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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Until recently they were running a special I think $1 and they still have 7 day free trial. During the season, I read 2-3 articles there every week. Maybe once a month I also find value in TBN Blitz coverage If I 100% agreed with everything all the time, it would be a pretty strong sign there was not diversity of opinion
  2. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-04-13/cdc-fda-recommend-pause-of-johnson-johnson-coronavirus-vaccine-over-blood-clot-concerns The number of events in the above link is 6 per 6.8 million doses, or 0.88 per million. There appears to be debate on what the background rate is for this disorder, called vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). One source in the EU said the background rate was 0.6 per million, which would put this somewhat over background. There is confusion about number of events because some are publishing total blood clot side effects while some are publishing numbers only for VITT. Normal people get blood clots in the normal course of life and a number of widely-used medications have blood clots as a side effect including birth control pills. Covid itself also has a high rate of causing blood clot disorders. This is a specific blood-clotting syndrome involving low platelets. The anti-coagulant Heparin has a similar rare side-effect. [Edit: the Astra-Zeneca vaccine appears to have 4-10 in 1 million of the same disorder or ~10x the incidence]
  3. So, Grasshopper. How much time have you spent in Buffalo performing the no doubt extensive research underlying this conclusion? My vote would be between 0 hrs and "drove through one day"
  4. 83.9 mph, on the entrance ramp To be fair, as @Zerovoltz said, it's a long straight entrance ramp But it's also two lanes wide
  5. So who of those guys would you class as an elite or even a top back, in those years? Really? How and when did they do that? I doan think so Ceesco. I don't think Moss is that quick to hit the hole.
  6. I kind of wonder if the latest NFL CBA did away with these, because perhaps they carried a perception of risk that didn't match the reality? I don't know how accurate this is and of course it doesn't include non-fatal outcomes like a broken leg, but this list of risks is kind of interesting to review. For example, if statistically skydiving is 10x less risky than canoeing and 3x less risky than scuba diving, it might change the picture of what activities should reasonably be restricted. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/564015/probability-being-killed-everyday-activities-chart I know I had no idea. When I see videos of Harrison Phillips scuba diving I don't think "gee, wonder if Beane sees that and gets grey hairs?" but evidently, statistically he should get 3x more grey hairs on that than from watching Diggs skydive and 14x more than from watching Diggs bungee jump, and should also be getting some good grey hairs from Dion Dawkins early morning bike rides around Miami and Ed Oliver's equestrian feats. Indeed. When it comes to things that are truly likely to cost you a player's services, bungee jumping and skydiving much better than 2 am nightclub brawls with out-of-uniform LEO (McCoy) or shady behavior with Massage therapists (Watson). So ride those ponies, Ed; hook up that regulator, Harrison; go ahead and jump, Stefon! It's just the risk perception, I guess.
  7. No fair, I wanted the guy who said we couldn't get to a SB with Devin Singletary to answer. vs Eagles with White was one of the losses though...
  8. Quick. Name the starting RBs on the Patriots 6 SB victories. For that matter, name the starting RBs on their 9 most recent SB appearances. I think Daboll is more flexible than you give him credit for, and at this point has earned enough respect that he can influence the active roster. I do think that having Taiwan Jones as a primarily ST guy and one active WR as a primarily ST guy limits us quite a bit, and I don't see us moving away from that.
  9. I was thinking along those lines. I believe at the present moment, Motor is 100% in the Bills plans. But I also believe that despite all the work in FA, Beane does have his eyes on specific players, and if the opportunity arises to move around in the draft by trading player/picks and he feels it would help us obtain one of those players, he'll do what he has to do.
  10. welk a month or so ago he put up a video of himself bungee jumping off a bridge on his Instagram timeline. I gotta say, his form was perfect. and currently there’s videos of him tandem jumping out of an airplane. He cracked the biggest smile when the main chute deployed
  11. If so, how many grey hairs per second does Beane accumulate watching Stefon Diggs bungie-jump off of bridges and parachute jump out of planes?
  12. Fair. I was thinking it being his first year back after his "off field" hiatus, and on a poor team, he might merit a look if his film bears it out.
  13. I think it indicates they have a contract value on themselves that the remaining teams with needs don't buy into Agree we should be looking into any pass rusher. Agree that Houston's decline was better than anyone on our line's production last season. Disagree with you on Hughes, completely - he was at least as, or more, disruptive than Addison and had 0.5 sacks less and more QB hits, ~=tackles. That's not to say either performed as we needed, just that I don't agree with the "barely noticeable" vs "still looked good" assessment. Clowney, I don't get the hype. Aldon Smith is another it seems to me the Bills should be looking.
  14. Fair. But I don't think we traded him for a draft pick and what would be, I think, the 15th highest salary, in a cap-strapped year.
  15. Yeah, the Bills didn't just re-up Milano to have Edmunds bump him off the field and replace Edmunds with a rookie.
  16. Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see if the Bills pick up his option or not. Some defensive teammates in interviews have mentioned him as the leader on D. McDermott acknowledged mid-season they need more difference-making plays from him, but he, Frazier, and Beane still speak very positively about him. May 5th (I think) is the deadline for the Bills picking up his 5th year option, which I believe is fully guaranteed on that day. That's gonna indicate more about how the Bills truly see him, than all the talky-talking they do.
  17. Anyway revised best guess taking into account the missing $1.5M in dead cap from OTC: Between $3.85M and $4.65M in cap remaining, less the difference between -the cap hits Lamp and Obada once known -the cap hits of the next two guys pushed out of the top 51 by their signings For those who are keeping track Figure $2M to sign rookies, that pretty much just leaves enough to sign Lamp and Obada, and, depending upon their cap hits, *maybe* one more vet-minimum type FA. Anything else will require more restructuring.
  18. You're just making a hobby of pointing out what I need to edit, ain'tcha?
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