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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. It's like what we signed with Emmanuel Sanders. His signing bonus was divided in 2 and amortized into a "player voidable" 2nd year that has no salary or roster bonuses. So the player is free to seek another contract, but the team takes a dead cap hit consisting of the portion of the players signing bonus that got amortized into the 2nd year. Make sense?
  2. Except that wasn't always true (from watching the games) Verification: Beasley had 19 fewer 1st downs (34 vs 53 on the same # of receptions, 82) If Beasley were only laying down after he had the 1st down, he shouldn't have had that drop off. It's a very valid point that if the TE can both block and catch, the 2 TE, 1 RB set (1,2) offers play calling flexibility that the (1,1) 3 WR set does not, especially with a player like Beasley who is not a strong blocker.
  3. That's the "stinkin' thinkin' " of the Russ Brandon "drought" years - ***** building a great team, just make some splash move in FA or the draft so you can excite the fan base. So I hope it's not true. How plugged in is Thad Brown usually? So basically Graziano is speculating that the Pegulas will tell Beane to "fluff" the fan base with a big FA splash. Nothing to see here, Move Along.
  4. Just a little note that folks have made upthread, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but a squib and a pooch kick are in fact different. https://coachingkidz.com/what-is-a-squib-kick-in-football/ https://www.marca.com/en/nfl/2022/01/26/61f1b63d22601d942e8b4604.html Just to be clear, I'm neither accusing Dunne of "creating sources" or of "lying". But we don't know who his sources are, whether they are people who have direct personal knowledge of the situation or are recounting hearsay, or even whether they are people who have a personal interest in shifting the narrative. A person can have actual sources and be correctly conveying what they were told by those sources, but their story is only as good as their sources. This is, essentially, the "eyewitness" problem in criminal trials. However, the fact that you converted what was said into an accusation of "creating sources" and "lying" speaks to the thinking process behind your beliefs, thus whether those beliefs should be considered credible.
  5. I obviously agree. We hope it will be good, but I expect it will be different.
  6. My neighbor's boyfriend's Parrot Walker thinks he's always wanted to live in Florida so he'll accept a bucket of beachballs and some candy to play for the Jags.
  7. So let me get this straight. You want to believe an anonymously sourced piece by an independent football writer who is no longer bound by organizational standards like "I must have two independent sources with direct personal knowledge of the situation". Therefore, because of this situation, you want to believe that McDermott, who by all other sources has been a man of deep integrity and character who says 'it was my decision' when in fact, it was his decision, actually called for a deep kick and lied. The "Occum's Razor" call here is that McDermott is a straight shooter who would own a decision he actually made. If he called for a deep kick, he would own it. McDermott has made other controversial calls and has owned every one. It's not actually a controversial call, Championship Winning coaches like Sean Payton are on the record as pointing to a deep kick as the correct call and explaining why he thinks so. The other approach still paints the ST coach as having incompetent communications (since the entire ST unit obviously still expected a kickoff return, so in this scenario the HC call for a deep kick wasn't communicated to 10 guys on the unit), AND paints McDermott as a lying weasel, so obviously that must be the correct scenario.
  8. So the idea is that Farwell, the one who wanted to take time off the clock, communicated one thing to his kicker and something else to the rest of the ST unit (who were clearly running in a way that suggested they expected a kickoff return and were taken by surprise when it went through the end zone? Therefore, after this screw-up by Farwell (not communicating the head coach's call correctly to the entire ST unit), he voluntarily decided to leave a championship contending team for a lateral move to a bottom-of-the-league team like the Jags I don't know who Dunne's sources are so it's hard to evaluate, but this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I think there are people on the Bills who know what happened, and they aren't talking, including to Ty Dunne. If you believe it. Keep in mind Ty Dunne is trying to sell a product - his "Go Long" writing - and to do that he has to generate enough controversy to attract buyers. That also means he is no longer held to the standards of more mainstream journalism like AP, which requires two independent sources with direct knowledge of the situation.
