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Everything posted by Gisele

  1. I would send him a certified letter with your intentions. If you continue to call him he can take out charges against you for harrassment. Keep his information forever. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  2. Actually, yes I am.
  3. good one
  4. Did the NFL layoffs affect the Bills store? I've been trying to contact someone there for about a half an hour and can't get anyone to pick up the phone. Nevermind, this is what I should expect from this organization.
  5. Why the hell didn't we even try to throw deep to end the first half? With nine seconds to go it is very possible to get a pass interference call and move us into field goal range. Does Coach Dick have any balls? If you take away that meaningless carry for Lynch he only carried the ball twelve times...TWELVE FRIGGIN TIMES. JAURON, YOU ABSOLUTELY SUCK AT YOUR JOB. I'm sure your a nice guy though. Let's get a beer sometime.
  6. I will you drive up from NC and drink with you guys if this grows. Keep spreading this around and we'll see what happens.
  7. #1 on my Christmas wish list.
  8. thanks, so I'll take that as a maybe not.
  9. Seriously, I just got home from work and guys I work with had heard different reports. I did some searching but still haven't seen anything. Has anyone given any solid confirmation either way.
  10. They haven't even played a game this month! That's respect.
  11. I have heard mixed reports and I would really like to know.
  12. at the Bills Store for 42 minutes and counting. The radio broadcasts being replayed from previous games have me even more pissed off.
  13. A lot of us have been bitching about the use of time outs. I am of the belief that early in the 2nd half, when a quarterback walks to the line of scrimmage late, looks at the play clock and realizes time is running down, TAKE THE PENALTY!!! You can always get the five yards back but you will never, EVER, get your time out back. Time outs are precious and should not be wasted.
  14. Awesome post! I need a beer now.
  15. Take away the indoor training facility. What good is home field advantage in Nov. and Dec. if our guys don't know how to play in cold weather either?
  16. I know it sounds weird. Between the tackles he's a beast, but when the play stretches outside he almost always goes for the sideline. I don't even blame Marchawn for this. If we were an organization with some leadership this would have only happened once. John Gruden once said that it is "highly discouraged" for a player to run out of bounds.
  17. O-line sucks AND, when given the option, he chooses to run out of bounds instead of lowering his shoulder. I have yet to see a running back break a tackle out of bounds. However, when coached properly, that can be fixed.
  18. Seriously, where the hell is the press conference?
  19. Edwards shouldn't be relied on that much yet. We potentially have a stud running back but can't seem to get anything going in the running game. Why the hell do we try to run between the tackles so much? Why don't we run a toss sweep? Why not a screen? If we're all thinking this why isn't Coach Dick asking Turk to mix things up a bit. Our backs should touch the ball forty times a game.
  20. That's what's so frustrating. It's seems so simple to fix this thing but this coach is proving weekly that he's not capable of doing it. My God, this isn't rocket surgery.
  21. Agreed. This isn't about the players. We have as much talent as any other team, we're just not using them correctly.
  22. OK Dick, that's the difference between us and a team like the Patriots. They only matched up better because they are coached better. If you think like that, the patsies won the game before it started. Also, I don't recall any of my posts where I blamed a player. Maybe I should.
  23. Just promote April to Co-Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills and put Dick in the locker room during games.
  24. This is not meant to be a personal attack of Dick. However, in my opinion, he absolutely sucks at his job.
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