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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Erhardt. Not EARhart, Bobby Hart's auditory appendage is not at issue here, Erhardt
  2. Why do we particularly want this guy, and how does he fit with our player personnel?
  3. He had to give McDermott a blood oath that he believes in a balanced offense and agree to put up his left nut as a security deposit. I think that last part required some consideration, but a few hours comparing video of Josh Allen and Daniel Jones was persuasive.
  4. You're talking about the edited title - the original misleading title was "McDermott is driving away coaches" And Yes, you can make a strong case for the view that McDermott was not happy with Daboll at points during the season. Since it's a lawsuit, what I hope we hear out of the mouths of both of them would be "I have no comment on that. It's a legal matter." No good ever came to anyone out of public comments on a lawsuit where they or one of their employees (at the time) is referenced.
  5. They're playing for the AFCCG. They're playing the team that won the AFCCG the last 2 seasons and went to the Superbowl They're losing. Why on earth would anyone think the Bengals would make a playcall in that game for any other reason than they thought it was the right call at the time? People are wierd.
  6. I dunno about all year, but I expect there were some "growth minded" sessions with McD about the run game at the end of last season and after the Steelers game. I expect that after the Jags game and the Colts game, the sessions became....louder.
  7. For a guy who wasn't interested, he sure put a lot of effort into it...this year he interviewed with the Bears, the Dolphins, and the Giants. Last year he interviewed with the Jets, the Chargers, and reportedly turned down an interview with the Texans (as just about any sane human would do) So if he prepped and went on multiple HC interviews last season but "wasn't as interested" that would be strange. I think Daboll was really really interested in the Chargers HC job and in fact thought he had it at one point. If what Flores actually wants is to be a HC in the NFL, he just burnt his bridges pretty irreparably. You have an interview scheduled, the hiring committee interviews Candidate A before you and is pretty durn sure Candidate A is their gal or guy....but your interview is set up so they go ahead and interview you. You might knock their socks off and change their mind... or you might actually not have a legit shot at the job at that point...but it's pretty hard to prove either professional harm or bias at that point. There's also the case where Candidate A decides against the job or accepts a different offer, so they re-set and revisit your application. I've been on all sides of this, as the candidate or the interviewer. But it's not exactly some sort of crime, and would be pretty hard to prove bias.
  8. No where in public If he got taken to the woodshed by McDermott over the lack of run game, and vented in private to someone he thought was a "safe ear" which got told to someone who spread it around color me surprised Hopefully Daboll will learn something from this - "if you tell a secret to your friend, and your friend blabbs, who told first - you or he?"
  9. We have no idea. If I were Schoen, and I wanted to be the GM and wanted to hire Brian Daboll, the LAST thing I would do would be to suggest to my new employers that maybe they could hire someone other than My Guy, and still recruit him as OC, so it doesn't seem likely to me. Personally, I think all these HC and HC candidates have big egos. They may pat dogs on the head and help little old ladies cross the street when outside the facility, but inside it they are determined that What They Want to Do is Correct. I think that McDermott probably generally tries to sit back and stay out of the offense and Let Daboll Cook, and to be "growth minded" and positive when he does weigh in, but I also expect that after the Jacksonville game, then after the Indy game, McDermott held a Come to Jesus meeting with Daboll about the state of the run game and it was blunt and ugly, and neither of them were very happy with the other in the aftermath. But in fact, the run game improved and it helped us finish the season strong and get to the Division round, which helped Daboll land a HC job. So it's probably Yesterday's newspaper. Look at the actual tweets that are quoted. McDonnell (the NYG pro personnel guy) is quoted as saying "he HEARD" that Daboll wasn't happy and might leave even if not HC. In other words, it's HEARSAY
  10. If Flores is right, he's done in the NFL. How did that lawsuit go as far as getting Kaepernick another shot? Terrible look for Flores.
  11. I'd just like to point out here that all year, Ken Dorsey had the title "passing game coordinator". So maybe it's not a good thing he got promoted to OC.
  12. Yeah, about that....Sal and Sneaky Joe had 'Zo Alexander on their show. I'll try to loop back with a link. FWIW, Zo said "The players know what happened for sure" and "The players know, and the players will handle it" I didn't hear it myself, but our own reliable @YoloinOhio said that McKenzie admitted sleeping through McDermott's address to the team and coming in late on that Monday, so perhaps McKenzie doesn't know what happened because he wasn't there ....and no one from the D is telling him because he said he got on the plane and told the D "I got to go back to my hotel room with my dog, and pack...because of YOU". I wouldn't go out of my way to clue that guy in so he could go torment one of my teammates.
  13. The claim features Tim McDonnell, the Giants co-director of pro-personnel, texting "heard Daboll isn't happy with Sean in Buffalo...might be able to get out if he doesn't get a HC job...thoughts?" So this is 1) hearsay - McDonnell "heard" 2) lacks context - who did McDonnell hear it from? 3) therefore is impossible to evaluate The title of this thread is misleading, because it's a long jump from a hearsay claim in a lawsuit (where the coach in question in fact was not "driven away", but left to take a promotion to one of 32 HC jobs in the NFL) to "McDermott is driving away coaches".
