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Everything posted by Kelly2Reed

  1. Ellison and McKelvin. Ellison for getting burned on the same damn play from 30 seconds earlier. You'd think he'd be ready for the same play he gave up a TD just a blip ago. Jeez! McKelvin for thinking one more yard or 2 seconds off the clock was a greater priority than protecting the ball. Friggin stupid. Besides that, it was an awesome game to watch!! If we can bring it like that every game we can compete for the AFC East. I'm a Billiever they're much improved but gotta end the dumbass plays.
  2. Fuggit, I'm so numb from the disgust over this team's performance I've seen the last decade that hellz yes, I'd rather watch a brief year of "cancer" than the turd show on turf I've been subjected to. At least they're trying something. Those tickets are going to get sold either way buddy. Plus, a solid draft will make this team exciting again. When do you suppose he inflicts his cancer? Game 1? Game 2? Game 3? Game 10? So what.... Worst case he's out of here a few weeks later and you can thank him for a high draft pick if it all blows up in Buffalo's face. God forbid we tinker with our vanilla formula in our quest to achieve the annual 7-9. Here's an idea, maybe how about these grown men use those balls God gave them and put TO in his $%& place if he gets out of hand. There's an idea.
  3. They didn't have the guts to fire a loser of a coach.... That alone should provide enough insight as to their "guts."
  4. He's rumored to be sighted at Miami International this morning. Hope it's false but if it's true, Miami will do what Brandon didn't accomplish. Sooo uhhh, Buffalo... "Keep on trucking..."
  5. Matt, Thanks for the laugh brother....
  6. Ummmm, here's my idea..... maybe he bought it from your online sticker site?
  7. I have watched every single Buffalo Bills game for the last 18 consecutive years. I live in Florida and drive to Miami to see my Bills every year and when they play in Jacksonville you can count on me to be there. I watched them eagerly even when they were well out of playoff contention just to support them and see how the young guys were developing, gaining gametime experience. etc... Last Sunday I didn't even bother to turn the TV on or check on the score. I thought to myself how strange that is that I didn't even give a F&*K. It's not like I haven't seen them play like sh*t before?? My wife asked me what the score was and I didn't have a friggin clue. I told her it was likely somewhere between zero and 3 points but I'm not watching the game. I wondered why I didn't care to watch the game besides the obvious they've been sucking hard lately... Then it hit me earlier today. HEART. I can watch a team that has a losing season as long as they fight, as long as they show some damn heart. I see no fire, no heart. I can't respect any team that lacks heart, I can't watch it either. Plus you throw in the fact that we play a hated division rival in another country in a dome in December and call it a home game? F**K THAT! Couldn't save that one for any of the NFC team's we'd face....
  8. try www.channelsurfing.net
  9. I believe you're correct, I tried a few websites I use to watch live games and found nothing. Thanks for the feedback...
  10. I don't have the NFL network, does anyone have a link to watch this replay? Thank you
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