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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Maybe they did. McDermott put blame on "execution" for the end of the game. If he determined that the execution problem was actually Bass not getting the call to squib the kick because Farwell didn't prepare his lines of communication properly, that's on him. If the linebackers were supposed to have different roles or be somewhere else in the play that was actually called, and after looking into it, it's partly or all due to prep during the week, that could be on the LB assistant coach. I'm not saying it is - I don't know that it is. On the other hand, you don't know that it isn't, either, and you're saying it isn't.
  2. Sounds like Acho wanted attention and that's just what he got
  3. How do you know it's a "huge loss for the Bills"?
  4. Just a note that Babich is not that old by coaching standards. He's 60, which is 2-3 years younger than Leslie Frazier He's one of the original coaches that McDermott hired in 2017 He was a defensive coordinator with the Bears from 2007-2009 under Ron Rivera, which may be his connection to McDermott It's not impossible that Heath Farwell's lateral move to the Jaguars and now Babich retiring may be indications of where McD perceives responsibility for 13 seconds and "execution" to lie. It would be a typical "McDermott" move to suggest to coaches they don't wish to retain, that they "explore other opportunities" and give them some time to do so vs. firing them (that's what Reid did with McDermott when he fired him as DC) On the other hand, moving his son to LB coach doesn't necessarily fit with that idea Bobby Babich has more ties to McD in that he coached under him as a defensive assistant for 2 years in Carolina He's spent 4 years as Safeties coach - it's possible that he wanted to broaden his experience, and his dad retired to give him an opening https://theathletic.com/807732/2019/02/08/the-father-and-son-behind-the-bills-defense-how-bob-and-bobby-babichs-coaching-paths-converged-in-buffalo/
  5. or maybe, used some racist language back when she was a high school kid, 8 or 9 years ago, and if anyone wants to know if that's who she is, they'd need to look for more recent goings on? If we're visiting karma on everyone who did something their adult self might now regret back in HS, we're gonna need a Karma Distribution Network to rival Amazon, and our own beloved Bills QB is gonna be on the Delivery List.
  6. Right, it appears she graduated from San Diego State in 2018, at least that's what her LinkedIn says. That would make these tweets from 2013 and 2014 date from when she was in HS, somewhere between 16-18 years old. A lot of folks grow up with one set of values they might not examine too closely, only to examine their beliefs and change when they're exposed to a broader section of people and views in college and at work. Who TF goes back 8 years through a random person's tweets to find something to discredit them just because they became injured?
  7. Right. And furthermore - the Chiefs OL problem was that they lost their franchise LT to an Achilles in the AFCCG, and as a consequence moved their adequate RT to LT, moved a G to RT, and started a backup G in the Superbowl. That's a lot of new moving parts on OL. If there was a better OL plan in-house, does anyone think 1) Reid would have allowed himself to be talked out of using it? 2) the Chiefs wouldn't have used it the following season, instead of trading for Orlando Brown, making a big FA signing of Joe Thuney, then using 2 draft picks on OL?
  8. That's why I interpreted it as ""someone's lawyer contacted us and threatened to sue for libel and defamation (.....) in a civil suit where the standard is 'more likely than not' " and "the source we did have got P/O'd at us for publishing drunk ***** they said out of context and outing them to the team as flapperlips" I had a little look at their twitter feed and found these gems: Now, we all get caught up in the game and say stupid ***** from time to time. But these strike me as a conspiracy-minded dude or dudes, Just Sayin'
  9. "Eric Bienemy has been a good coach his entire career. Nobody here is debating that." (Except us, when we call him out as "the backchannel communication on him is simply not good", for overruling a 'good plan' for the OL in Superbowl LV, for lacking energy and having a poor attitude in 2021, for feuding with his star QB during 2020, attacking him in a week meeting "for no reason", subsequently having his offensive coordinator responsibilities reduced, and "ruining the AFCCG" with his lack of awareness on timeouts at the end of the 2nd half and with his play calling in the 2nd half. Other than those little details, he's a Good Coach, HONEST, we're not debating that, We're Just Sayin.....)
