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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Me too, but as pointed out up-thread, one could post the same stuff without linking in one's own site if one wishes to. Or pay to advertise it here. 🤷‍♂️
  2. I know you didn't find it and listen. Context matters, and comparing what one teammate says about another to a used car salesman is content-free Idiocracy at its finest. Here, let's put back some content, and see if you can find a reasonable football-relevant comment to make: [in response to "wouldn't shock me if Edmunds gets traded on draft day for a high 2nd round pick we use to take a LB"]: "LOL, No. Would totally shock me. TBD doesn't like him, the cap sitch makes it no longer a slam-dunk that the Bills pick up his fully-guaranteed 5th year option, but it's a far cry from "not sure we're gonna pay him $12.7M guaranteed in a tight cap year" to "sure, we'll gonna bet the season we can replace this guy, his leadership, and his years of experience in our defensive system with some 2nd round rook"." SMDH
  3. LOL No Would totally shock me. Listen to Matekavich talk about Edmunds on Rico Report. TBD doesn't like him, the cap sitch makes it no longer a slam-dunk that the Bills pick up his fully-guaranteed 5th year option, but it's a far cry from "not sure we're gonna pay him $12.7M guaranteed in a tight cap year" to "sure, we'll gonna bet the season we can replace this guy, his leadership, and his years of experience in our defensive system with some 2nd round rook".
  4. Just saying, I don't think it's reasonable to compare 1) a player who spent the previous season on another team playing a different schedule (Adams) 2) players who didn't take many full-game snaps last year (Klein and Milano). Until Week 16, Cookie was only playing 20, 30, 50% of the snaps - fresh fast feet. When Milano was on IR, Klein had a 3-game stretch of playing >90% of the snaps, but otherwise ditto - 40-50% of the snaps. I also wonder if that's accepted as a great metric for meaningful LB play? I'm not familiar with that site and couldn't instantly figure out how to make it do what I wanted, but if you look up some of the league's top MLB how do their tackles/snap compare?
  5. Basically differences with Scott. Outside of his training camp series which was wonderful, he liked to post about content on his "Draftek" web site (he is Editor-in-Chief). Scott asks people who come here to not post re-directs of traffic to their own websites. Eric Turner of Cover1 used to post here also, and stopped for the same reasons. Well, that and some of us disagree with him, which he doesn't always take too well. We have lost some good contributors through that policy but "Scott's House, Scott's Rules" and I understand where he's coming from.
  6. So Erik Turner posted this photo of a wine glass: "Drink Until Your Husband Looks like Josh Allen". Next to it he posted where his wife fixed it: "Drink Until Your Husband Looks like Josh Allen Matt Milano" Heh. No dragging needed, apparently.
  7. Don't be a Snob. The man lives in a downtown Buffalo loft. Only Tom Brady and other Ugg-wearing effetes would describe a downtown Buffalo loft as a "cave with no running water"
  8. Awesome find - and great job pulling out key soundbites. Thanks! So what are your scouting notes on Jayson Oweh? Feel free to just link if you've already posted elsewhere.
  9. That would be my guess. He just had that look in his eyes - I can't describe it exactly but I know it when I see it. IKYKWIM. I think there's a reason his teammates voted him the "Ed Block Courage" award, over a guy who played 3 playoff games on a freakin' broken leg fergoshsakes.
  10. Agree. Possibly a bit more of an argument for RB because in general, RBs have a short shelf life in the NFL, but overall, article needs context
  11. I swear, Beane must sit down before pressers and make himself a cheat sheet of talking points he wants to hit to sow as much confusion and ambiguity as possible into the predictions by other teams of what the Bills are gonna do. We'll draft at 30 and take the 5th round option, unless we get good offers and the board falls such that we think it's in our favor to traded down. Then again, if a guy we have a top grade on as a difference-maker falls a bit, we might trade up, too. It's probably worth noting that the question about Tremaine Edmunds 5th year option does have unusual context, that being the collision between 1) the fact that we drafted 2 1st round picks in 2018 so we have 2 5th year options to consider 2) the huge cap hit from Covid, and Beane's belief that it won't recover much in 2022. That said, if Edmunds had showed himself more consistently the impact player they expected last season instead of struggling half the year and improving to OK, it still wouldn't be a question.
  12. He did, but then there's also this assessment from the article linked above: The Rams appear to be bringing in competition thus firing a "shot across the bows" of Hekker, who had 7 total touchbacks in 3 SEASONS 2016-2018 - but has had 5 touchbacks per season the last 2 seasons. He's also had a shorter average punt distance (career worst) last season and only downed about the same % as Bojo inside the 20 yd line, ~40% I think Bojo is reasonable competition for last year's Hekker but I'm expecting a cheap "competition" contract for him. I think he and his agents perhaps got a bit "full of themselves" after he led the league in punting and pulled some fantastic "coffin corner" punts, forgetting that he also had some squibs and a bunch of touchbacks.
