. Do you see where I'm going with this? Teams we play seem able to attack our weaknesses but we never attack theirs.

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