  9. Def. cleans up good! What always amazes me in these pictures is how Josh Allen (6'5") manages to look the same size or shorter than guys like Harrison (6'3")
  10. His snap counts fell only slightly from 2020: 62% vs 66%. So he was in the game plan and on the field. And he had exactly the same number of catches. The routes he was making receptions on were typically shorter, and he was going down immediately after the catch during the middle of the season vs. fighting for the 1st down.
  11. That, but also remember he blossomed in Daboll's offense. Daboll is now a Giant. Perhaps Beasley doesn't think he'll have as big a role in Brady/Dorsey's passing game, or that the role he will have won't suit him as well, or that they will be less receptive to his inputs than Daboll was.
  12. Dude, please educate yourself if you're going to talk on these topics. 1) NFL teams do, indeed, own the exclusive rights to their players employment while the player is under contract. That's part of what makes NFL contracts unique, so bringing up "where you work" is irrelevant 2) The player's contract does not terminate when the season is over. The contract remains in force until the start of the new league year March 16th a) exception is the two day "legal tampering" period starting March 14th 3) During the contracted period, it is considered "tampering" for other teams to talk to that player or his agent about terms of a contract with them Seriously. These are all real NFL rules, agreed to by the NFLPA. That said, the league can't stop player agents from chatting up GMs and FO guys from other teams in restaurants and bars at the Senior Bowl and Combine and etc. And "spitballing" about contracts for the players those agents represent occurs, we all know that. But not all of those discussions result in contracts presented on March 14th, and not all of those contracts have favorable terms in the details. And smart people do not leave a discoverable paper or SMS trail. If you write #s on a cocktail napkin, you stick it in your pocket and toss it in a trash can on the way back to your hotel.
  13. I don't follow this. Are you saying DLmen don't want to rotate because rotation leads to injury? What is the average # of snaps played by a NT or 1TDT around the league? Tyson Alualu played 40-47% the 2 years before last season. Vita Vea played 56%. A'Shawn Robinson played 44%, Greg Gaines 67%. I think around the league, most team rotate 1TDT/NT even if they have a monster like Aaron Donald next to them. The Bills do offer 2 year contracts, they just usually structure them to look more like 3 year contracts.
  14. The Bills will only save significant cap cutting Lotulelei if they cut him post-June 1 ($4.1M). Cutting him early would save roster bonus etc but not free up the cap space until after June 1. Since the Bills won't save significant cap by cutting Lotulelei unless they cut him post-June 1 (in which case they can't use the cap savings until....post-June 1), and since McDermott loves him his DL rotation which needs at least 2 1TDTs, this viewpoint makes no sense to me. Sheldon Rankins is an interesting contract comparable. His 2 years previous to signing with the Jets saw him play 10 and 12 games. Harry played 12 and 14 games. Malcom Brown missed games as well, but only 1 season prior to his contract (played 13 games) My guess is that like Milano, Phillips wants to wait until closer to FA to see what his market elsewhere may be, but the GMs who are talking to his agent in the bar are just spit-balling at this point and aren't getting into the gritty details that matter, like how much is fully guaranteed and when. This. Especially personal texts that could open Phillips agent and the other team to chargers of tampering. I don't believe in the OP or the tooth fairy. But my kid did used to find silver dollars under her pillow (inflation)
  15. The source for this piece is the same Ty Dunne article that is linked upthread So it isn't a second source saying the same thing or independent confirmation.
  16. The Giants may have plans to improve the OL. Daboll isn't the Giants OC; Kafka is. Kafka came from KC, where they run a WCO variant. Jones played well under a WCO variant with Mike Shula his rookie year, so he's familiar with the WCO terminology.
