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Posts posted by muffmonster

  1. Rick Jeanerett just announced he will do all of the Sabres games this coming season...says the decrease in back to backs made the schedule easier for him...missed the game a bit more than he anticipated last year, when he was off...excited about the season! :thumbsup:


    Just heard that, excellent news!

  2. Making fun of Pittsburgh fans is, in my opinion, pretty ridiculous in itself. There are plenty of bandwagon fans out there; Pittsburgh is as solid a fan base as you will find. But maybe that's just me.


    Agreed about their core fanbase, but all their success over the last decade has allowed for the casual uninformed bandwagon jumpers to join the Steelers crusade. People who know nothing about the team, but will vehemently defend their team with the "6 rings" quote regardless of the argument. I have spent the majority of my life in PA surrounded by Steelers fans, so maybe my view is a little skewed.

  3. Fenueil Hall is a very neat location as already suggested, and if I remember correctly they have a cheers bar within the commons there. Obviously not the original and probably not worth checking out.


    Cambridge is also a neat area to walk around. Recommend the Sam Adams brewery tour as well if you are into that thing. It is a bit out of the city, but you can also stop by an old Irish Pub that was in the move Blown Away (don't remember the name).

  4. Just a humble question....


    If Brady were selected by the Bills in 2000, due to the coaching/regime changes of the past 12 seasons...would he have gotten a chance to start and/or still even be in the league?


    You could counter that saying if Brady were selected by the Bills in 2000 would there have been so many coaching/regime changes?

  5. Wow. First time I've really seen video of the guy. He's a monster. Don't understand why he wasn't resigned by the Pats. At the end of the day if he was our big offseason move our offseason would have been considered a success. But we got Super Mario as our huge signing. This guy is an afterthought and I don't think he should be or will be forgotten. I know it's a highlight film so it's inky those perfect plays that he has but wow.


    That is exactly what I was thinking when I watched the video. He looks quick and kept fighting to get to the qb or ball runner.

  6. NFL Network is doing something called 32 in 32, tonight is the Bills at 7:00 EST. I haven't watched any of the other teams so I don't know if its any good, but thought I would pass it along..


    Went on DirecTV's web guide as i was going to set it to record, but they have NFL Total Access listed.

  7. I have all the books and started reading through the first after season 1 ended. Not much of a reader though, so I never finished. My wife read into book three but said it kind of ruined the show as they change some of the details.


    I'm just going to ride out the HBO series, as hard as it is to now have to wait until March 2013.

  8. Just locked up a group of 21 for the Bills game in Cleveland!


    There's very few tickets left, and I asked where the rest are going (aside from their 60,000 STHs), the woman in the box office said, "You guys really travel well, all of the calls I get are Bills fans bringing groups."


    Made me feel proud to be a Bills fan for sure.


    On another note, anyone have any suggestions for reasonably priced hotels in the city of Cleveland? Thanks!


    If you don't mind me asking where you sitting? I plan on making The trip and it would be nice to be near other Bills fans. Haven't purchased my tickets yet and wasn't sure where to sit.

  9. I am a collector of collections, or a hoarder not sure which.


    I collected Sports Cards as a kid, everything from Baseball, Basketball, Football, and NASCAR. I also have my father's card collection, bunch of old farts like Carl Yestremski, and Mikey Mantle.


    Moved on to comic books in my teen years and still have a sizable collection.


    Through my years growing up I have also built a small gun collection of around 15 guns. I may shoot my glock every couple months, but for the most part they sit collecting dust apart from deer season.


    My nerd persona collects lego star wars sets (about 15), as well as collectors editions of my favorite video games and random figurines.


    Most recently i've been spending my money on home theater gear. Just upgrading a piece here and there.

  10. Yup.

    Showed up at 830 and was 6th in line. Was able to pick up:

    2 for the Stl Louis game section 121

    4 for the Pats game section 220

    3 for the Miami game section 220

    3 for the Tennesse game section 121


    weren't many options to get lower than any of those. Or closer to my section (123). I overheard other people having issues finding tix in the lower bowl in a few games. Don't know the games or the sections but I constantly heard the lower bowl was slim pickins.


    Hope this helps for everyones info.


    Oh, and I saw a few Bills and Chris Brown at the field house well I was there. Some Bill drives a badass Audi R8 that's all black with black and chrome rims. Looked like Merriman but couldn't tell. Dude was jacked tho. Anyone have any idea who that was?


    I tried to call in at 9am and the phones rang busy. Went online using the account manager and best I could do for 2 tickets was section 320 for the home opener. I was able to get 2 tickets for the Tennessee game in my section 116. Certainly appears the offseason moves have generated a lot more interest in Bill's tickets then previous years.

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