  14. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  15. I'm going to toss out several ideas here. 1. I think the Bills share some of your concern for development, which is why they gently pushed Teerlinck out the door in a lateral move to V. Tech, and hired Eric Washington to coach DL when Riverboat Ron got the sack in Carolina and the new regime didn't want him. That was in 2020. 2. Beane, in general, seems to have a draft tendency to take for high ceiling, athletic guys who, for one or another reason (maybe the level of competition they played against), are going to need more development time. Ed Oliver (from Houston), Harrison Phillips (from Stanford) and Greg Rousseau (from Miami, but really only 1 year of playing in college) are all examples of this. I understand, in part - if you're a good team and drafting late, you need a strategy to pull in talent above your position. One strategy is to take guys who fall in the draft because of medical or character issues. This is what the Chiefs do. Another strategy is to take guys who are under-valued because they haven't shown enough in college, but you scout carefully and trust your scouting and think you have the goods. That's what Beane seems to like to do, but the down side is that it may mean that you're developing talent for another team to reap in FA. Example: we draft Harry, he takes 4 seasons to start playing at a high level for {reasons}, so we get 1 or 1.5 good seasons out of him and then he hits FA and we have to make a decision whether to keep him, or let another team hire him away? Part of why Phillips took a long time to come on, of course, is all the injuries - ACL in his 2nd season 2019, just as he was starting to show something really wasn't 100% back at the start of 2020. He tore it at the end of September, had surgery in October, and it's generally regarded as a 9-12 month recovery. Then of course the Bills facility closed down in spring 2020 with Covid so he had to go home and that must have hindered his recovery not to have all the technology and the hands-on from trainers. Then he partially tore his PCL (I think) this training camp and played through it. This injury history is a big concern. I think he may be undersized and that makes him injury prone. Oliver may be another example. He's really come on this season. Assuming we get another strong season from him next year, we get 2 good years out of him before his 5th year option hits. 3. McDermott's committment to DL rotation, seems to mean we need to have 8 or 9 solid players who are of necessity, lesser talents - instead of 2 stars and a bunch of Jags. Now most teams do rotate DL, but it's pretty typical to have a guy like Trey Hendrickson or Chris Jones play close to 70% of the snaps instead of 50%. That's a blessing and a curse. It means we're not going to fall apart defensively if our "star" gets injured, but it also means we're not going to be able to match teams at the highest level as well. 4. Star IMHO (others may differ) was brought in and given a big contract for one reason - Culture change. McDermott was given feedback "you have to be sure the guys buy into your system" when he was fired in Philly, and I think he took it to heart. I think the Bills had a crap culture in the DL room when McDermott arrived, with "Mr Big Puff" leading the way and Adolphus Washington (our 2016 3rd round pick) following. Kyle Williams and Jerry Hughes were good culture guys of course, as well as Zo in that hybrid LB/DE role, but McDermott only had Kyle for 1 year. Dareus was kicked out the door mid-season in 2017 and McDermott wanted a true model for the "selfless" DT who grinds away and sets the rest of the line up for success. That's the reason Star got the Big Bucks - not because he was a literal "star" player, but because McDermott felt he epitomized the culture he wanted to build. 5. Overall, McDermott/Frazier/Beane seem to favor smaller, athletic linemen who can win based on "motor" over big, fat bodies who can crush you. Again - that's a blessing and a curse. He doesn't have guys who are smaller than Hendrickson or Chris Jones - but he also doesn't have guys who get it done like they do (see point 3)
  16. Oldest - Check Most awesome - that'd be Our Boy, 17
  17. I had a similar thought: that one interest of the Bills regarding Tee Martin, is what ideas does he have for how the Ravens very effective run game design could be integrated with a much more effective passing game? Of course, the place it would need to start is with a much more effective run blocking OL
  18. 240 ypg with Lamar playing, which is by far a career high for him 154 ypg with Huntley Would have projected out over 4000 yds in a 17 game season, which would be like a 5 year high for Baltimore (since 2016 Flacco before he went noodly)
  19. And this, succinctly in 3 words, summarizes this thread. /🎤
  20. If he's out of the running for HC everywhere, Bienemy should reach out to every organization which has hired a new HC and express his willingness to be considered for lateral positions
  21. Completely agree that when the QB is struggling, a change in the offensive plan is needed. For example, what Daboll did after Josh threw his third INT against Atlanta. Someone on our coaching staff - whether it was McDermott or Daboll - said "we better run!" I don't think the defense is that dissimilar to what Frazier and McDermott did in our Week 5 meeting, actually. I think they felt they didn't have the hosses to do same thing without Tre White. New England on the other hand plays a lot of press "sticky" coverage. In 2018, they had Bumpnrun Gilmore, plus younger, more effective versions of Chung and McCourty.
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