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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Heh. If he weren't so big and fast, there's no way he'd have made it INTO an NFL camp in the first place. This might just be me, but I felt that the Bills player personnel situation on DL last year impacted both sides of the ball all season. They kept what, 5 DT and 6 DE? It seemed as though inactives on offense and defense must have been a weekly contest^H^H^H^Hversation. Then which DL to have active. It almost seemed like the question "Who shall get the active DLman Rose this week?" became an internal distraction vs focusing on developing a smaller number of guys and using them to their best potential against that week's opponents.
  2. You answer your own question. He only played in 8 games because his overall play didn't merit more playing time. He did not play at a level that merits a 3 year, $15M contract.
  3. I thought Creed was BPA over Basham myself. But draft evaluation is an inexact art, and for all we know, input into that evaluation may be one reason Bobby Jones is coaching for the New Jersey Giants (where I wish Daniel Jones the very best of luck, staying clean and upright). PS the Constitution (by which I assume you're alluding to the 1st amendment) "does not ban restraints on speech imposed by private entities". Don't take this as a gateway to a political discussion, but I regularly exchange PMs with various "passionate individuals" who misunderstand this, so I try to head it off where I can. I wish the Constitution were better taught in schools.
  4. ? Bills were 3rd in the league for INTs and 4th for defensive TOs last season. What would qualify as opportunistic to you?
  5. Jeezuz, will you mark these posts NSFW or "trigger warning" or something? Yuck-o
  6. While I checked " agree" because it also disturbs me that we now have so many bodies involved in the Cam Newton Career Destruction Fiasco involved in the Bills Offensive Brain Trust, I think the question of Cam Newton is....complicated. Just like Daboll said about "it takes a village" where developing Josh is concerned....I think it takes organizational commitment to develop an OL and run game and quality WR to protect a QB. Then it takes commitment on the part of the QB to develop his abilities to read the D and to deliver accurate passes all over the field. There may be something to the notion that Cam Newton played a role in getting the $#|+ knocked out of Cam Newton, by preferring to run over developing certain aspects of his passing game. There's also the question of the targets he had. Greg Olsen was amazing, but Kelvin Benjamin was...inconsistent, and who else? To be fair, there's a lot of preparation that goes into an offense, and reasons to hire a guy to fill them that go beyond "you think he needs these other guys" in a "needs them them mentally" vs. "needs them to fill organizational needs and prepare"
  7. I thought Shula has been a good OC, so I'm not sure what "better in this role" means - he got more out of Barkley and out of Daniel Jones than anyone else has managed. But "too many cooks" was very much my reaction.
  8. Do Bayless and Watson have the same agent? While not dissing Allen, Jordan Palmer recently raved about Watson as a QB, his level of preparation and his understanding of the game I think Watson's agents are pumping up the PR forces for him. Er, maybe I should reword that....
  9. I actually think he wouldn't still be here. 1) Every OL coach likes to bring in a couple of "his guys" to help teach his techniques and help him "keep the room" when tempers flare. The guy who will look over and just say "Johnny - be coachable" if a player gets critiqued in practice and starts kicking rocks in the locker room Pretty clear in his interview Saffold is Kromer's guy. 2) I don't think Williams and Feliciano fit what Kromer wants to do with the line 3) When a guy who started 16 games at T and won a new contract sucks as badly as Williams did to start the season, Something is Wrong. Either he got Paid and Demotivated, or he's battling a chronic injury, or he's fighting a personal battle with addiction or chronic illness. It's not a situation like Ford where he starts at RT and it doesn't work out so you decide to see if he can play G. Williams played RT so well he won a new contract and we were all like "OK that spot's locked down" at RT. Until the season started and we were all "WTF is going on here?"
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  11. Uh, Wat? Ravens were 6-3 with Lamar. Ravens were 1-3 with Huntley, 0-1 with Johnson Now if one looks statistically, the margins are pretty thin. But then, that's true in any game, and they're significantly positive in favor of Lamar: Points for +4; Points against -2; 1st downs +3, Yds +56, Pass Yds +54 There is this thing called "Central Heating"
  12. I think you're missing a key point of the story, and possibly have a slightly different definition of "affect". There was a previous year starter - but he was beaten out by TWO freshmen. Davis Webb and Baker were both freshmen. Baker did beat Webb out to start the season, but after that they were trading starts, and by some metrics Webb was better (Baker had more wins, but I don't know enough college football to judge how the level of competition in specific games impacted that; by some metrics Webb was better 20 vs 12 TDs and same INTs). (No, I don't follow college football but I was interested in Davis Webb so I looked that up a while back. Webb got outplayed in college... by Mayfield AND Mahomes). If interested, here's an interview with Mayfield at the time - he makes it pretty clear it wasn't the scholarship that was the whole issue. It clearly didn't "affect" Mayfield in the sense of dampening his confidence in himself or his ultimate career trajectory, but it seems he was highly "affected" in the sense of being alienated and pissed off after not getting what he perceived as his due (not just the scholarship, but the unquestioned starting role). He didn't stay and fight for that role, he "took his ball and went home". Ultimately, of course, it worked out for him. So talking to Watson might be motivational for Mayfield, but it very well might motivate him to say "get me TF out of here if I'm not your guy". He's already done that once.
