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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Except that wasn't what Wawrow asked..... Again, I think you're making too much out of what Wawrow actually asked. The hesitant, putting his thoughts together as he spoke way he asked, I think is pretty clearly in part because he was trying to find something to ask that fell outside of Poyer's request. So I think it's a big stretch to claim it's either.
  2. Now Isaiah is actually listed as 173, but that might be soaking wet with his helmet and cleats on. And he frankly does a better job than I've seen from some bigger and heavier folks....
  3. It’s Saturday. Has that trade for Ertz gone through yet?
  4. ?? JJ Watt was released and a free agent Houston had nothing to do with his deal with Arizona and wouldn't have been involved in talks with Beane
  5. I don't like how all the seed spills as it twirls. We have a double baffle shaped from a cone of aluminum flashing and a round piece with flanges cut around the edge. The cone is loose and pushes up into the round piece. It works.
  6. OK I've got one: BIRDS! All of you Damned Birds Get the ***** Off of My Lawn! The last two years these damned little brown birds are decimating my sugar snap and snow pea plants. Those Miniaturized Velociraptors never did before, so it's either a learned behavior one of them taught her kids or maybe the overgrown shrub in the corner of our yard is providing superior bird habitat. Or maybe our dog is no longer putting the "fear of Dog" into those plant-munching avian rapscallions (hold that thought). My friend's husband is an ornithologist and keeps telling me "it's probably not the birds, it's probably bugs and the birds are just eating the bugs" which I now class right up there with "pull my finger". We noticed that where I'd tied sun shade for my lettuce plants, the peas along the shade section that was low enough to prevent perching managed to grow like a foot overnight. When I moved it, they got slaughtered. So I bought a mess of bird netting on Amazon and put up an impromtu Bird Netting Row House. Now I have healthy 4 ft tall pea plants loaded with blossoms and am getting a handful or two of peas, though I won't get much of a crop given it's June in St Louis already. QED Mr Ornithologist: the bird netting isn't keeping out the insects, so it's gotta be the birds. Being baulked of their illicit Sativum snacks, what did those Feathered Freeloaders do? Were they satisfied with the Dispenser of Sunflower Seeds aka Bird Feeder and the mosaic Bird Bath placed in our side yard and kept full and clean for their refreshment? NOOOOOO! They've started munching the tips and devouring the leaves of my pole beans, which they've never done before. The pole beans this year are trellised on a cattle panel bent into an arch, so apparently the birds can more easily "perch and destroy" the tender green tips. So, I equip myself with a chunk of netting and sally out to cover the top of the trellis and down to the part where most of the bean tips are currently staged, so at least they can't sit there and sabotage. I'm occupied tying the netting down when I spy our canine companion out of the corner of my eye. Is she coming to comfort me in my hour of gardening grief? To persuade me to play by depositing a slimy and disgusting Firehose toy on my tootsies? NO! What is she doing? She's biting the Bean plants she can reach at the corner of the bed! Pulling off the leaves and eating them! BAD DOG! NO! BAD! GET OUT OF HERE! The final betrayal: Man's Best Friend is For the Birds. OK that's my peeve.
  7. And previously you said: "We don't have to pretend Wawrow asked the question because he thinks people want to know what Poyer thinks about the vaccine." Both of these strongly imply that Wawrow asked Poyer what he thought about the vaccine. But Wawrow didn't ask what Poyer thought about the vaccine. He asked about what Poyer thought about whether the NFL rules about vaccination would affect SJF for training camp, which IMO is a football question that is fair to ask. Poyer said, essentially "nice try, that's still asking about the vaccine in my book, Next" which is also fair So then why do you keep bringing up "he thinks people want to know what Poyer thinks about the vaccine"? I thought Poyer handled the question very well. True, but journalists ask players questions that really aren't appropriate for them all the freakin' time. They'll ask Mitch Morse or Jon Feliciano what he thought about the Bills pass rush inability to affect the opposing team's QB, like they're going to throw their teammates on D under the bus even if they watched defensive series. One time Morse said straight out pretty much "I was too busy trying to solve some blocking issues with my OL coach to watch the defense" Oh, Horsefeathers. No one has claimed it was "some kind of noble journalistic pursuit". People have just been countering the claims that 1) Wawrow is a hack 2) Not a journalist 3) asking an inappropriate question There's a lot of space between "not a hack, yes a journalist, no the preferences of the interviewee (in an open interview) shouldn't restrict what questions get asked" and "some kind of noble journalistic pursuit". Let's not pretend that people in this thread spontaneously popped up to say "Wow, what a great question Wawrow asked, how Noble! the epitome of journalism!" No, not at all. To the contrary, people chimed in defending Wawrow from what is (in some of our views) unfair criticism. And even the defenders acknowledge that Wawrow's manner of asking questions is rambling and leaves a lot to be desired. You're probably correct that Wawrow asked the question because he thinks it's a hot topic that people want to hear about. Isn't that why all reporters ask questions? I get it, you don't want to hear about it, but I think there are probably others who are interested in questions of the general family "how will the NFL rules affect the operations of my football team"?
