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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. To be fair, it is a relatively new vaccine and not FDA approved. I wouldn't say it's "stupid". He was given a choice and he took it.
  2. *Raises hand*. In 1983, I was working with nice, juicy, fresh, bloody human tissue in a research lab when Hepatitis B vaccine was developed. The original vaccine, the one that was derived from blood, not the much safer recombinant vaccine. I was told, "get the vaccine, or Get Out - look for another job". The hospital/med school and its health insurer didn't want to be responsible for Hep B treatment for employees when the disease was preventable by vaccine. Not only that, they actually checked our antibody levels and it took me 5 shots over 4 months to seroconvert. 😬 Don't overlook the role that Risk Management and insurance play in employer decisions. It's pretty clear the NFL would like to mandate the vaccine for players too but the NFLPA nixed that.
  3. Er, we do know that where relevant, employers have been mandating their employees to get vaccinated for years now? Flu, Hepatitis B, etc etc
  4. I don't think even cute puppy pictures will redeem this thread, but Ask and You Shall Receive There's a video of Josh teaching his puppy to shake hands https://www.instagram.com/p/CQHR8MdAW0p/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  5. I understand that is your and others interpretation of this, but that doesn't mean it's the only interpretation or the correct one.
  6. We completely agree with the latter! I liked Beasley much better when he said the best thing he'd done was hand his social media accounts over to his management team and stay off it. I don't think Beasley has an obligation to clarify though
  7. I thought Brother Bill had a point when he historically drove to Pittsburgh, purchased a Primanti sandwich, brought it back mistreated and hurled it. Not that it isn't a great sandwich, but the Optics, Man!
  8. How is Beasley being persecuted? He is putting his views out there on Twitter, others are putting their views out in response. Abused, yes he is. I do not and will not get a twitter account and participate because of the rudeness and abuse. I think it's despicable. Agree Agree that Beasley has good points involving vaccinated teammates who are only tested once every 14 days and can go about unmasked possibly spreading Covid to vaccinated and unvaccinated teammates. This is potentially a real issue and the NFL had better address it. Their protocols are appropriate for last winter, but that was Then, This is Now. Unfortunately Beasley is also mixing in all sorts of other stuff, including re-tweeting a genuine MD who falsely claims to be the inventor of mRNA vaccines (Katalin Kariko, man - Say Her Name) and who is spreading misinformation with a trowel, and some stuff that seems to logically contradict his other tweets.
  9. I actually don't think Beasley's comments were about race at all, but of course I could be wrong. In fact, I think they were so far from being about race that it didn't occur to Beasley they would be taken that way by some.
  10. I understand that you interpret it as racist, but it's not at all clear to me that is either how Beasley intended it OR how Hughes interpreted it. I think when they met for OTAs, Hughes was part of the "minority" on the team that was vaccinated, and the majority was unvaccinated, and it quite probably concerned Hughes because at the time he had a pregnant wife at home and covid in pregnancy can be devastating. But now the "majority" of the team is vaccinated, and I think that's "from the minority to the majority, now the minority don't matter?" that Beasley is talking about.
  11. Dodson deleted one tweet and said it was bad timing, about a personal matter. Diggs responded to some "don't try to put me against my own teammate, that was about me and no one else" I think Hughes deleted his tweet? Feliciano is gonna be the "protector" and "enforcer" to his little brothers So...either the bickering factor is over blown or McDermott and other coaches are clamping down
  12. Please, NO. We have had to squelch umpteen threads wanting to re-hash the same drama. Use a web browser and google if you must be informed.
  13. https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/news/314992/michael-thomas-ankle-undergoes-surgery-will-be-sidelined-weeks.php Says Saints expected to work out FA WR
  14. Yikes. But I still think the Saints biggest problem isn't WR it's someone to throw the ball to the WR
  15. Clearest graphic I've found showing the real impact of vaccination on Covid in the UK; Infection rates rise, but deaths do not The vertical axis is days since the "wave" started 1 = 9/8/20 for 2nd wave on L 1 = 5/14/21 for 3rd wave on R Data are from the UK Public Health service, are linked in the original graph, and I spot verified. Source is Newstatesman, High factual, Left-biased. Citing only because data are sourced, and verifiable. UK is one of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, but much of the population has had only ONE DOSE, which turns out not to be very effective against asymptomatic or mild infection vs. Delta. (see above post for sources) Data data from Public Health UK suggest younger people are more likely to be "S-gene positive" (infected with Delta), so this may change as more elders are infected. Same data suggest a fully-vaccinated >80 yr old has ~= risk to unvaccinated 50 yr old, which is why there is still a substantial death rate among vaccinated elders. Source: BBC
  16. Saw this https://www.si.com/olympics/2021/07/21/tokyo-olympics-covid-19-protocol-restrictions-journalists?fbclid=IwAR2TfjZcqQq_phmku69wbRMoOExO4noYE2yQw8zzJxiLYfhpUnFXBoK8qiU Sounds like a "cf" on the sports media side - lots of pointless protocols that don't actually address things that cause spread like packed busses and crowded elevators
  17. LOL Nate Burleson fingers ST. Points out how few TDs the Bills have had in ST and says it needs to be more of a focus Heads on TBD:
  18. He's clearly not as fast as Brown - 0.2 slower - but he seems to make up some of the difference with a more physical release. And he sure can shoestring the sideline.
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