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Everything posted by muffmonster

  1. Williams was a beast today. The few times I saw Arthur Moates out there he was pressuring the QB.
  2. I'm with you on that I think freezing the kicker like that is for wimps. Thing is it is a legal move in the NFL and does work.
  3. I really wished for a couple more runs when we were down in there. To be honest my butt puckered every time I saw Fitz release the ball when we got into range. I also kinda like the go for the throat attitude with the play calling. We just choked....like 3 or 4 different times.
  4. He also put together several good drives in the second half that allowed us to even be in that game. His interception was flat out horrible. Buffalo had it's chances and failed as a team.
  5. So one dropped pass completely negates the last 4 solid games he's played? Understandably we can't get too carried away and start anointing him the next Jerry Rice. Can't we all just enjoy the fact that just maybe one of our recent draft picks may pan out to be successful contributor to the Bills team and enjoy the ride?
  6. Recent games would be God of War 3, and Uncharted 2. Uncharted 2 was last years Game of the year, and is one of the most visually stunning games I've ever seen and obviously fun to play as well. Upcoming releases include Little Big Planet 2, Gran Turismo 5, and Killzone 3. It is all personal preference as the XBox has Gears, Mass Effect (2 is coming out of PS3), Fable and Halo.
  7. Early on it was up in the air as to which media was going to be the next generation of HD media Blu-Ray vs HDDVD. The PS3 was way expensive when it came out, and couple that with the fact it had very few exclusives it could not sell like the XBox. I think the PS3 is just now coming into maturity as it's prices have dropped and they are really releasing some exclusives that would cause someone to go PS3 vs XBox.
  8. I am worried as well that Fitzmagic is too good to be true. Maybe just because I'm a Bills fan, but I am always looking to be disappointed.
  9. PS3 has the Move, which is pretty darn sweet I might say. Haven't read much about the Kinect, and I think it is a neat idea, but there are no buttons! That really limits what you can do, like no arcade shooters. I think the systems are pretty equal, each have their pluses and minuses, and there is not a clear winner in the eternal debate of PS3 vs XBox as it comes down to personal preference. I'm into home theaters so I love that the PS3 has blu-ray, and consider the orig XBox 360 didn't even have built in HDMI (WTF). They didn't even include built in wireless until the most recent XBox release. So at the time I made my purchase the XBox wasn't even a decision as it didn't have HDMI, wireless, and you have to pay to play online.
  10. People make is sound like Nelson was palming the ball out in front of his face....he had the ball wrapped up pretty good. But when your feet aren't on the ground and Lewis is allowed to dig in and get leverage I don't think anyone holds that ball.
  11. I'm a bad fan, I gave up after the first half. I know the bills all to well, history repeats itself over and over. Annnd queue interception.
  12. It is the truth, BUT absolutely stupid "rules" don't help either.
  13. My thoughts exactly, the rule is the rule, but it is absolutely retarded.
  14. Our Defense really depresses me.....
  15. I am confused why Fitz hasn't even been hurried once this game....Ravens are a top tier defense, it can't be just because Green isn't playing can it?
  16. Why didn't we rush out there and run a play real quick....so no challenge could be had?
  17. This is the point of the game where Buffalo gives us a glimpse of hope.
  18. Could you say Fitz technically caught his own pass?
  19. Haha that is a good one. I was hoping this to be the year we finally beat Cleveland. To me it just seems the bottom dwellers of old that I used to pity have all improved.
  20. I know when I first looked at our schedule there were what I thought to be 3 or 4 guaranteed wins in; chiefs, Jags, Lions, and the Browns. At this point I don't know who we can beat.
  21. I watched that tailgate battle as well. I wasn't as impressed with this years, it seemed more like a regular iron chef type battle, because most of the food wasn't tailgate food. Per Sho.com they replay the episodes THURSDAY 4PM ET/PT SHOWTIME FRIDAY 6PM ET/PT SHOWTIME FRIDAY 10PM ET/PT SHO2 SATURDAY 7PM ET/PT SHOWTIME SUNDAY 8AM ET/PT SHOWTIME
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