  17. Funny how Schoen says they aren't going to make up their mind until May 2d, but you already know this. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/giants-will-wait-to-decide-on-daniel-jones-option/ar-AAUwqUa
  18. I expect his best friend learned this in a High Level Meeting 😄 Harrison Phillips is a smart guy. His agents are smart guys. They understand there's this thing called "tampering". Waving around texts that "prove" he will sign elsewhere in FA, before FA even starts would be tampering. We all know conversations between agents and GMs occur at the combine and winter meetings, but actual texts proving something are another matter. I don't expect you to believe me, but you 'll just have to believe me haha. Now now. You went from PROVING he is NOT coming back, to "sounds like" he'll accept another offer. Which is it?
  19. It's a good question "does Daboll intend to try to develop Daniel Jones?" I guess we'll have one answer in when the deadline to pick up his 4th year option approaches. I don't think it's impossible. Jones rookie year stats were basically close to being a QB one can win with, under Shurmur/Shula. He didn't look as good under Jason Garrett/Freddie Kitchens. It's quite possible (IMO) that Daboll looked at him and said "this might be a guy we can work with". If that's the case, then it would make a lot of sense to give him a couple savvy vet WR It's also going to be interesting what sort of system Daboll runs. Shurmur/Shula run nominally a WCO terminology/system, but it's not a precision timing based system. Same is true of Kafka (Daboll's OC) coming from KC.
  20. When You're Right, You're Right. In hindsight here, Donald is the better player Being honest about my own past takes though, in that draft I really wanted Khalil Mack. When the trade up was announced, I was all excited jumping up and down "Whoo we're going to draft Mack!"
  21. Ugh, I'm still salty about that one. Right up there with trading up to #4 for Sammy Watkins when Khalil Mack was drafted at #5
  22. TBH, I think fans make a much bigger deal about the Covid and "fan booing" stuff. I think internally and contrary to his pre-season statements, Beasley made a good-faith effort to comply with the protocols in facility and not be blatant with whatever he did outside the facility. He deleted his Twitter and calmed down on his Instagram. I expect there probably was some frustration on the part of the Bills FO. I don't think it rose to the level of "deal breaker" IF the Bills felt confident they could get Beasley's 2020 level of performance next year. I think his performance has fallen off, and the Bills internally have the data to know it in addition to YPC and 1st down data that are out there publicly - the players wear some kind of GPS tracker in their pads and shells, that can track speed and acceleration and so forth and the players and coaches monitor this, Hyde referenced "I'm not the fastest guy but if you look at my GPS I still have something in the tank" Definitely would be interested in that, because while on the one hand, Daboll has said that Davis can play any WR role, I don't recall seeing him in the slot very much and I don't think of him as that shifty, agile guy who can always find the gap in the zone and get open. It was fun watching him break ankles a few times, but those were on deeper routes. OTOH someone posted a tweet that the Bills are trying to bring McKenzie back, and that might be a factor as well since McKenzie did a fine job getting open vs man at the end of the season, and also runs those reverses and sweeps and even took some handoffs, roles where they don't use Beasley. It might also be that Davis would keep Beasley from moving beyond the slot, and that's something he wants to do.
  23. I'm really wondering if Beasley wants to go to the Giants and Daboll wants to bring him there. I believe an under-appreciated part of Beasley's contribution was to constantly be in Josh's ear in 2019 telling him "you can't wait until I'm open, you have to throw it with anticipation". I'm sure Josh heard it from his coaches, but hearing it from a fellow player who says whatever the football player speak for "*****, that's a completion if you throw it before I turn, to the spot we expect I'll be" Daboll may want a couple of savvy vet WR who can help develop Daniel Jones in a similar way. I'm not sure they have that guy on their roster. The Giants don't have the cap right now, but if they're willing to sign Beas to a 2 year deal with a void year, they could theoretically raise his AAV, drop his cap hit, and maybe trade a player back they might otherwise cut. But that would be the sort of thing where the parties don't want to wait, hence "seek permission" to avoid "tampering"
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