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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. First of all, whatever you think of McDermott and Frazier, they are both men of character and integrity. It is and should be the highest priority to maintain that. Second, I expect that prospective employers are going to pay far more attention to what's said in private and in interviews than to what's said in a press conference. There are probably a dozen guys who have some idea what actually went on, on the sidelines, in the last couple minutes of the game - coaching assistants, AV guys, trainers, players. All these guys know people who know people on other teams. Bottom line, useless and counterproductive notion. Besides - how do we know that in fact McDermott DIDN'T weigh heavily into the defensive play calling in the last 2 minutes? We've seen him on "mic'd up" sessions talking to the defensive captains during time outs and he's acknowledged weighing in at times before. I'm not sure about "the corner there is supposed to play inside leverage". Erik Turner has some stuff up in his twitter feed
  2. It requires ESPN+. Please don't copy/paste the entire, but could you give a bit of a summary on who you consider notable?
  3. He has to cut in that '2nd best' dig. And I don't believe he understands what the words "integrity" and "objectivity" mean - he's all about the click-storms I ain't giving him a click.
  4. Not if they sign futures contracts, that's the point. He's saying "you're all a bunch of bums, go sign with whoever will take you" instead of "this is my Farm Team"
  5. Wow. What amazing insight. How'd that work out for the Ponies? They replaced Kubiak when a 9-7 season with Trevor Sieman wasn't good enough. Vance Joseph and Fangio count as "literally anyone" and they haven't had a winning season since. I could keep going - there are literally a half-dozen examples of winning teams who kicked a "Fall Guy" who "wasn't quite good enough" to the curb and wound up worse off. We could do better, I do believe that. But we could also do worse, including much worse.
  6. I feel McDermott as a head coach embraces the "growth mindset" and "continuous improvement" he preaches and will never stop grinding until he does. I see big improvement in how McD coaches from 2019 to now.
  7. That's actually not true. Once, he was a decent writer with a fresh voice and a talent for being a bit controversial. Over the Drought Years, it became a schtick.
  8. I'm not going to read it to dispute that or not, but based on Sullivan's past track record (the reason I'm not going to read it), I doubt the "fair" and the "accurate" part. This IS the guy who dissed off the press box spread under the Pegulas as being mini-bagels, only to have someone else post a pic of the entire thread. I would say the "way of ignorance" is to keep doing the same thing (reading Jerry Sullivan) and expecting a different result (a "fair and accurate" accounting). But You do You.
  9. Don't give him the clicks. Please don't give him the clicks. Of all the things that could make this sad week sadder, coming in here to see a thread spouting Sullivan's nonsense is salt in the wounds.
  10. If McDermott weighed in and the offensive playcalling was altered down the stretch, why is that "nonsense"? We went 4-1 down the stretch with an effective run game. Also, Atlanta? Seriously?
  11. Josh Allen looked like he teared up a little in his Monday interview when he was asked about Gabe Davis
  12. As others have noted, this topic is under discussion in several other threads Please use the search function and/or glance through the thread titles on the first couple pages before starting a new thread
  13. This comes to mind Got to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues, And you know it don't come easy.
  14. [This is an automated response] This topic is no longer contributing positively to the community and therefore the discussion has been closed. Thank you.
  15. I fully acknowledge that he improved, and that his broken/rehabbing hand may have hindered him the back half of the season. But he finished something like 18th among TE for number of receptions and 15th among TE for receiving yards. That's not exactly the stuff of probowls - Yet.
  16. He really looked like a different QB than he looked in last year's AFCCG. IMO. Then there's this: WTF were Dak and the Cowboys practicing?
  17. If your contention is "not the architect of a SB winning roster", sure If your contention is what you stated, "not a good showing", you need a broader sweep We were missing our best defensive player and another quality player who was starting when he hit IR. I do think that should factor.
  18. I think that last sentence is fair, but wasn't it 2018 or 2019 when Tony Dungy said flat out "the Chiefs may win a championship, but it won't be with Andy Reid as HC" (this was because of some of his in-game decisions)? The point is, coaches of winning teams who haven't done it (yet) are questioned all the time. Sean McVay has that question hanging over him after his 2018 SB loss. And the questions will remain (in both Seans resumes) until they do.
  19. Apparently #1 rated means nothing against 13 seconds of bad play at the wrong time. And I can't call Knox "amazing" yet, though he contributed far more than I thought he would. But otherwise:
  20. So what is the comparable record, of, say, 2 or 3 other GMs whose teams have made playoffs the last 3 years and won playoff games the last 2? Because it's really easy to say "not a good showing", but what would constitute a good showing?
  21. I had a dream last night that Burrows and the Bengals beat the Chiefs. Not down to the wire, last minute heroics but a real tub-thumping I don't know what that means. Probably means Chris Jones and Melvin Ingram disassemble Burrows into component parts by the 2nd half and the Chiefs romp. See above
  22. I'm not sure Perhaps he hopes to transition to coaching at this point? If Daboll gets a HC gig perhaps he has talked to Webb about a position as a coaching assistant
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