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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. It's a good point. Remember it was partway into the season when the Bills signed him and they were clearly pretty desperate. He's a Cali guy with 3 kids, and his eldest looks about school age. He's into Bitcoin and various fitness events (running a race with a weighted vest on Memorial Day). His twitter account reads "I play quarterback, but that doesn't define me". He might figure it's time to take his reported $8.8M career earnings and move on. (Half of that money was earned in the last 3 years with the Bills, btw)
  2. Just for grins and giggles I looked up the remaining FA at QB on Spotrac: Alex Smith has officially retired. Of that shabby list, the "pick" of the liter might be.....Nick Mullens? He's worked with Mike LaFleur. He's shown he can actually play and not look totally foolish. Too many picks, but the same can most definitely be said about the best QB on that list, Jameis Winston. A bit hard to believe that the Jets are gonna roll with James Morgan, Mike White, and a rookie...but then again in 2018 we rolled through camp with AJ McCarron, Nate Peterdude, and a rookie.
  3. Less hit than that, since he will likely push another player out of the top 51. So his cap hit will be whatever an end-of-the-3rd-rounder signs for, minus $920,000.
  4. I'm not "all in" on Ertz. He was undoubtedly a great player in his day, but I'm not convinced the fall-off was 100% on Wentz and I'm not persuaded he's the missing link to get the team to the next level. So that's Knox problem, his sibling is a soccer star
  5. On what planet do you feel that's at all an accurate description of the question John Wawrow asked? Did you actually listen to the interview or are you just shooting your own attitudes off your fingertips, that any question about vaccination is a "witch hunt" and "shaming"? Wait, don't tell me, I know the answer to that. C'Mon Man. The thing is, Wawrow is employed by one of the last holdouts to that "important to be accurate" belief, AP. They have requirements regarding what qualifies as a direct source, needing 2 confirmatory sources etc etc. As opposed to much of the rest of current coverage where Ian Rappoport or Adam Schefter can tweet out a rumor from an unnamed "source", and then NFLN and ESPN and a bunch of other media write a story about it citing Schefter's tweet as their source. Which is why the animus directed at Wawrow over this is kind of puzzling to me - it wasn't a witch hunt, it wasn't an attempt to find out who is vaccinated, and he IS far better qualified to be called a journalist than many these days.
  6. I didn't read Trubisky say "the Good Lord willing, it will all work out..." but close enough. And yep, smart. In person, of course, his answers may have had the ring of sincerity. But I personally didn't finish reading feeling I had much understanding of whether Trubisky actually had any offers to come in and compete for a starting job and turned them down for a backup role, or whether he was specifically motivated to come play for Daboll or to be in the QB room with Allen or whatever. Mostly I learned it's great and he's excited. There were nuggets of insight scattered here and there He did sound sincere about embracing his role as a backup:
  7. I'll just stop right there and say I don't know who is a journalist if John Wawrow isn't. Unless you categorically believe no one who covers sports is a journalist. I also think you're kind of blowing this up into more than it is. It's not violating a confidence like quoting someone who said "off the record...." or "for background only....". He asked a question probing if he could get some info, Poyer said "not going there", interview moved on. Wawrow is more a news reporting guy than a feature writer, but he's been offered access and 1:1 interviews in the past and will likely be offered them in the future. He does have a reputation built for years that goes beyond 1 question in 1 interview.
  8. Haha it's measurements during one practice session. But I loved the twitter response asking if McKenzie was on one leg. I thought Tanner Gentry was actually supposed to be pretty fast though. He wasn't invited to the NFL Combine but somewhere it got into interviews and is being quoted he ran a 4.4 40
  9. Wow. You're either one angry dude, or if ads are the worst thing in your life so as to be rage-inducing, you have a charmed life. Congrats!
