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Posts posted by muffmonster

  1. We SHOULD win this week. I just want to go to bed Sunday night not in the worst mood.


    Crazy how Sunday's outcomes affect my Monday. After some of those great comeback wins I'd roll into work with a swing in my step. After last Saturday's Sabres turd of a game, and then the Bills crapfest on Sunday I was miserable the next day at work.

  2. Like the previous posters said, they haven't used the bunch recently. The longer the season has gone on, the more this offense has been looking like the vanilla Trent Edwards era.


    This week, I'd have practiced the Spiller deep pass play (they missed on against Dallas) and attempt to nail it on the first play of the Miami game. Fitzpatrick needs it, Spiller needs it, Jackson needs it, the whole team needs it. The team needs to open things up and make defenses cover the whole field again.

    But sadly like Jauron, head coach Gailey is probably afraid to give them another chance with that play. Gailey has turned into Dick Jauron and it's disgusting.


    I can kinda agree we have become somewhat predictable. Definitely not Jauron like though, instead of the obvious QB sneak or short pass on 3rd or 4th and short we send bombs 20 yards down the field.

  3. Obviously i'm a fan of the Bills and the NFL in general. I went to PSU (not main campus), so I'll watch them play a few games a year. I do watch some of the bowl games as well. I enjoy Sabres hockey, but don't watch any other NHL games if it isn't the Sabres. Other then that maybe winter Olympics Curling.

  4. If we don't get pressure on Matt Moore he will look like Brady. We are good at allowing marginal talent to shine, on the other team obviously. Who's lining up against Brandon Marshall?


    My excitement for this game has turned to dread after our last two outings. I really hope Gailey figures out an offense and gets the boys ready to come out and pound the fish.

  5. The Patriots defense is even worse than ours but you know what, they actually have a NFL caliber coaching staff that creates game plans around specific teams they play. The Bills are getting worse and worse every week and there are no answers. Hey, I expected 3 wins tops this year so the fact that they gave me a half of season is great. The sad fact remains that my expectations are so pathetically low for this team that this season has already been deemed successful in my eyes.....The painful part is that they actually got my hopes up and had me thinking playoffs which was my fault to begin with...


    The Sabres (oddly enough), are the the ones who make me sick to my stomach this morning. If I was Miller, I would directly call out my team and not worry about any backlash...What a CRAPPY sports weekend!


    I was thinking the same thing last night watching the Pats defense get pressure and make Sanchez look like the QB he really is, crap. They have injuries all over the place, and other then Wilfork they are pretty much no name. The difference is clearly coaching, game planning, and putting your players in the right places to make plays.

  6. Indeed, foot in mouth there. That was the best deep ball I've seen Fitz through. It wasn't short of the target, and it wasn't thrown off his back foot for once.


    Too bad our receivers suck (this time a RB heh).



    I'll agree with you though, generally Fitz's long ball is ugly.


    Awesome call on the 4th down, we only need two yards, lets go for the endzone.

  7. If put on the field in blitzing situations, he would be no worse than Arthur Moats. Another guy Bills fans fell in love with for no reason. But the point is, not that Maybin would have saved the day, but what the hell was the point of cutting him? What was the net negative that he had on this squad? Who the hell did we keep over him than is performing better than he is? Those are the questions you need to ask.


    Just saying, "I'm glad he's not on the roster b/c I don't like him as a player" isn't enough.


    We can certainly agree to disagree on this one. He did nothing as a Bill, and wasn't even good enough for special teams.

  8. Bills fans are typically delusional over the fact that sometimes they are wrong in their judgments of former players who go on to excel at other teams. Maybin hasn't necessarily excelled, but if you don't think he is playing well for the Jets than you aren't watching. Time to own up.


    Nah i'm good glad he is gone, and not owning up to anything. Do you actually think he would be contributing on this team?

  9. I always geek out to a "DTS" logo...I had no idea they had games with a DTS track...that is badass!


    As much as I love the newer lossless formats even more, I still love the audio on my Saving Private Ryan DTS DVD. The first twenty mins of that movie on my audio rig will leave you shaking.


    I've always loved the beach landing scene, and use that as my measuring stick when I get new components.


    If your setup leaves you shaking with Saving Private Ryan, then BF3 will leave you needing to change your shorts.

  10. the problem with being an audiophile is that sometimes we get so caught up in gear that we forget to just sit back and enjoy the music, too! lol.


    I'm not a huge gamer, but when I picked up an xbox 360 a couple years ago and started playing GTA IV, I was really impressed with the sound quality. It added a lot to the gaming experience.


    EA/Dice do an absolute amazing job with their sound (Bad Company 2 was amazing as well). The sound of the weapons, explosions, and jets screeching above makes for a very immersive experience. My only complaint is the game is 5.1 channel output. I just learned to turn off Dolby on the PS3 so it pushes PCM to my receiver, and then have the receiver push DTS in 7.1. Wow what a difference.

  11. Same here. I have a tube preamp that I love for music, but it has a bypass on it where I can use my s/s gear for HT. Well, my amps are hybrid amps, so they aren't entirely s/s, but you get the idea.


    Keep the DeVore line in the back of your mind if you ever get a chance to listen and/or if in the market for a new set of mains :thumbsup:


    You guys are quite the audiophiles compared to myself. My setup all started with the Klipsch 5.1 quintet package (5 years ago) and i've been adding in things here and there where I can.


    I've got a question...which game is better for somebody that'd play it for the first time?


    I haven't played any of the previous versions of MW or Battlefield...but I really like what I see with the Battlefield commercials and reviews and it'd look fun to casually play.


    To me it depends on which type of gameplay you are interested in. If you just want to find a game and run around shooting other people then MW is probably the better bet (i've never played it though). Battlefield focuses on team play and of course vehicle warfare (hell yeah), so going lone wolf doesn't give you the best experience. It is still fun, but optimal to play with a team mentality.

  12. I'm actually a fan of having bookshelf monitors for the mains, in a subwoofer/satellite configuration. Those ED subs are very well regarded on the forums, especially for the price, so I would imagine if you have that dialed in well with the mains, you'd get a real nice front stage. You may want to match the center to the mains at some point, but the klipsch is probably very good for dialogue given those horn drivers. And I'm a very big fan of Onkyo receivers. The amp sections in those are excellent for both movies and music...that's a great little system you have there, particularly for what you spent :thumbsup:


    Panasonic is also my favorite for plasma displays...very nice


    Thank you, an ED center is certainly my next upgrade. BF3 certainly has the best sound of any game I've every played.

  13. Did someone say home theater gear? Whatcha got, Muffmonster?


    Panasonic VIERA TC-P50GT25 50-inch

    Onkyo TX-SR608 7.2-Channel

    Elemental Designs A2 - 300 Subwoofer (things a monster)

    Fronts: Elemental Design A4.b - Bookshelf Pair

    Center: Klipsch Quintet

    Side and rear sorround : Klipsch Quintet


    Work in progress as always, I certainly need more then bookshelf speakers for my fronts, and need to upgrade my center as well. All and all though it sounds great. We redid the room so I was able to run all my wiring in the walls.

  14. didnt it just happen on sunday?


    I don't remember exactly when I read it, but the trade was made awhile ago and I believe Kirk gave the kid an option to go to several different games. The one the kid picked was last weekend.


    Google pulls up an article dating back to early October. I may have not read it on here, though, I wasn't calling you out or anything.

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