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Everything posted by muffmonster

  1. That is pretty much every 3rd down pass play, I remember that happening more then once.
  2. Watching the game was a lot like seeing a horrific accident, my memory is a little splotchy. That being said I do not remember seeing either a draw or designed screen pass. Plenty of checkdowns, and half of those weren't even done successfully.
  3. I guess the most obvious would be the epic punt return that wasn't meant to be. Did everyone else feel a turnover coming when the Brown's punt was skidding on the ground and Roscoe started to go for it?
  4. A true fan wants what is best for their team/organization. It is obvious that Jauron and company need to go, and if losing to the Browns makes that happen quicker all the better. Personally I will not cheer for the Browns, but I want them to win this game.
  5. He got me too lol. I was too young to remeber that thing, I am completely confused by the context of a green weenie and football.
  6. Complete silence would "speak" the loudest in my opinion.
  7. That is awesome.......
  8. True, I didn't think of it that way as well.
  9. I can understand Levy backing his decision at that time, but after 3 years watching Jauron stink up Buffalo I would think he would admit the mistake.
  10. Exactly, I am a little worried that we actually win resulting in more Jauron football.
  11. I would like to see Fitz in there just to see how it goes. I really don't expect anything different, but lets find out. That being said I sit next to a Bengals fan and he calls Fitz noodle arm, and says that Fitz checks down even more then Edwards.
  12. Jauron explained that the weather was HOT.
  13. It is funny he puts up lame ducks when throwing down field, but when he checks down half the time he absolutely whips the ball at poor Freddy or Lynch. Maybe just tell him it is opposite day?
  14. I can see the resemblance for sure, but the big difference is Klein shows emotion where as Jauron is a corpse. I am sure there is no way that Jauron has a Roy Orbison tattoo on his rear either.
  15. Making out with a rusty fish hook.
  16. From the article: Brady, however, said, "Are you kidding me? We're holding the ball, we're unprotected, just sitting there defenseless, so they've got to stay away from me. They deserve to get flagged." Does that not make him sound like a little girl? I don't think a QB should be allowed to be tee'd off on, but seriously for him to say "they've got to stay away from me."
  17. I like how every other game you see on TV they show the coach on the sidelines going over the Polaroids with the Defense, and QBs, you know strategizing and making adjustments. Have you ever seen this happening with Jauron?
  18. I would say the only comparison would be the ugly interceptions each threw this week on a quick sideline pattern.
  19. We did get that really cool super slow mo Red Zone Channel commercial of Nelson diving in for a touchdown. When was the last time you saw a commercial featuring a Bills play not getting embarrassed?
  20. So if the Bill's offense is dumbed down to a sub-NFL level now and Trent can't seem to operate it, then how much worse would Trent look running a real NFL offense. If he can't handle the very basics of timing patterns, comebacks, over the middle throws, and hitting a receiver in stride then he is not and NFL QB.
  21. I didn't turn it off, but I left the room midway into the 4th quarter. Surprised I made it that long.
  22. He looked like a deer in headlights. On the plays he actually had time he would take one look at a WR and immediatley whip it over to checkdown. A couple times almost getting Freddy killed. Trent is way to obvious any more, my god try a pump fake or something. I watch the games on TV so I can't really tell, are our receivers that inept at getting open?
  23. I am sure he wasn't saying that as a purposeful digg on the Bills, but it certainly doesn't make us look good in the national media. We are good enough at doing that ourselves.
  24. Yah that is big talk......I would assume after 4 more quarters their defense would be as gassed as ours was and give up a big play.
  25. Anyone have any in site as to whether I should play Fred Jackson or Ronnie Brown? Thanks
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