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Everything posted by muffmonster

  1. That sucks I hear they are down again this morning, but back to work for me today....Three friends and myself played 19 hours between Tuesday evening and Yesterday completing the game on normal. I think our time is inflated as we tried to max explore, and spent a lot of time waiting on each other in town. Only issues i've had have been the server outages. Hopefully that gets squared away soon. Level 32 Monk right now.
  2. Cool I'll add you. I'm an idiot and really wanted to have the Collector Edition. Amazon is generally great about getting release date delivery, but I it doesn't look like they will make it this time. The plan was to have it when i get home from work today, play through the night and have tomorrow off of work. I am going to download the game from Blizzard and either send the boxed copy back or sell it on ebay. Right now the Collectors Edition is going for upwards of 200 bucks. Don't have any characters yet, but my battle tag = muffmonster#1122.
  3. +1 Good location and good people. Show up early it fills up fast.
  4. Street name is special K.
  5. From and currently live in North Central (Coudersport) PA, about 100 miles south of Buffalo.
  6. Agreed, but as we've seen last year you can't hit Welker. He is so small and ducks into hits that it will always be penalty on the defensive player. Can't remember who it was (Byrd maybe) who got a penalty last year for tackling Welker cleanly.
  7. They added experience for completing quest in Diablo III. Diablo III no longer has skill points. You do gain new abilities as you level. You still kind of pick a direction or skill tree and augment it as you level up. The nice thing though is you can change your skills on the fly. You are not locked into anything. They had an open beta a few weekends ago and I played each character up to level 10 or so. You can definitely see the WoW influence in the game, but all in all it is still a Diablo point and click killing fest. Can't wait until next Tuesday.
  8. One week until release. Anyone else taking of next Wednesday to play?
  9. Eric is my favorite player. Unsung hero, and it was very evident how important he is to our offense once he went down last year. Dude has just been unlucky. Hope he can play the whole season for us this year, and continue his career as a Buffalo Bill. I like my Wood jersey.
  10. I think you mean Mr Mackey....mmmmk
  11. I was planning on making Cleveland my first Bills away game as it is almost as close to me as Buffalo. I have a friend who lives in the area so accommodations would be good enough. He is telling me though that their fans are anything but friendly to other teams fans. Anyone have any experience with Browns fans? But really it sounds like a lot of us would be making the trip, so maybe it would be close to a home game atmosphere anyways.
  12. That is why I don't want a new stadium. The Ralph has such a unique game day experience which would go away with a move into the city. I'm sure the Ralph needs and can use some upgrades but for me it is just fine as it is. I can watch football, get a beer and nachos, and use a the restroom when needed. I don't want a mall atmosphere with shops and restaurants.
  13. In your backfield killin all your dudes?
  14. I'd take Tebow in place of Thigpen any day.
  15. Exactly my thought. Wallace's strength is his break away speed. Do you think Fitz will be hitting him in stride down the field? I like Wallace and I like Fitz, but I just don't see this making sense.
  16. I've been pre-ordered and ready to roll.
  17. The thought of Manning and Brady twice a year is just not fair. I actually like Manning so it would be weird having him in the hated Dolphins uniform. Even if Manning is 70% his old self he will be a top 5 QB.
  18. How'd you pull that off already? I was told I have to wait until April or so to upgrade.
  19. I noticed both the Anehiem and San Jose games there was a great amount of Buffalo fans representing. It was great to see. That and Miller playing like a monster.
  20. You can't go wrong with Dales or any beers from Oskar Blues. Caldera makes some amazing beers all in a can, but very hard to come by in these parts.
  21. Really a sad state of affairs as the only positives after a lackluster Bills season is watching the Sabres. I really don't have much desire to watch them anymore. Thank god I recorded last nights game instead of watching live. We watched until it was 4-2, then just fast forwarded at 3x speed and kept watching as the score continued to climb. They only play one period a game so I guess it is better to be in the first instead of making you watch the whole game. That was pathetic. Will certainly be interesting to see what they do with this team.
  22. Pretty sure that is Vince Wilfork's wife. They had some segment on him and his family prior to the game and I'm pretty sure that was her.
  23. Thank you for that. I have not heard of Pretty Lights, but so far what I'm hearing is pretty good beats.
  24. Just so we understand that speed is not the only or most important trait of a running back. Fred has good hands, good vision, can pass protect, and very rarely goes down on the first hit. To me all more important then being able to run fast. We already have Spiller as our change of pace, or speed back.
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