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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Heck I'm looking at him as the guy who is competing for #3 or 4 WR
  2. I put my take on it upthread I think Beasley was talking about the shift on the team from majority unvaccinated at OTAs to minority unvaccinated going into training camp It's been a reiterated theme that Beasley is concerned the new NFL protocols won't help protect unvaccinated players from infection Hughes clearly didn't take it as racist at all.
  3. Actually, it isn't - HIPAA doesn't apply to reporters asking you a question. But it is, of course, within the interviewee's rights to decline to answer ANY question and say they'll keep it 'in house', as Edmunds and Allen did during OTAs. Wish Beasley would do likewise but he's a Man on a Mission.
  4. But he is burdened by misinformation, WEO. He is. I'm not going to try to claim his doubts about vaccination didn't come first, and then he looked for sources to reinforce his doubts, but the point is, there's stuff out there that sounds legit and he's citing it. I'll PM you a bunch of stuff and maybe you can give me your medically knowledgeable take on how you "out" the shysters without cluttering the board?
  5. It's the new recipe discussion. For dinner tonight, we had oven roast green beans, oven roasted eggplant parm, and basil tomato salad, all from our garden. Delish! And FTR I'm short, old, and fat.
  6. Man, I just can't roll with this. Look, I'm breaking a rule, kind of - but the thing is there is SO much misinformation out there about the vaccine. SO many conspiracy theories. Just on Cole Beasley's twitter feed today, he re-tweets two people who actually have legit credentials (MD; DVM with PhD in Virology) and who claim even grander credentials (which are pretty much overblown puffery), then critique the vaccines sharply. To me, they stick out like sore thumbs as not legit, but to a person who is not trained in science it's probably very difficult to spot what's amiss. I asked a friend, "here are these two guys, they are legitimately an MD and a DVM with PhD in Virology. When you look them up, does anything strike you as off?" My point is, while it breaks my heart, I really can't fault Beasley or anyone else who gets deluged by misinformation and has trouble sorting through it and doesn't know what to believe, especially if they are primed to distrust "mainstream media" and government. And no, it's not good riddance, Cole Beasley is a Dog and a Baller.
  7. It's imperfection. We mods are imperfect. Alert the media! Also sometimes we remove posts that quote removed posts, but the post itself isn't a problem so if someone quotes it it stays IDK if that makes sense, probably not 🤷‍♂️ Apparently, that's not their assessment of him
  8. Yeah, the viewpoint about Gov't is different here. And further convo down this road should go to PPP
  9. LOL the scraps of cloth the young lady wears cost $$$ Maybe not in terms of risk to the public, but risk assessment in industry includes an assessment of liability risk to the company.
  10. Interesting question, but I *think* they are still testing contacts or players who are symptomatic. Then there are some other tools. So I think "almost impossible" is an exaggeration, but less likely to be detected, sure. Let's just say the current NFL policies are not likely to be effective if the goal is actually to keep players available and games on schedule.
  11. You mean UNvaccinated players? I disagree with you about the point. I think the whole thing is founded on a premise that's no longer true: that a team outbreak is very much more probable to be initiated and propegated by unvaccinated players, 12-20x more likely (vaccine effectiveness against infection/spread 92-95%). This was supported by the initial studies that came out a couple months after vaccinations - Israel did one, CDC studied 4,000 HCW with the covid 19 variant that was circulating at the time, etc. But new data from Israel, UK, MO, Providence, CDC MMRW etc, now say that with Delta, that's no longer true. Vaccinated people are still less likely to catch and spread Covid-19, but it's only ~5x more likely (effectiveness ~78%) That means if you look at a team that has 4 or 5x more vaccinated coaches and players than unvaccinated, the probability of spread originating from either group is ~ equal, or maybe even a bit more in the vaccinated group if a lot of them are vaxxed with J&J. That being the case, its effect is punative, yes, but I don't think that was the point or the rationale.
  12. As I understand it, the current NFL policy is that if an outbreak is among vaccinated players and the team can't reschedule - it's not clear what happens, but nothing said about forfeit. If the outbreak is among unvaccinated players, the team forfeits and takes an "L" But what happens if the source of an outbreak is a vaccinated player who brings it into the facility where it then spreads among both unvaccinated and vaccinated players (maybe more of the latter, since only tested every 2 weeks)? Vaccinated players are less likely (~4-5x by UK data) to be infected, but they're also allowed by NFL rules to have much greater community exposure to Covid. In real life, this stuff is way more complicated than the NFL's vaccinated/unvaccinated dichotomy makes it seem. It might have made sense when a vaccinated player was 20x less likely to spread Covid (early Spring, before Alpha and Delta) but that Ship has Sailed
  13. That would be considered completely unethical to first responders and health care providers. I did not know that. Though the rules may be different when you're Josh Allen
  14. FIFY Britt Williams is a stunning woman, although of course no disputing of taste and Rachel Bush has it all over her in the T&A department. Josh Allen still looks like an overgrown kid. Or Not.
  15. I See No Lies, and it's pretty well known around here what my views are. I still see no Lies.
  16. I mean, everyone has their own personal "line in the sand" they won't cross, he had his. I'm sure he's smart enough to know that was one of the possible consequences.
  17. Silver Lab. They're a tad controversial - not recognized as Labs by the AKC labrador retriever group, but probably are purebred labs.
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