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  1. ​This board has the semblance of a Shakespeare play - I come to bury Cassel, not to praise him! I kinda like it!
  2. Well, Fred Jackson was called "Fred Taylor" last week in the Philadelphia/Delco press.... The workhorse I guess I could see the similiarities, but to me, truly an example of lazy journalism. Don't these guys get a media book, or something before they write this stuff?
  3. This was my thought EXACTLY...Mr WEO, that is some scary Nostradamus magic there!
  4. I'm listening to WIP (Philly Sports radio)two days ago and they were hopeful to land Jauron as their Defensive Coordinator here for the Eagles. Had to chuckle to my self over that one. They were complaining about how the iggles D was too timid and not attacking under Sean McDermott (their former DC), and Jauron is a well-respected Defensive Mind. Man, I almost drove off the road. They don't know what they don't know.
  5. Now all we need is a season next year....
  6. Well, who's she getting ready to greet? scruffy hair... side burns... boat shoes.... possibly a glove on the right hand.... could it possibly be... TRENT EDWARDS????
  7. Do you mean we get the pleasure of another "Hoe-Down Press Conference"????.....yee-haw! Setup the podium and pass the moonshine to Sully!!!
  8. I think as further prmotion, we add to this string of reasoning that your NEXT job (after you are fired in year 3 of your contract) will be VERY nice! The Job here in Buffalo became instant resume fodder for: Triple G - landed gig with Redskins which paid him more than he was making as HC, now making more as DC for Saints Mike Mularky - okay, first job out was as coordinator for Dolphins, BUT is doing quite well with Falcons! Wade Phillips - Head Coach in Dallas Heck, there has even been talk of DJ landing a nice DC job! Yep, Buffalo is like a tour of duty in a hostile environment. People look at that on the ol' resume and say, "whoa, you worked in Buffalo???" "God Bless ya! Your Hired!" Of course, it probably helps to wear a tuxedo during the interview as well....
  9. Dude, Santa KNOWS when you're lying....
  10. I like the pickup reminds me of another guy that WE gave up on who is playing better in his second coming....Mr. Anthony Hargrove (disclaimer: watched him play one game, but it was important... NE vs. NO)
  11. Looking at this from a business standpoint, Buffalo is a good contributor (Operating Income as a percentage of Revenue for year). If I buy this team (wish I could...) there is no way I move it. Buffalo is number nine in percent of contribution in the league, given my revenue "opportunity". If I were to move, I would need to think of adding capital cost (new stadium) plus "good will" expenses that I would need to eat (losing a fan base and trying to win a new fan base cost $$$) could get VERY expensive along the way. Why in the heck would I want to upset the apple cart when I am making one of the most "efficient" profits in the NFL? Sure, revenue drives a lot of things along the way, but Ralph has obviously done a great job making the "buffalo ride the nickel" when it comes to making his dollars work well for himself and the franchise....that is, when it comes to making profit...
  12. Don't normally jump into these things, just normally read, but the Pink references are irresistable. How about this paraphrased one?: "The evidence, before the court is in-contro-vertable there's no need for the jury to retire..." "The way you've made them suffer, your pathetic wife and mother fills me with the urge to defacate!" Does anyone know the rest of this? I was in a bad place a long time ago when I used to listen to this stuff, on continuous loop and have not touched the LPs this music was on in about 20 plus years....need to buy a record player and dust them off, just concerned about the effect on my kids, should they over-hear it! As far as the thread topic...He's stayin', and we are prayin' for a break in the clouds that will not be coming until the end of the season, and then probably still, whatever coordinator is hired (and yes, I can't see Ralph paying for an established coach) will need to defuse the time-bombs that have been set by this regime...for about two years...
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