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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. So according to pro-football-talk, the Combine has 324 invited players, who are the top college players across the country. If 155 of them bail, that's close to half of them - which seems like a story
  2. From what I've been reading, the combine doesn't matter too much to top prospects (the ones who have "camps" working with them) Teams will send scouts to their pro days at their schools Isn't the combine more of a deal to the players who got limited playing time at big programs and who benefit from an "apples to apples" comparison of their athleticism, and an even bigger deal to players from small schools who might not get scouted otherwise?
  3. That IS the job of the media reporting on the 150 boycotting players, isn't it? The question is, is this info out there on the Interwebs? It's harder to look for it than it is to yelp about the inconsistency of the NFL (which actually doesn't seem supported by the actual procedures) Edit: according to this, it's limiting the contact of the players with their "teams" that's the sticking point: My guess is, then, it's gonna be the top prospects who bail; I don't think the small school guys get agents who provide "trainers, nutritionists, and other specialists" so the absence of these isn't too worrying. It does seem as though the NFL is being a tad silly about this. What is their concern exactly?
  4. So what part of that are the 150 boycotting players objecting to? Scheduled medical exams (vs waiting in a line) seems like something that should have happened years ago A communication/scheduling app seems reasonable According to what you posted, they’re not being required to be vaccinated or wear a mask or be tested daily - only if they self-report symptoms People who examine or treat them are being required to be vaccinated and wear a mask This seems very like what the NFL did during the end of the season and playoffs where they stopped testing, and where players were not required to be vaccinated but coaches and trainers were required to be vaccinated (and to wear masks while treating players. Is it putting multiple physical events into one day that’s the beef? Or excluding all but one of the players trainers/support staff? Or just “for 3 days you gotta stay in”? Again, I could be wrong but I think NFL teams required the players to stay in the hotel etc at the end of the season/playoffs and not go out to eat…
  5. I guess that’s one way to ensure they relax and get a good night’s … ‘sleep’ ?
  6. The night before my major job interviews I would eat a healthy meal, review some information about the company I was interviewing and the people who would be interviewing me, and practice my presentation, then do a light workout and get to bed. I would not go out to the bar and kick the “T” out of whatever town it was. Are elite athletes trying to get drafted into the NFL really gonna go out and hit the bars in the middle of the combine, so they show up for interviews in “prime” shape or the night before they lift or do drills so it might decrease their performance?
  7. I asked what the bubble restrictions actually are. I can’t tell if they’re odd or not unless I know that. I guess you don’t need to have actual information in order to make up your mind 🤷‍♂️ Can the teams interview players at school pro days? I know they can have short interviews at the Senior Bowl but I think the number is limited?
  8. So the biggest objection is to allowing only 1 “support person” who has only limited access? I woulda thought the all-1-day measure/lift/drills would been a big objection
  9. Any word on what the objections are? Is it the bubble per se, or the limited access to support personnel, or lumping everything (measurements, lifting, and drills) into one day?
  10. Any idea what the "bubble" restrictions they're opposed to might be? LOL at the NFLPA Leaving aside the general comments about the pandemic (which are out of bounds here) - again, what are these "unnecessary protocols"? Hopefully since you have a strong opinion as to whether or not they're reasonable, you can tell us exactly what the protocols and requirements for draft prospects and support personnel might be, and how they differ from previous years.
  11. I'm not at the "don't let the door hitcha" but I'm unsure why people are on board with "huge loss" either
  12. Global digital currency 100% makes sense, but how people are investing/trying to make money is kind of independent of the idea of gov't supported currency?
  13. A bunch of people (including on here) think the defensive holding call on 3rd and 8 at the 8 yd line was a bad call (and it swayed the game by making it 1st and goal instead of 4th and eight I think it was a legit call, the issue is that the refs weren't making similar calls all game.
