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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Sounds like the "Eagles" think solidarity means all the players acting together Sounds like the "Jets" have an....interesting definition of solidarity So...."many of us" stand in solidarity after "every player makes a decision about what is best for him"? Guys, guys, guys....🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  2. I'd never say you suck, but like I said, a lot of these guys are doing absolutely insane workouts away from the facility - check out Poyer's insta or zee_thoven (Isaiah McKenzie). So is it because of no OTAs, or a specific part of the OTAs that raise the injury rate, or ?? Or is it because without the facility, the players actually worked out harder and showed up in better shape? Be good to know. I respect the teams that say we looked at the data and without OTAs injuries were down so we don't wanna do OTAs, or who just didn't give a reason. For all I know these guys, especially the wealthy ones, may be working out during hours when their facility is closed to everyone else or only open to a handful of other pros, and of course neither of us know what precautions they take or don't take. But for the guys who are at the bottom of the roster just trying to earn a spot I suspect it's a huge disadvantage not to have OTAs, the team's trainers may be better and the facilities/programs better than what they could afford on their own and of course the extra chance to learn the plays and get some face time with the coaches helps.
  3. Many of the statements reference data shared by the NFLPA on injuries last year vs previous seasons. Have any of those data been made available to the public? On the Twitters maybe? I find it interesting because I know a lot of these guys are doing just crazy workouts on their own, so it's kinda strange to think that the team facilities would cause more injuries. I'd just like to know what the real deal is. Is it overall, and maybe the injuries happen to the guys who don't work out on their own like demons, but come up against guys that do? Or is it that when the players are in charge of their own workouts and on their own home turf, they do a better job of R&R? Or are the data manipulated to support the NFLPA position?
  4. BeastMode interviews Dr Fauci. This is totally classic I 💓 Marshawn
  5. NFLPA Twitter posting team statements. So far, MANY of the 49ers are all apprehensive about the Covids. The Saints are about injury reduction - no mention of the Covids The MAJORITY of Bears are about covid and Injury reduction, and the NFL didn't communicate their protocols clearly, those slackers! The Ravens are all about Solidarity with the NFLPA (sounds like all of 'em). No excuses, this is how we roll. The Browns are a smorgasboard, all about everything. So are the Giants. The Raiders, like the Bears, appear to be waffles - they respect players on their team and across the league who have contractual incentives to workout, but (?) are they all gonna hold out, or some will hold out and some will work out? I read their statement and I have no idea. The Steelers are also complaining about unclear safety protocols Don't take my word for it, read 'em for yourselves. I most respect the player statements which reference injury statistics like the Saints, or cite no reasons at all - like the Ravens. I think that's the bottom line - the veteran players have never liked OTAs and the Covids are just their excuse to push to get rid of 'em. But, it does sound as though communication from the NFL about protocols has been late and lacking and that's part of the concern. At least the saints are more honest:
  6. I mean, we were 8-8 in 2015 with 2 games we lost by 3 points, one game by 7 points, 1 game by 8 points. The Steelers made the playoffs at 10-6 that season.
  7. LOL Tre' White was asked on some podcast if he tried to intercept Josh and he was emphatic, No Way, he didn't want broken fingers! Deflection only!
  8. Virgil, if you want the poll edited and NewEra can't oblige, PM me
  9. LOL at me "smearing his reputation" while YOU refer to him as "Glass", the nickname given to him for being so often on injury report. Who are you, his agent or his brother? It was all over the news before he was drafted, him telling teams and reporters he was focused on football now, determined to show everyone he was a Football Player who used to do track, not a track star trying to do football: "I am 100 percent committed to being a professional football player." As Goodwin told teammates when he walked off the track in London four years ago: “That was my last jump ever.” In 2015 during the off season, he returned to track and tried to qualify for the World Championships. It may not be a coincidence that he was injured so much that 2015 season, the training and body composition needs of an elite long jumper and the training and body composition needs of an NFL WR not being entirely the same. I'm not saying he was "faking injury" during the 2015 season, but I'm pretty sure it was credibly reported that he started training for the Olympics after he went on IR, before the end of the season. And it's a fact that he was training for the Olympics during the spring and summer of 2016, while under Football contract for the Bills and forgoing parts of OTAs, minicamp, and training camp to do so not to mention focusing on a different sort of training instead of doing the sort of WR-specific training we see glimpses of Diggs, Gabe Davis, McKenzie etc undergoing. In 2016, after failing to qualify for the Olympics and in a contract year he buckled down and did enough as an WR to get a 2nd contract. So yeah, seems pretty clear he was using his Bills salary given to him to play football, to pursue his Olympic track dreams, AFTER telling teams he was "100 percent committed to being a professional football player" and "that was my last jump ever".
