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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Obada is a free agent Star is an interesting question. McDermott is firmly wedded to his DL rotation. Beane openly stated that Star played well and was very disruptive Week 2 to Week 9, but said that his bout with Covid really affected him and he got better, but was never again as disruptive as he'd been at the start of the season. I thought that was very blunt speaking from Beane (and hopefully Lotulelei cleared him to share that information). And, in addition to the 3 weeks he missed with Covid, he also missed 2 additional weeks for a toe injury and for "personal reasons" that were never explained - so we basically paid him $7.6M for an 11 game season. Star is signed for 2 more years, and has a cap hit of $9.2M this season if we keep him, dead cap of $7.7M if we cut him. The $1.5M we'd save by cutting him is barely enough to pay vet minimum to a 4-6 yr vet.
  2. I dunno about "for the most part" but we definitely have our share of people with "different" views - some legitimately held, some apparently expressed for the purpose of ***** stirring
  3. Apologies if I was unclear, I wasn't referring to 6 blocks of Haack punts. My intended point was that there were only 6 teams in the league who had any punts scored as blocks .....so while blocks do happen, most teams do not have punts blocked. I don't think McKenzie was "thrust into the role". He wanted it, he worked for it, he earned it against his competition. And his competition included a guy who was a KR/PR in college, a RB who had returned kickoffs his rookie year, and a WR who is now returning kicks and punts for a team that is still in the playoffs (Brandon Powell, Rams). So really, none of the 4 worked out, and since at least 1 of them can apparently get the job done for a championship contending team, is that the players or could there be an aspect of coaching? For the blocked punt against the Steelers, they were keeping up with our offense just fine No "selling out" that I saw. Matekavich said that they'd practiced against that formation during the week, so it wasn't something they hadn't seen, either.
  4. Like I said above. Turner actually has current Bills players on some of his videos. So sarc all you want. I'm still gonna go with I have reason to believe Turner may actually have a knowledgeable source and no reason to believe the same of you. Sure you are, or you wouldn't be posting here. BTW I said nothing about "forgot"
  5. I don't have a problem with Beane not going out and spending big in FA, given that we have people to re-sign and such Unless he means we're not going to re-sign our own who are FA? There are several I feel it would be a mistake to move on from I do have a problem with a general pattern that many here have talked about, where other teams strategically make a move or addition during the season that turns out to significantly bolster an area of need - Ingram, OBJ, etc etc.
  6. I don't know who Erik Turner's source is. But I think there's a 0.0% chance that you're more plugged into the Buffalo Bills team or have better sources than he does.
  7. Since you seem to have missed it, the premise of this thread is that ST did NOT do their job "correctly" (ie execute the play that was actually called) due to communication breakdown in communicating the desired play call to the kicker. Now, whether that's correct or not....Turner speaks very definitively to this, but we don't know his source
  8. Not according to @Governor and his "friend who works for Mara" I don't think there are enough HC openings in the NFL to persuade a guy with a shot at one not to take it.
  9. This question has come up before and been ridiculed by you as a substitute for legitimate counter argument. The following points were made by myself and others: 1. The Chiefs "anemic" offense with Alex Smith in 2017 was #5 for yards, #6 for points, and tied for #4 in pass Y/A. Smith was #8 for passing yards and led the league in passer rating. 26-27 other teams would have been happy to have such a case of anemia 2. Several Chiefs players have gone on record saying that Mahomes was not 'all that and a bag of chips' his rookie season (I think the word used was actually "sucked") and that he looked like a different player when he came to training camp in 2018...so there is some evidence that yes, in fact, he did benefit from a season on the bench Now, you can disagree and that's fine, you have a right to your opinion, but let's not pretend that there's no evidence to support a different viewpoint.
  10. Let's grant that Gosselin is "excellent at this" and the ST overall ranked 8th in the league. That would be relative to the #1 defense and the #3 offense, so there's that - they're still the worst unit on the team, despite giving a number of roster spots to ST specialists (Taiwan Jones, Neal, Kumerow, Matekavich, Andre' Smith, plus the punter, kicker, and LS). That said: Blocks happen....to how many teams? I'll answer: 6. In addition, we had several punts that don't count as blocks, but that were pretty well muffed for one reason or another I'm not saying it's a "firing offense" but, it was pretty clear there was some communication/assignment issues involved in the failed block that led to the blocked punt for 7 points vs the Steelers. There's been a bunch of stuff....McKenzie had a number of strong returns called back by penalty, the penalty on Taiwan Jones, the fact that we went into camp with 4 guys who had KR/PR experience, came out of camp with 3, and wound up with Hyde returning punts and maybe coaching/development played a role? etc Just not impressed with our ST given the investment
  11. In case you haven't noticed, our ST guys don't make league minimum. We invest a fair amount of roster spots and $$ on dedicated STer. Who is Scott Kristie?
