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Everything posted by TheBlackMamba

  1. theres around 60 for Sunday games (when people get up at 7 to drink their faces off) for a night game when they have ALL day to get lubed up, 90+. I should have set the line higher...
  2. Set the over/under of DWI, under age drinking, fighting, etc... arrests at 90
  3. adequate to win what? this is half the problem with being a Bills fan. We've been starved of winning for so long, we're willing to settle for is he good enough to get us to the playoffs? you think other teams sit back and say "hey, i wonder if i guy can get us to the playoffs?". no! they want to win consistently and make deep runs in the playoffs, not just settle for getting there. (and the answer is no. he cant throw down the field consistently, which is why he struggles against good defenses. what do you think would happen if by the hand Gods chance they made it to the playoffs?)
  4. Again this isnt about running the wildcat. It was using the wildcat as a comparison as to how the NFL is a copycat league and how if something leads to wins for one team, others are sure to follow. Read the entire post instead of taking tidbits out and trying to debunk it.
  5. Did you read the article? Or are you just trying to poke holes in it for f#$ks sake? No, he doesn't go for onsides kicks everytime but he opts to do so when the mathematical odds are in his favor. The article wasn't suggesting the wildcat is effective. It was stating that a team that went 1-15 the previous year and started 0-2, used a "gimmick" formation and proceeded to go 11-3 and to a division title. It was something DIFFERENT and CREATIVE to break them out of their 1-17 stetch. Something the NFL hadn't seen before. The article isnt about the spread offense. It's about his style and how its already making it's way into the NFL. The same two astrophysicists that Chip Kelly gets his data from, consulted with Bill Bellichek and Sean Payton (two of the more aggresive coaches in the NFL). Bellicheck and Payton goes for it more often than not on 4th and short. I think an untimely onside kick helped win Payton a Super Bowl... Wouldn't you like to try it out and try something DIFFERENT and CREATIVE for your team? See the thing with the Bills is throughout the last 12 years, they havent done anything creative and have still managed to suck. If you're going to suck, at least be entertaining and try to build on something on your way to no sucking anymore.
  6. http://www.thepostga...-revolution-nfl Just read this article on Chip Kelly, and how basically he has revolutionzed college football based on mathematics. He goes for it on 4th and short, almost never kicks fg's or punts, goes for onsides kicks, etc.. all based on mathematics. The article goes on how to mention how the Dolphins went 1-18 in their previous 19 games but implemented the wildcat they went 11-3 on their way to winning the division and making the playoffs. The wildcat was thought of as a gimmick but now 50% of teams run some sort of variation of it. If Chip Kelly were to come to the NFL his style would be though of as a gimmick until he starts winning. Not saying he would come to Buffalo because why would he leave Oregon, where he can field a national championship contender every year, incredible facilities pretty and pretty awesome uni's. (The article also mentions that he turned down Tampa last year because he had "unfinished business" at Oregon. So good luck trying to get him to come to Buffalo) This is exactly what the Bills need to break out of the irrevelant malayse they're in. They need creativity. They need to do something different. If you're going to go 5-11, 6-10, 7-9 do it being creative so than you have something to build of off, instead of finishing .500 or worse EVERY year. This "Moneyball" revolution for footbal would be a great way to attract FA's, coaches, young front office talent to want to be here. I know it will likely never happen but just an idea.
  7. we had a defensive guru a few years ago. his name was dick jauron. the offense sucked and defense sucked (even though they were never blown out as much as they have been the past few years) and EVERYONE clamored for an offensive guru. now we have an offensive guru, and the offense and defense still suck. it's been said 100,000,000x, they will NOT be relevant until there is A) new ownership commited to putting a competent staff (from GM to Head Coach to scouts...all the way down to the guy who cleans the uniforms) B) a quaterback That is all!
  8. he does know he's Tashard...Choice..., right?!?
  9. no we don't. we try and stretch the field (something pennington was never able to do) and clearly fitzpatrick can't do it with enough consistency to make this team a playoff contender. this offense would be perfect for anyone who can throw the ball with velocity and accuracy past 25-30 yards down the field. the quarterback for this offense doesnt even have to be particularly mobile because they pass blocking is stellar. with that being said, i think cam newton (even though he's super mobile) would be the best fit.
  10. if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle
  11. to think we traded up for the cowboys pick in '04 for jp losman and with the pick the cowboys got from the bills, they took demarcus ware...
  12. I think his biggest problem is that he was always the best player/athlete on every team he's ever been on. Then when he got to the NFL he just assumed that would continue and didnt want to put in the work in the film room and weight room to make the most of his abilities. He realized that he's not the best player on the field and he has to learn how to prepare like a legitimate NFL quaterback (and not sand lot it like in high school and at Texas)he decided to quit on his team rather than put the work in. I think maybe this off-season was a real bring back to earth moment for him when the Bills were the only team that really expressed any interest in him. Maybe he thinks "hey, this is my last shot, so I better shape up"...
  13. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1231966-nfl-offseason-ivan-reitman-to-direct-comedy-about-the-buffalo-bills-seriously?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=buffalo-bills
  14. Anyone with ESPN Insider Acess that can post what was written about the Bills, please?
  15. If anyone see's my ex there (a babe most likely in a george wilson jersey) buy her a few glasses of red wine, it might be worth your while... #NotBitterAtAll
  16. Who cares? He's a cornerback, not a QB or Center or MLB, who makes calls or adjustments. As long as he runs a 4.4 and can cover the other teams best receiver, I'll take him on my team all day.
  17. Would any one else be opposed to adding another DE?!?! I mean I what we have already, but we could draft Coples or Perry and like Giants have their "Nascar" defense
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/The-absurdly-premature-2011-playoff-picture-Wee?urn=nfl-wp9380 the texans will most likely win the afc south and i would abso-freakin-lutely love this 1st round matchup. the pass defense is terrible. they lost mario williams for the year. sign me up!
  19. nevermind a huge LOL to eagle fan meltdowns. mega LOL to people melting down in general.
  20. true. but NOT this week, my friend!
  21. huge LOL to the meltdowns on their message boards... http://www.igglephans.com/ http://boards.philadelphiaeagles.com/forum/2-talk-about-the-eagles/
  22. <---- CHS Alum '03. Had Father Van Dyke for English 9 and 10.
  23. Excellent. Wonderful news. Not only can we not stop the run or the pass or a decent pass rush but now the starting LT is out. DOOMED I tell ya...DOOOOOOOOOMED!
  24. the a's didnt win anything but their their division. they made it to the alcs 2x and ended up losing to the yankees. the bills have won 3 games. settle down there, billy beane...
  25. maybe the genious bootleg call on 4th and 1, where he was drilled by ty warren or vince wilfork then richard seymour proceeded to rumble 80 yards for the td...
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