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Everything posted by busterramsey

  1. No , just wondering about helmets.
  2. Well, I was thinking of looking formal Monday night at the game and was wondering what to wear.. See it's a Bills post..
  3. Wouldn't that stop spearing? Wouldn't that make helmet to hemet hits irrelevant.. A player would still be protected,but the helmet would no longer be a weapon, right?.. Please help this dumb and bored poster. Thank you!
  4. Why? Where did the stupid custom come from? Why put cloth around your neck , tie it and then be uncomfortable! Doesn't look formal to me just plain stupid! Help this dumb and bored poster.
  5. Royal healthy or hurt is meaningless
  6. Is he playing "down" to send a message? It makes you wonder doesn't it.
  7. I agree with all you say except"with all due respect to Mr. Wilson".. He doesn't deserve any.. He's as ruthless as the ENRON execs or the Rigas's.. He's the very definition of trash.. There is absolutely no reason for him NOT to sell the team. He could still run the operation until his death as part of any agreement. Also, if he feels he's not making enough money, how about selling the naming rights. No he 's just selfish, controlling, and pure trash
  8. I'm sick of hearing how wondeful he is: He bought the team for 25K and it's worth 500 Mill now He could sell it locally but he CHOOSES to die first, meaning it will be sold to ANYONE He is cheaper than heck and would never pay for a head coach worth anything.. Historically he: caused Lou Saban , a very successful caoch to quit TWICE within the season.. cause Bill Polian to quit In the early days , he traded our franchise RB Gillcrest because he didn't like him whines and whines about money yet TV money is split equally which pays for salaries. He meddles more in the operation of the team than is healthy. will NEVER NEVER NEVER be part of a successful superbowl team
  9. It's not being negative when the bottom line is the Bills have very little chance.. It's just reality.. We suck and they don't!
  10. Then we're back to "rebuilding " because OL lineman take time to develop
  11. If we lose (and we probablywill) are recent record will be 1-4... Not many worse than that!
  12. Why not OL from the FA market? At least we know what we're gettin..
  13. Youblty has a Buffalo desease call Timconnellyitis..
  14. As any politician would say, "look at the record".. I looked at jauron's lack of success at Chicago, and he is a loser!
  15. No it's not too early and I agree.. Some say it's too early on McKelvin but apperently Reggie Corner an undersized 4th rounder is higher on the depth chart than the 1st CB taken. Hardy just plain sucks Ellis must be even worse because he was drafted for one thing, to get to the QB and they don't give him a chance. What does that tell ya!
  16. You should expect SOME growth by mid-season in your top 3 pickS !
  17. must have splinters from being on the bench so long
  18. WBEN is reporting this with no info. Anyone know what's going on here?
  19. Or not... Jenkins or Johnson maybe better. Edwards , I'm sure doesn't care of the pecking order of what appears to be a weak draft.
  20. Very strange, RotoWorld says he practiced yesterday and probably will play Sunday.. This site lists him as not practicing yeserday.. He's a huge factor. Wondering what's going on?
  21. The "middle" of the roster as you explain it could all start without too much if any of a loss. This makes them very important in the 16 game season. Like you said , last year's injuries make us contenders in 08. Actually I would include Losman in that group.. He's better than most back up QB's. I think your point is excellent!
  22. True, But Schobel and Ellis play the same.. Which makes it even more bizarre
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