  10. Did this remind anyone else of Nuke Laloosh working on his cliches with Crash Davis?
  11. This is just my impression, I haven't watched Knox snap by snap. But I don't think Knox is that physical as a route-runner. He can be physical with stiff-arming people etc after a catch - but for every time he does that, seems like there are a number of times he gets jammed or held or just fails to gain separation. Cover1 called out a good arm-over move where he did gain separation on one play as unusual because "he's usually not that physical" My point is I'll take the contributions of a guy who runs a good route and gets open consistently over a guy who is Rambo occasionally and invisible much of the rest of the time
  12. So reading the memo: I see "best practices education" and "guidelines". The latter word is used 3x. Typically when you have guidelines, they're not mandatory. Otherwise they'd be "requirements" and not "guidelines"
  13. I mean, this has to be advisory in nature, right? Whether or not to offer a torodol injection really should be up to the medical staff, and whether to accept it should be up to the patient (player). I agree that Torodol is a risky drug to use regularly because of the risk of unpredictable major bleeds...on the other hand, how often does that happen to players? Is there data on that? And torodol is used because of the perceived risk of narcotic dependence (plus of course narcotics dulling mental processes and reflexes) Unless CBD is the answer?
  14. So much so that I kind of wondered why the Bills brought him in. Good point that it might be an advertisement for his next team, I hadn't thought of that.
  15. So in the NE game in 2019, Beasley struggled with catching a low pass and deflected it upward for an INT and a pick 6. After the game Daboll, who hadn't tact-ified himself yet, made a comment about "if the ball is a bit low we still have to catch it" or something to that effect that was clearly directed at Bease. The next week there was video of Beasley catching small balls that a member of the Bills staff was bouncing off the wall for him - might have been a tennis or racketball or something a little smaller - squash ball?. The point as I saw it was to help him train his eye and hone his eye-hand coordination to react quickly, not to simulate the weight shape and size of a football. I would imaging that ping-pong balls are probably very challenging to catch as they're so light, they're probably very easy to deflect if your hands aren't cleanly in the right place.
  16. Do you happen to remember what he broke? He said: FWIW, Buffalo Fanatics is saying Dunno what "lot of Buzz" means to them. I know they're plugged in with a bunch of players but players don't necessarily know what the FO is doing. And a lot of people have been speculating Ertz Ertz Ertz for months.
  17. this amused me but I refuse to start Yet Another Christian Wade Thread so Imma put this here.
  18. It's one of the aspects where a number of people commented that Diggs changed the whole atmosphere at the Bills training camp and in practice last year - that he practices full speed and always goes hard, and it leveled up the rest of the WR corps just to keep up with him. You can see how intense Diggs is with everything he does, from little things like where he's evidently catching easy balls on the sideline to warm up - so he does it standing on one foot then the other. I'm intending no criticism of Sanders here as it's early days and his job right now is to learn the playbook and get his timing down with Josh.
  19. Good points, good post, but I read this and I can't help thinking of the old Adam Ant song "Goody Two Shoes": You don't drink, don't smoke What do you do You don't drink, don't smoke What do you do The subtle innuendos follow There must be something inside In Knox case Don't block don't catch, What do you do Well you get my point Haven't heard or seen anything of Tommy Sweeney, wondering how he's doing.
  20. That's actually an interesting point. Not just for himself, but of course it lit up his teammates. I think Josh was affected by that a bit his rookie season - all the positive attention (notoriety if you will) from stiff arming or jumping over guys and it took him a while to get over it and process that as the QB, it's primarily his job to distribute the ball to let other people to make plays Hopefully Knox will see the same growth: that it's primarily his job to catch whatever ball comes within an arms radius of him and hang onto it no matter what, THEN make his runs.
  21. Like I said it's just one day and it's just peak speed. For comparison, a 4.5s 40 yd dash time is equivalent to 18.18 mph, but of course that's the average speed over 40 yds. 19 mph is a 4.3s 40 yd dash time. 20.2 mph would be a 4.05s 40 yd dash time (but again, that would be assuming it could be sustained over 40 yds, these are just peak speeds) Diggs is capable of hitting peak speeds in the 21-22 mph range for short distances and pretty sure McKenzie can do even faster bursts
  22. MPH reached (the players wear GPS trackers, not sure where they put 'em when they aren't wearing pads but) I'm sure that will be explained to him
  23. Note that it's just for that one day. LOL at the comments:
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