  10. Eh. There are reasons to sign an extension with the drafting team that are consistent with "only care about the money". Just off the top of my head: 1) Extensions are usually signed a season before the player hits FA. Exchanging your current contract for an extension that pays more and perhaps has better guarantees can be a sound fiscal decision - the "bird in the hand" vs "bird in the bush" thing 2) Depending upon the position played, the player may believe they have more value to that team than they would on the open market 3) There's $$ and then there's guaranteed $$ 4) The drafting team could be located in a state where the player gets to keep more of their $$, eg no state taxes
  11. For those who want more info: In the past, bringing in an assistant from a small college program hasn't always worked out (2017 Phil McGeoghan from East Carolina - and he had prior experience as an NFL WR and NFL WR coach). But, this guy is the assistant DL coach, so as long as he "plays well with others" and can break down film should be good.
  12. Her website says "I am now a fulltime photo editor at the NFL, photo edit for all the LA Kings games for the NHL and work as a freelance photographer!" That leaves it nicely ambiguous - if the NFL employs her as a photo editor, but she's covering the Rams Superbowl Parade as a photographer, my guess would be she was at the event as a freelancer.
  13. Yes. And McKenzie is still saying he wants to come back, but we all also know it's a business - and he wants the chance to start in the slot. He wasn't gonna get it as long as Beasley and Daboll were here. Whether the depth chart will look different under Dorsey and with Brady's input, remains to be seen. Whether Beasley is on the team on March 20th, when he's due a $0.5M roster bonus, also remains to be seen.
  14. It's above the median in a 32-team league, but if you're binning into "top" "mediocre" "bottom", where do you put it?
  15. It's really not that surprising. We went from long-time mediocre ("QB purgatory") to good. So over time, that would average to a higher number than a team that went from bad to good We're still "mediocre" on that list, 13th
  16. I think they should have posted "someone's lawyer contacted us and threatened to sue for libel and defamation and harboring hate speech and whatever else we can plausibly put in a civil suit where the standard is more likely than not" and "the one source we did have got pissed off at us for publishing some drunk ***** they said out of context and maybe outing them to the team as flapperlips"
  17. There's another link to the article downthread. Oh, here, let me make it easier https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showpost.php?s=60f98814f0882458c4b46e4e5dcd0abb&p=16149947&postcount=278 Click "spoiler" This is exactly to @Ridgewaycynic2013 that things can not be un-published on the internet. Once it's out, it's out.
  18. IF that's true it would beg the question has he been offered help to develop them? Because just like other skills, social skills and emotional intelligence can be developed Brian Daboll 100% improved his interview skills and changed how he came across during his time here. Now maybe that reflects a change in how he dealt with players (Josh Allen's story of Daboll screaming in his helmet during practice his rookie season, screaming on the sideline, calming down then coming back 5 minutes later for Round 2). And he got sent up to the box a week after screaming at Josh on the sidelines after a play. He said himself, he would get too caught up in the last play and its results instead of moving on to the next play. Dick Vermeil was noted for his people skills. I met the son of his OL coach, who told us Vermeil encountered him in the locker room just after his dad was hired and and asked him by name how he and his family were settling in to (city where they bought a house), how his grade at Schoolname was going, whether he'd found people to (hobby) with yet? He was blown away that Vermeil remembered all those details about the kids of his OL coach - but that was clearly SOP to Vermeil. Said Vermeil required that level of people skills of his assistants and sent them to Dale Carnegie courses to help acquire them, which it would, if they took it seriously and practiced.
  19. What is the appropriate elapsed time between sustaining an injury and realizing that one will need help with the bills? If she was taken directly to hospital, she (or a relative) probably had a diagnosis and some understanding of what her recovery timeline would be within 2-3 hrs (and knew her camera equipment was busted and she wouldn't be able to work for several months) PS: Looks like it was a friend who started the GoFundMe. And the top donor is "Pat McAfee Inc" with $5k
  20. 1) Ertz is gonna become a FA with the new league year so "Zach Ertz Traded" misleading title 2) Truly appreciate looking about for relevant threads before starting a new one 3) When a thread has been dead for several months, possibly time for a new thread
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