  13. So first of all, Thanks to the OP for posting a thought-provoking article. Good read. Something like ~50% of all positions drafted in the top of the 1st round pan out. ~30% in the later half of the 1st/top of the 2nd. And that's just whether they become a solid starter, not whether they become a difference-making star. So this has to be looked at properly in a sort of Net Present Value context of "what are the odds of getting an impact player if you draft ANY position in the first round?" How would the article look if analyzing the impact of WR or QB or DE or CB drafted in the 1st round over the last 11 years, ESPECIALLY if the assessment went into 2nd contracts vs being traded/cut and so forth? Of the RBs he names, 7 were drafted at the top of the 1st round, 4 were drafted mid-round, and 9 were drafted at the bottom of the first round. So looked at in the above "overall odds of success" context, you would expect ~9 good players out of 20 1st round draftees. So when he says I'm not sure what the 1st statement means - a run-heavy team could have a good RB already. But we expect 9 NFL-caliber players out of 20, so if half HAVE gained above-avererage YPC, that would be a bit better than expected. I think pretty much all of us would agree that RB is a very dependent position. The RB's success depends upon the OL being able to open holes and the QB being able to mount enough of a downfield passing attack to keep teams from crowding the box. If the team is not "set" at QB, it makes little sense to bring in an RB, as the Giants did with Saquon Barkley. On the other hand, there's not much question that Zeke Elliott was a huge factor in the Cowboys turning it around from 4-12 to 13-3 and playoffs in 2016. I would argue (I think it would be more debated) that Edwards-Helaire added a needed element to the Chiefs offense - they're still not overall much of a rushing team (27 in attempts last year, 23 in attempts this year), but their MO is to have enough rushing game to pick up the slack when teams manage to stifle their pass attack - and they got almost as many yards out of Edwards-Helaire in 2020 as they did out of two backs combined in 2019. Personally, I give the benefit of the doubt to Beane and company. I don't think they're going to pull a Nix/Gailey and go into the draft lusting after a particular player like Spiller, thinking he'll make the difference. Overall I perceive our needs as bigger on D and on OL and would prefer a defensive player, but if they see someone they believe is able to add a missing element at RB at #30, I'm not going to second-guess them. Good read, though, OP, thanks for posting it!
  14. It got posted elsewhere but there was an article in some fitness magazine about Feliciano coming back from injury https://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/winning-strategy-jon-feliciano-kept-pounding-after-tearing-pec/ From what I saw, Feliciano was getting beat at times with footwork especially on stunts. Judging by the look in his eyes in a couple of post-game pressers, I would say he was getting pretty doped up to be able to play. That can affect reaction times all around.
  15. I don't see the relevance of Keyontae Johnson to this case. Because the NFL had a screening requirement, Sweeney was diagnosed and placed on IR before he collapsed in a game from acute myocarditis. Virally induced endocarditis can cause permanent damage, but it can also resolve completely in a matter of months. As @Ethan in Portland said, there are excellent tests to confirm resolution and detect lasting damage if any. A case that was properly diagnosed, managed, and resolved is unlikely to lead to a Keyontae-like mid-game collapse. I actually don't know's I agree with this. I think the team moved on from Lee Smith in part because they believe Sweeney is ready to compete (possibly with Becker) for the blocking TE (who can leak out and catch) role on the team. If they draft a top TE in the first couple rounds, someone's gotta go and it may be Sweeney, but "the first 5 rounds"? Nah. Sweeney played and looked good in the NFL when he had his chances.
  16. Does he mean Pro Bowl caliber running backs like 2nd round pick Ronald Jones II? Or is he trying to make the argument that former 1000+ yd back Leonard Fournette and former pro-Bowler LeSean McCoy were the difference for the Bucs? Does he feel #32 pick Clyde Edwards-Helaire ought to have been a pro-bowler last year? Or is he arguing that former pro-bowler/all pro Le'Veon Bell (this season) and McCoy (last season) were the difference for the Bucs? Overall, he keeps using that word "Pro Bowl caliber running backs" I am not sure what it means to him There are many teams of recent memory that have struggled to run the ball while being able to pass with ease. Tampa Bay last year, the Falcons, even KC last year come to mind. I would like an upgrade at RB, but I think the key to run improvement lies in the OL
  17. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/what-does-the-corey-bojorquez-signing-mean-for-johnny-hekker/ar-BB1fRQY3 Me, too. Unless it's big $, I don't think it's a "gimmee" he's got the job over Hekker. Bojo is from Cali, though, and perhaps what Beane meant by "want guys who want to be here" when he came up, is that long term he wanted to go back there.
  18. Most of the catches I saw in that highlight film were "open when I'm covered" catches where he was either boxing the defenders off of the ball to make the catch and being hit by 1 or two guys immediately as he caught it - not a lot of YAC there - or else diving for it. Other times he was fighting his way to the marker. I like the hands though He came out of college with the reputation of being more a blocking tight end than a receiving TE, I thought This seems to capture the receiving part of what I saw in that highlight film: https://www.nfl.com/prospects/tommy-sweeney/32005357-4539-3041-578e-743d87b9a544
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CN5XjbqJLH1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Good summary
  20. But is he an incredibly powerful Solar Lizard Being?
  21. https://news.yahoo.com/video-shows-man-saving-wife-125523696.html New standard for showing your love
  22. Keep playing like he's playing and he can post whatever TF he wants, for me. My absolute favorite was the stuff he posted about Josh Allen where Tyrell Dodson responded "English, Please!"
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