  13. My first thought when I read about the moves was "ooooh, too many cooks". Dorsey now has the OC he worked for as a QB coach for the Panthers, the Panthers former OC, and a former Bears OC, all on his staff Since I think it's a "given" that all these guys have egos.....it seems like a lot. I don't think it usually works out that well when one guy who used to be your boss winds up reporting to you. On the other hand.....they all do know each other, so hopefully they have the roles and responsibilities worked out Oh Does He Now.
  14. I'm pretty sure Beane and Harry's agent talked and Beane outlined what the Bills thought was fair, while the agent told Beane that they could get more. Whether they actually made him a formal contract offer, who knows? If you say we can give you 3 years, $12M plus incentives and the response is "I'm worth $20M" not too much point, is there? Will be interested to see the details of Harry's contract, though.
  15. Yeah, I think Diggs was just clapping back at McKenzie - last year McKenzie told Diggs he had more TDs than Diggs did so Diggs should give him some of his money he signed for, this year Diggs claps back give me some of your money you just signed for. McKenzie made it clear he likes things to be constant in his life, same friends, same trainer, stay with the Bills....I do hope he trains at House of Athlete and Receiver Factory (where Diggs trains) again though, I think it helped.
  16. Couple of things I took away: 1) Bills PR coached McKenzie on that harder than Crash Davis coached Nuc Laloosh on his platitutes. When asked about his role next season etc. McKenzie consistently said the PC thing about wanting to do his job, taking it one practice at a time, one game at a time, whatever he can do to help the team win, asked about how Dorsey plans to use him "no we haven't talked about that, I'm sure we'll get to it soon" Very humorously, after the questions and video ended but before the sound cut off, he said "phew" (the PR person laughed) and "I'm sweating" 2) He's talked to Diggs, Davis, Isaiah Hodges, Chad Hall. 3) He said "I don't know about Beas" or "I don't know what's going on with Beas" at one point. This would have us believe he re-signed with no expectations about his roles or responsibilities.
  17. I thought it was an appropriate name for the lawyer defending a client alleged to have asked therapists to rub his....lawyer?
  18. I'm kind of there. Maybe I just can't get over Kim Jones basically calling Harry out in an interview for not being nasty enough as a football player. At the time, he was probably still struggling with his ACL rehab but he got benched shortly thereafter. But I've pretty much wondered if he really does bring the "nasty" between whistles. The bottom line is he's only played one full season since he's been drafted here. He was inactive 4 games in 2020 and 3 games in 2021. Now it was pretty much stated by Beane that this was because he was rehabbing his knee injuries and needed more time to "get right" but, that's the bottom line. 45/65 games, and a lot of those games he was only taking 25-35% of the snaps. He seems like a great person, and I wish him well with the Vikings and the Vikings well with him. It's possible he will have a great career with them and start 51 games in the next 3 years, but it's also possible his run of injuries will continue. It's also possible he's getting injured because he has to push himself to his physical limits to play at a high level and when he does that, he risks injury.
  19. So last year, Jones signed with Carolina 1 year, $4M https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/daquan-jones-14523/ He's 30, 8 year vet. 6'4",320 38 combined tackles, 1 FF, 1 sack, 1 TFL, 6 QB hits Those are actually a slight fall-off from his previous year in Tenn. where he was listed as a NT, but earlier in his career he was listed as a DE
  20. Actually I think he had a better than that probability, regardless of whether or not the story was true But I don't mean to cast shade, OP was right about Phillips and deserves his LAMP
  21. Don't like you're happy to say it You deserve your receipts, Enjoy them!
  22. ? paid Butler 2 year, $13.1M or $6.6M/yr If the contract is correct that Harry is 3 yr, $19.5M, that's almost exactly the same ($6.5M)
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