  10. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31273196/attorney-says-client-mistook-rams-aaron-donald-attacker-apologizes Sorry! Sorry!
  11. [This is an automated response] As a courtesy to the other board members, please use more descriptive topic titles. A single name if far too vague to post as a title and provides little insight into what specifically the post is talking about.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you. What in the hell is the "pompatus of love"? I've always wondered.
  12. Some have a bit of a soft spot for him because of his family history here. Personally, I think he Lied like a Rug about his track-n-field plans and suckered the Bills by going on season-ending IR so he could train for the Olympics. But I wish his family the best.
  13. Against the Colts, our D gave up a lot of yards, but had some pretty epic moments. I don't see how you can look at that goal line stand midway through the second and say "played poorly". 1st and 4 from the Buffalo 4 and TOD? C'mon, Man. They were leading 10-7 at the time and had a chance to put a 17-7 lead on us. KC game, McDermott's comment was he got outcoached. No argument there was a poor game on D.
  14. Yeah, I wish I could do that. Unfortunately these days they frequently spoof local-to-us exchanges. My mom has so many physicians and labs calling from so many numbers in these exchanges, I pretty much gotta answer. Google voice (our home phone #) does a pretty good job of screening out spam, and my cell carrier labels others "spam likely" so I don't answer those.
  15. "Hello, this is Jason, I'm calling on a recorded line about your mortgage. How are you today?" "I think you're a computer!" <silence> "I'm calling about a financial matter. My callback number is xxx-xxx-xxxx" [Yep, you're a computer!] "Hello, this is Jason, I'm calling on a recorded line about your mortgage. How are you today?" "Rutabaga Vegetable!" <silence> "I'm calling about a financial matter. My callback number is xxx-xxx-xxxx" Some of the better telemarketers can respond to the "I think you're a computer" (or "You're a computer, aren't you?") in a moderately plausible way, but I have yet to find one that isn't stymied by "Rutabaga Vegetable!" What's your favorite response to possible computerized telemarketing?
  16. Agree. Josh isn't a "fast twitch" guy, he's fast once he gets going in that long stride. In his rookie year and somewhat in his 2nd year, if his first reads weren't there he'd just take off. Now, he maneuvers out of the pocket primarily to give his guys time to get open, so he's not taking off right out the backfield. He's still plenty fast, but he uses it to run sideways more so it's less noticeable. And he does get down or run out of bounds more. *slightly* more.
  17. Mmmm. Pocket presence is all very well, but I think there's something to be said for upping our OL investment. And any running back we get, is gonna need a line. I think the signing of Trubisky says Josh had at least 2 plays where he was fractions of a Newton away from missing games - the Raiders play where he sprained his AC joint, and the Joey Bosa tackle where he was good hip flexibility away from badly sprained knee ligaments "Josh Allen is Gumby" This. Allen isn't gonna advertise his injuries, but you can tell how close he came to missing time by how the Bills reacted. And they reacted by signing a guy who has actually demonstrated he can play and win games in the NFL.
  18. Well, technically, he's still in the league - signed by the Dolphins
  19. Did you point out that Josh has Pwn'd the Fins, with fans in the stands, since his arrival in the league? Click to embiggen. The one loss was a Clay endzone drop from a win. How does your Phins fan dude feel about Tua as the Fins QB of the Future? For your guy's comments to have merit, he would have to show that multiple play changes at the line were major factors in the road game wins. If Josh wasn't reading the play better and throwing more accurately and with anticipation, wouldn't have mattered if he could change the play 4x. I mean, other teams got to do that too, right?
  20. Please don't worry, I'm sure I'll do something PDQ to resolve that. If you interpret me as supporting your point, you're misinterpreting
  21. I was addressing @MJS comment that I believe that to be mistaken. High draft picks and FA dollars have been invested. I feel fairly confident that if I reviewed your posting history prior to last season, you would be asking "has he drafted/signed any great offensive players?"
  22. *blink* um, really? 2018 1st round, 3rd round, 4th round, 5th round all D (no 2nd round pick) 2019 1st, 5th, 6th, 7th all D (no 4th round pick) 2020 2nd and 7th D (no 1st 2 first round picks, a 2nd round pick, and a 3rd round pick in 3 years doesn't seem like "very little" And that's not considering free agent signings Star Lotulelei (2018), Trent Murphy (2018), Jordan Phillips (2018), Vernon Butler (2020), Mario Addison (2020), Quinton Jefferson (2020), Josh Norman (2020), AJ Klein (2020), and I'm sure I'm missing a couple. Look, there are famously very few players left on the roster since before Beane and McDermott arrived, you can't have that be the case without a lot having been done on D. A lot of what they've done, you might consider to be of little or no impact, but the point is - they brought in guys and paid them good money, and drafted guys.
  23. Foster just couldn't or wouldn't block worth a darn
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