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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. J. F. C. This was all we needed. ***** off, O.J.
  2. So is the idea that if Rodgers announces his retirement from Green Bay, they will trade him to Denver and he will un-retire?
  3. Wait, why are the #Broncos poised to receive a retirement announcement from #Packers QB Aaron Rodgers? What am I missing here? You're a Bad Man, @Ridgewaycynic2013. A Very Bad Man. 🦨 You mean, like Rob Gronkowski?
  4. I don't mean Twitter, but as was discussed several times in the initial 72-page long thread and several subsequent threads: Given the option of 1) getting the vaccine 2) following the protocols for unvaccinated players 3) retiring Beasley has publically opted for his own personal choice, option 4) not getting the vaccine, and not following the protocols That's a problem that's going to be a challenge for everyone on the team to deal with, even if Beasley deletes his twitter account and never says another word. You can't have a veteran player not following team rules (as the Steelers were reported to tolerate with AB, until they didn't). Even if it doesn't cause an outbreak, it's not fair to other unvaccinated players who are following the rules or to unvaccinated front office guys who aren't even allowed near the players.
  5. As I understand it, creating boards and sub-boards is a big deal with the software this board uses. However, any member here at any time is free to start a club to discuss any topic that they feel is currently of interest to a number of others. Let me repeat that: Any member here at any time is free to start a club to discuss any topic that they feel is currently of interest to others.
  6. Good article by @Matt Parrino laying out the sequence of tweets and responses. https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2021/07/bills-cole-beasley-questions-teammate-jerry-hughes-tweet-on-covid-vaccine.html If anyone is looking for a synopsis, look there
  7. If you have to ask which part of you is the dick....How old are you? PS 😁 Look, one can debate whether something is a good rule or a bad rule But if it's a rule, shouldn't everyone follow it? Not a favor of "bad rules were made to be broken".
  8. I don't know if he'll change anything this year, but last year Josh was actually adding a little hop in his throwing motion after Aaron Rodgers: https://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/2020/12/bills-josh-allen-details-why-he-took-something-from-aaron-rodgers-throwing-mechanics.html And at times he'd actually jump and throw
  9. "Those who can, Do; Those who can't, Teach"? Now WR coach at IMG academy
  10. Let me point out to you that a brief search might locate a thread where various Bills on twitter were *gasp* actually being discussed here We recently had a 75 page long thread about Cole Beasley's view which gathered 1,426 replies and in which every conceivable aspect of the situation was discussed again...and again...and again. There's even some discussion of Beasley, Diggs, Hughes, Feliciano on Twitter upthread! A lot of people's idea of discussing Beasley, Diggs, Hughes, Feliciano on Twitter is to insert their information or misinformation, general opinions,and beliefs about covid-19 and/or politics into the discussion, which we're requested to stay out of: Policing this places a pretty large burden on the mods, since people can not or will not restrain themselves and then of course, get all fluffy about it. Failing to police this degrades this FOOTBALL board into a Covid and Politics Sewer PDQ as was demonstrated last summer - the reason this rule was implemented. Discussing other football relevant topics, including light-hearted ones, is something this board is intended to do whether or not Beasley on Twitter is being discussed. Describing said discussions as "pretending everything is OK" seems egocentric to me ("only the discussion I wish to engage in counts as football discussion, everything else is just Ostrich-Town"), but Hey - You do You. If the above does not satisfy you, since you seem vastly familiar with the "issues animating most Bills fans outside of this particular forum", may I respectfully suggest that the venues where said discussion is taking place might better suit your Bills discussion needs, at least on this topic? Nice Sar Chasm. See above.
  11. Oh, for Toast Sake. What does "behind the scenes" mean to you? It means "behind the scenes", by its very nature out of public view. Yes, there's zero evidence Allen has done anything behind the scenes, but there's likewise zero evidence he hasn't. Absence of leaks in a locker room that prefers to keep stuff "in house" does not mean absence of action. That's plain and simply, illogical and if I may say so, I do expect a bit better from you. Painting me as "far removed from facts and logic" is ironic, here. Allen is a leader of grown-ass men over whom his only authority is the respect they voluntarily grant him due to his character and abilities. That does not translate to absolute authority or the ability to tell an older, more senior player "Get off Twitter, Now, Because", especially during the off-season. Which this still is. Being a leader sometimes means hearing people and trying to understand their concerns, whether or not you agree (and Allen may agree, that doesn't mean he's not a leader either). Sometimes it means letting them have their "cri de coeur". Sometimes it means influencing by demonstrating with your own behavior and ignoring behavior you're trying to eliminate, while praising behavior you're trying to encourage. There are freaking books about this stuff, and there's no one way.
  12. Maybe they need to re-do this really cool shirt with two Buffalos punching each other:
  13. I have an insta to read stuff as well. Have never posted. Have a few DMs
  14. I think this will lead us down a big rabbit hole of general discussion of Covid-19. Let me just say that I think the NFL's protocol of testing vaccinated players once every 14 days and allowing them to circulate freely in the community, is out-of-step with the current data and learnings in the communities where Delta is the predominant strain, and leave it at that. If anyone wants to know what data and learnings I mean, PM me or, there's some stuff in the Covid Facts thread.
  15. This. Beasley is on a crusade, no doubt, and has created a situation that is going to be a challenge for everyone on the team to deal with.
  16. What is your leadership experience guiding strong-minded macho individuals over whom you have no direct authority? Mine is that it's like herding cats - you can influence most of them, you can lead by example, but you can't achieve 100% compliance. And again - how do you know it's ineffective? Seems entirely possible that he's influencing, and what we would see would be much louder and from many more players without. Effective leadership doesn't mean you magically get everyone to 100% fall in line and do as you say. You simply don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
  17. McKenzie has found this article and is advertising it on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/stories/zee_thoven/2624619694724693268/ Prediction: soon Cole is going to be far too busy fending off the Trash talk from McKenzie to hit the Twitters.
  18. My memory is that the board was pretty divided pro and con and "losing our minds" either way re: Rosen.
  19. OK OK sports, CATS, and porn. And maybe recipes. Doesn't follow actually. For all we know, without leadership behind the scenes what we see would have been louder and worse. It would be nice if leadership were 100% effective every day with everyone, but that isn't how it works. Agreed. Beautiful family.
  20. Brudda by anodda mudda? I wanted the Bills to sign Cousins. Except I thought much better of Rosen than you did. I thought he was an entitled douche bag who would be an OK NFL QB.
  21. Great find, Inigo! One point that I'll make for those that are skeptical of Palmer as a QB guru: the article makes clear that he also is working hard to grow and improve in the tools he has and the approaches he uses to help QBs, eg adding and then upgrading the new equipment.
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