  8. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Beane acknowledged interest and talks. But of course there's a lot of room between interest/talks and serious negotiations.
  9. Yes. Barkley embraced his role and was a great mentor to Allen. But at times last season, I had the impression that maybe he’d reached a plateau at being able to rapidly on the sideline diagnose what the defense was doing and help Allen figure out how to exploit it. And of course, it speaks to his skill that the Bills felt Allen with a sprained AC Joint and a linebacker brace was better than Barkley taking a snap for 4 games, even when the game plan was almost 100% run. Trubisky is statistically and in terms of results a better QB than Barkley. I’m not sure Barkley wants to play football at this point. I think he might want to pursue his Bitcoin thing and other interests and be a Family Guy. I’m sure Daboll would have LOooooovvved that job I think Daboll needs to demonstrate mastery of a run game and integrating it into a pass-first offense to reach the top level of consideration as a HC candidate. He may also need to demonstrate that he can return to the sideline productively.
  10. I get it, you don’t find this to be football. And yet, it impacts football directly if coaches and trainers are being told by the NFL get vaccinated or spend the season coaching from your office (unless you’re in progress or have an exemption) If you don’t want to discuss it personally, the thread is clearly labeled as to the content, so why are you here? Irony back atcha. Seems like it must not be about what you personally want to discuss, but about you personally deciding what is or isn’t football relevant to communicate or discuss, even when it’s NFL policy with a direct impact on teams operations!!!!!! (PS speak for yourself, k? The “others support me in email” thing grew ear hairs back in the day of AOL and modems)
  11. Just curious: what was the actual question Wawrow asked? Do you even know? Because the above makes it sound as though you don't.
  12. That would be entirely fair IMHO - not just the NFL, but the NFLPA for the player standards.
  13. Um, I don't think that would help the quality of the game
  14. At this point, most feel the writing was on the wall that Whaley was a "lame duck" and it affected how he presented himself. There was a famed debacle of a press conferece after Rex Ryan was hired which left Whaley in a very bad light. There are a few here who believe that Whaley firmly believed he would continue as GM, and claim inside knowledge to that effect but most seem to feel otherwise.
  15. That's basically my take on Whaley. Hell of a scout, should not be allowed near a microphone, ever. I'm just gonna sit here and look at this statement for a while. Nix. Was hailed as an actual competent football man when the job was given him. Did a bunch of things that were highly approved by fans at the time, such as firing Tom Modrak and revamping the scouting organization. One of the worst GM's you've ever seen. Son, I think you may be suffering from selective memory here. Lucky you!
  16. This. Mind, I think it's a fine thing for the Bills players to all agree to keep vaccine status and vaccine discussions "in house". But it's still a football issue because of the NFL/NFLPA rules and their potential impact on efficiency of football operations and on player availability after exposure. You know that how? I mean, the guy asked a question, Poyer declined to answer the vaccine part, made some general comments about pro's of TC at AdPro and pro's of TC at SJF, and the interview continued. Why and how did it "ruin a whole interview?" I'm kind of getting the impression that you and a couple other guys are the ones who are super-sensitive on these points. Guy asks a question OH NOES! RUINED THE WHOLE INTERVIEW!. Plus you know his motivation (making people look bad) and you know that no one cares. Well for one, seems like you care, a lot, or it wouldn't be such a big deal to you that the question got asked, not answered, and the interview moved on along.
  17. Welp, Then. No word on which 4 teams or which coaches this affects that I've seen. (And please - let's not bring up the constitution and Mah Freedoms! Familiarize yourself with the contents of this report from the Congressional Research Service and this ruling from EEOC before you speak. Then go over to PPP to show your chops at opining on employment, Amendment 10, supreme court precedent such as Jacobson v. Massachusetts etc.)
  18. If we do trade for Ertz and he really performs for us and elevates our offense, I will be happy to line up for my plate of crow. And just FTR, I really wanted Diggs and was thrilled when we traded for him. The only receiver I would have wanted more was Deandre Hopkins and that wasn't gonna happen within the AFC.
  19. No, not quite like that. It's like someone like Cole Beasley, playing on a broken leg. He's been working out on a zero-gravity treadmill if at all and limited in practice - maybe not cutting or reversing direction. Now he wants to go out and play normally with his usual sharp cuts and direction reverses. It's not a structural injury, so it's possible to play but it's gonna hurt like hell. So he hops on the "T-train" for his toradol injection and plays. Or like Harrison Phillips, who was quoted recently saying It would be a pretty good bet he was getting toradol to deal with that 8 out of 10 pain and play anyway. It's guys who have an injury or are recovering from an injury, but still have significant pain that they know will hamper them on Sunday.
  20. Interesting points. I think it's telling that the memo references "recommendations made in 2012 by the NFL Physicians Society Task Force on the Use of Toradol". My first reaction was "if that report came out in 2012, What Took You So Long?"
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