  12. They were supposed to have realized that after LAST season What was the deal with the Jags 3rd win then? Being coached by a doppelganger?
  13. I can't disagree that execution was lacking, but frankly, I believe a healthy dose of the blame goes on the offensive coaching, just as it did against Pittsburgh. 1) Urban looked at our offense and said "this is a spread offense, they don't want to run the ball, they want to pass all over you". He wasn't shy about that diagnosis, he (as one chap here quipped) sketched his defensive game plan out on a cocktail napkin during his presser 2) Daboll looked at the Jags secondary and said "we can exploit this" and forgot to consider how the Jags might exploit our OL if we didn't have a shadow of a running threat for him to worry about. I knew it the moment the inactives for that game were announced. And when it wasn't working like he planned, He Had Nothing. Compare and contrast to the Falcons game where, when Josh was having a Bad Passing Day and threw 3 picks, Daboll shrugged and started dialing up the run plays. 3) We played a hell of a defensive game IIRC, defense didn't stink up the joint. If he was not, he should have been. Due diligence and all that.
  14. That's a mistake, if so, especially since we used time-outs. We had time to re-consider.
  15. I think you're forgetting a few things. Like the blocked punt for 7 points in the Steelers game (which we lost by 7); that was NOT on Haack.
  16. Erik Turner states this very definitively, that a Squib was called, the ST unit was in the huddle, and Bass was warming up on the side and didn't get the call. He says "the fact is...." This is a HUGE scoop if Erik Turner does indeed have inside information to this regard, but journalists like @john wawrow aren't allowed to say stuff like that without 2 confirmed independent sources, so it would be of interest to know how Turner got this info. The statement is at 7 minutes in for those who want to listen to what he says. Start a bit back at 6:30 or so
  17. I believe in that case, they get 2 extra 3rd round picks this year and 2 extra 3rd round picks next year.
  18. The one who works directly for Mara may indeed have good gouge, but it's gonna depend on how much autonomy/hiring and firing input Schoen bargained for. I think the same point about Poles probably not being too impressed with Frazier when his former team has been able to regularly steal their lunch money and kick sand in the face of his defense, would hold true for Schoen and Flores. Why would the new GM want a HC who his former team has regularly and efficiently kicked to the curb, and who is widely seen as mismanaging the development of his new QB?
  19. https://chicago.suntimes.com/bears/2022/1/25/22901074/bears-general-manager-ryan-poles-name-next-chiefs-george-mccaskey-chairman-tuesday-coach-search-nfl I'm wondering what impact hiring Poles will have on consideration of Daboll and of Frazier as possible HC candidates for the Bears. For one thing, the new hire may have an "NIH" (not invented here) attitude, and/or may want to bring in his own guys. I would expect Bienemy and Spagnuolo to get looks as the Bears HC now. I would expect Poles to not be too interested in a defensive coach who Bienemy/Reid have been able to steal lunchmoney from and kick sand in his face (Frazier)
  20. In what capacity? Schoen is the GM now and I'm pretty sure he came from the Brandon Beane School of Loose Lips Sink Ships.
  21. I loathe press questions that start with a speech. I've never seen them be effective either. Why not just start with the last sentence? "How do you evaluate what happened in the last 2 minutes of the Chiefs game, and what has to be done to maintain the good there, but fix the problems and change the outcome next year?" They have a star, elite level player. He's currently rehabbing his ACL. They do need an elite level player in the front 4. You do know that 1) you started a thread to talk about Beane's presser 2) I don't think Beane directs the hiring and firing of coaching assistants on McDermott's staff 3) there are already multiple threads discussing the opinion that we need a new DC - and you could discuss this viewpoint there.
  22. What does he do that makes him seem like a cocky douche? He was pretty humble in his Heisman speech. Someone said the line between cocky and confident is a thin, and separated by the work. Given he already had to go through a rehab process, he's surely put in the work I sometimes think our QB aka "Big Goofy" to his teammates, doesn't have enough of that killer edge to push his teammates to be better.
  23. Bengals beat KC 34-31 in Week 17 when I promise you, KC had the #1 seed in their sights and was really trying. Some features of that game: -Bengals got down 14-0 at the beginning of the game which may have influenced their play calling. Second-worst rush yards of the season, 60. -They kind of didn't try to hard to run, 19 rush plays to 40 pass plays. -Williams was able to run on the Bengals, Mixon was not (or not given much chance) to run on the Chiefs -The Bengals did a decent job containing Mahomes, 259 passing yards -Burrow threw all over the field against the Chiefs. And when I say all over, I mean All Over. You hear me? ALL over. (see chart below) -Very very even game overall, Bengals had 61 more offensive yards, Chiefs about 2 minutes more TOP, Same # of first downs. I'm not sure we would have destroyed the Bengals, and I'm not sure the Chiefs will. I think the Bengals players deserve to be pissed off and fired up at hearing things like "SB was already played last Sunday" Burrow has been taking a beating, and that's got to mount up.
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