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Everything posted by wonderbread

  1. Wait just a minute I haven't established anything.
  2. You mean Brady's not at OTA's? I have to question his commitment to his team.
  3. Let's play.."The Buffalo Running Back Match Game!" You see....much like Ronnie Reagan had a red phone with a direct line to Gorbechev...Scott Bertchold has a direct line to 74 Franklin St. Over the years, there have been dozens of transgressions that have gone unreported as for whatever reason, Buffalo athletes get preferential treatment from law enforcement. I will give you a list of some such transgressions, involving ONLY Bills running backs. Marshawn Lynch is by far the lowest of the low and his time in Buffalo is most likely over. Thanks to the Boys in Blue having saintly patience, Marshawn has yet to be hauled in for any of the nearly double digit incidents over the past few years. Here we go.....I'll give you a list of RB's....then a list of fun filled hijinks...and it is up to you to match them up. The person with the most correct answers before this post is shuffled off to the graveyard gets a pair of Bills/Redskins preseason tickets with a direct escort to the stadium in Sully's Purple Saturn. A) Marshawn Lynch B) Thurman Thomas C) Kenneth Davis D) OJ Simpson E) Rob Riddick 1) This RB was indulging in some of the finest white stuff Buffalo had to offer in a downtown establishment. Just after he had finished inhaling the 10-40 yard lines off of a waitress' cleavage, the DA raided the joint, only to see our star already slipped by the defenders minutes earlier 2) This fine athlete was caught in a downtown hotel room in the company of a 14 year old female after someone blew him in. If you notice...Travis Henry is not a choice 3) While on the IR for almost an entire season, this RB was living it up with a few unfamiliar ladies all night long. In itself not major news, but his recent injury was put under 12 hours of extreme stress even though that same injury would keep him out another 3 months. 4) This RB found a certain lady at a downtown establishment irresistable. Problem is...this fine lady was the "First Lady" of a major local "President". When made aware of her standing in the community, our fine RB was not deterred and pressed her even harder. Within minutes, the "Administration" of the "President" was in a full diplomatic meeting with our RB and his representatives outside the establishment. After nearly 10 minutes of negotiations that took 4 squad cars to resolve, our RB hero was allowed to retreat to his homestead after being scraped off the pavement. 5) This crackerjack was caught urinating on public property and was taken in for public indecency. After it was established that a misunderstanding had taken place and the RB was released to his handlers, he proceeded to exit the building then continue where he left off, only this time urinating on the window of a squad car. As you can see....Buffalo RB's have always led the way in moral and legal apptitude. Let it be known that it is no mistake a Buffalo PO is making the most recent allegation against Lynch, and that he waited until just after the season to let it be known. If I owned a #23 jersey....I would try to get whatever I could for it right now...much like our heroes at 1 Bills Drive will be doing the same as they attempt to pry a 5th rd pick from Oakland or San Francisco. Posted by: The Match Game | January 11, 2010 at 11:54 PM
  4. Meathead they'd still be 32.
  5. what a pissing contest we have here. lighten up everyone.
  6. Ahh spring time for Bills fans to enjoy being undefeated.
  7. Wasn't he the guy that played Archie Bunker?
  8. I sat next to him on a plane one time the SOB hogged the entire armrest.
  9. Is Boniva on the list of banned substances?
  10. Damn, I thought we were getting Chris Hovan.
  11. whats behoven mean? I haven't gotten my grade 9 yet.
  12. My Brother in law works for the Jets sales department. He said he has broken sales records this year. He started as a part time sales rep last fall and now he is the vying for an excutive sales role. Woody will still get his $$.
  13. I see your sarcasm meter is malfunctioning.
  14. Speak for yourself fan boy.
  15. Canada's greatest contribution ever.
  16. Your wife or his?
  17. The only way the Bills make the playoffs this years is if the Jets plane and the Dolphins plane crash in mid air over the Pats* practice facility thereby wiping out all 3 teams.
  18. But But But we had Ko Simpson.
  19. Why do you have to bring Rob Johnson in to it ?
  20. Nope circumnavigating the language filter.
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