  14. I mean, that's probably true, but then objectively, one needs to look at the extent to which that might be true of other defenses It's like when people say "our running game wasn't really that good, having Josh Allen pads the stats" which is true, but then they don't subtract out the QB rush yards for other team's rushing offenses
  15. OK I went and looked at your shut down thread: 1. It's not an article, it's a letter to the editor. 2. It's not on the front page 3. You provide no substance - just "I can't read the article" Let's reflect on this right now. You actually can't read the article, but you're coming on here to inform us the author (whose article you can't read) is a racist. You can't provide any substance - because you haven't read the article - yet you state "The news has fully endorsed racism" Verdict: Race Baiting, No substance. Lock. Dude, the guy provides no substance because he hasn't even READ the freaking letter. That's what deserves to be called out - people waxing all indignant because "a guy on the internet said a thing" without having any actual facts about what was said and why it is or isn't racist. For all we know the headline is sarcastic and the text takes an opposing view. Somewhere Else, Not Here. Take it to PPP if that kind of "don't hassle me with the Facts, Chuck" reaction is your thing.
  16. You can cut and paste any accurate information. I agree with Simon that your original thread contained multiple misrepresentations - that it was 'the front page of the News" and not an opinion letter trending on their website etc etc. A dude has an opinion you find racist and the news is publishing his letter. Why do we care? Why is this not "someone was WRONG on the internet?" If the News gave it a voice, and you disagree, isn't that a Good Thing? Isn't the usual complaint that media "censors" opinions? What is the letter's content, and why does it show the author is a "racist"? You need to put more substrate into this thread ASAP, or it too will be shut down for race-baiting without relevance or substance.
  17. A C on the last year of his rookie contract, no doubt
  18. Try to provide some context here or substrate for reasonable discussion. I don't hang out there and read the letters, but I'm guessing that a lot of letters on TBN have ridiculous viewpoints. Why does this one deserve the Feels and the Clicks?
  19. https://www.wsj.com/articles/nfts-cryptocurrencies-and-web3-are-multilevel-marketing-schemes-for-a-new-generation-11645246824 https://www.jacobinmag.com/2022/01/cryptocurrency-scam-blockchain-bitcoin-economy-decentralization?fbclid=IwAR37NQkiA_syA5iQjFjAfIxIN7RRbVJi7IV-NNFgShsdscu02SqGYGZph_M
  20. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2022/01/cryptocurrency-scam-blockchain-bitcoin-economy-decentralization?fbclid=IwAR37NQkiA_syA5iQjFjAfIxIN7RRbVJi7IV-NNFgShsdscu02SqGYGZph_M https://www.wsj.com/articles/nfts-cryptocurrencies-and-web3-are-multilevel-marketing-schemes-for-a-new-generation-11645246824
  21. Although to be fair - there's a huge difference between hiring a linebacker coach, and hiring a head coach
  22. It was in response to these posts: Platypus has 52 chromosomes
  23. ? how so and why? He coached Brian Urlacher 2004-2006 with the Bears, is that why? But Urlacher was a probowl/all pro LB before Babich got there?
  24. Part of it might be Daboll has been his OC all along while Mahomes rookie year was Nagy (although, he didn't play) Also, Bieniemy was previously the RB coach Both those things said, it doesn't seem like a fair standard I liked the quip that the person most responsible for Josh Allen's development (Josh Allen) seems to get the least credit, but I do think Daboll was more than "a lucky recipient". I think Josh came into the league very raw and not really understanding a lot of aspects of the pro game (reading the D, the protections and how to change them, etc etc) and Daboll worked with him a lot to watch film and improve his understanding. Josh himself said that looking back, he's embarrassed by how little he understood about the protections his rookie year. I think a different OC that wouldn't have had patience and put in the time wouldn't have gotten as good a result.
  25. IMO the Bills need an upgrade on IOL. Josh Allen was #1 in the league at preventing pressures from becoming sacks https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/josh-allen-was-no-1-in-nfl-in-preventing-pressures-from-becoming-sacks/article_14ac6a54-8a99-11ec-a0e0-b3fad28e1ce7.html But PFF says he faced pressure on the most dropbacks in the league (32%, or 246) Yes, Allen can escape from pressure but it may mean he's throwing it away or taking a short pass instead of pushing the ball downfield
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