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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Not detrimental. They didn't restructure, they took pay cuts. This is the last year on Butler's contract. He has a cap hit of $5.3M and a dead cap of $3.5M. Cutting him saves $1.8M Addison has a void year added on to defer $2M his signing bonus into next season. He has $2M in guaranteed salary of his $4.075M salary. So cutting him is a "wash". No clue as far as locker room. I don't think their contracts make them hard to cut per se. What I can't tell you is what kind of "handshake" guarantees they were offered when they agreed to the pay cuts they took. I don't think Beane/McDermott are going to "bet the season" that the rookies and Obada are ready to "step up" Which site are you looking at?
  2. I think you're misreading something somewhere (or else, just incorrect) He had 6 fumbles his rookie year 2017. He had 2 fumbles his 2nd season, 2018 - but this is confusing because he was on 2 teams, so on some sites it's written twice - once under "2TM" and once under "BUF". But it's two, not four. He had no fumbles in 2019 or 2020 Therefore either he had 2 fumbles in 2018/2019 or he had 8 fumbles in 2017/2018
  3. He dropped a TD pass that hit his hands in the Ravens game 🤷‍♂️ . Obviously, he doesn't have the same "level of concern" as a guy who dropped 20% of his passes his rookie year. But the fact is, in addition to that dropped TD pass in the playoffs, Davis is scored with 3 other drops last season (4.8%). Knox was scored with 4 drops, on fewer targets (9.1%) but statistically, I don't have a good sense for whether 3 out of 62 vs 4 out of 44 are that different as numbers. IMHO the real issue with Knox is running good routes and being physical in the right way - getting off the line/getting separation as a route runner
  4. I think the question was if Sanders is out? Many of us, myself included, are more frustrated with them but my point is: are we just biased by our perception, where in reality either he's not making an unusual number now OR other players also have concerning drops?
  5. Actually one of the things that struck me is that he mentioned Davis dropping a TD pass that he should have had: "Davis did miss one target in the end zone, as Allen feathered a throw over cornerback Levi Wallace and hit Davis in the hands before it dropped to the ground." Somehow news of a dropped TD by Davis doesn't seem to heat the tar and break out the pitchforks in many of us (me included!) the way news of a Knox drop does.
  6. My understanding is that the reporters aren't allowed to say who is taking snaps with the 1s, the 2s, etc. Pretty sure some of the Cover1 guys tweeting coverage of Saturday's practice said Kumerow got time with the 1's in 11-on-11 Saturday - but Hey, weren't you there to see? The other thing that's been impressing is that he's made catches in 1-on-1 against our best corner
  7. Well.....with as many DE as we have on the roster right now, someone's gotta go Yeah, I have the same memory, someone commenting that Knox had dropped a ball he should have had. I also thought he should have come back for the ball that Milano is credited for causing an INT on, based on the clip that's out there.
  8. So here's what I see: we were able to run at times against some teams - NE; the Chargers; Denver; the Jets; Pittsburgh to close out the game. Sometimes we simply didn't try to run, as against the Seasnakes and the 49ers. But against the teams with the top DLs? Titans, the Ravens, the Chiefs -Nopenope, could not get 'er done, didn't happen. It's been beaten to death why that is - some on the backs, some on the scheme, a lot on the blocking but not just OL (TEs for example), but it's notable that some of the games where we couldn't run, were also the games where Allen was struggling to find time to pass and to let plays develop downfield. As a player from another team tweeted during the AFCCG "they aren't even trying to block for 17" - I don't believe that, but the fact is the interior was getting pwn'd. IMO, to fix that, we need a significant upgrade at the interior. "Mostly got the job done" won't win you a championship, won't win you the hard games against top DL. Now, Beane is very thoughtful and thorough in how he approaches the roster. He might have decided that the guys we have, healthy, should be able to get 'er done, and then what we need is improved depth in case of injuries. But I hope he isn't reluctant to spend draft capitol on IOL. Agreed
  9. Are you talking about "Bam" Johnson? 22% of the defensive snaps ...I just calculated it 😁 since I don't know of a source that gives average snaps a player has (if anyone does, spare my poor calculator buttons and tell me) The interesting thing is that Bam had been trending UP the last 3 games of the season with 40% of the snaps...but saw his snaps cut back to 20% vs. the Colts and Chiefs...and was inactive for the Ravens game. I think that tells you the exact opposite...they were starting to trust Johnson against the pass, but did NOT trust him against the run at all. Benched for Murphy vs. the Ravens. Normalized to 100% of snaps, Obada (who played 40% of the snaps) would have had 37.5 QB hits and 13.75 sacks, Johnson 13 QB hits and 4.5 sacks.
  10. I don't know if Addison gets cut. A point is that the Bills pay exactly the same cap if they keep him or cut him; $2M of his salary was guaranteed when he took his cut, and a voidable year created with $2M of amortized signing bonus that would accelerate into this season to cancel the $2.075M we'd save in salary. I'm not sure what "I don't accept the Obada vs Johnson concept" means?
  11. Jamil Douglas at G. I'm gonna start a Jamil Douglas fan club because everyone be forgetting him. He saw significant snaps at G for the Titans in 3 games last season. Also Ryan Bates at tackle. People forget that Ryan Bates has played tackle in several games. Read that again: People forget that Ryan Bates has filled in at tackle in several games. The reason it's worth noting, is forgetting in this instance is a Good Thing. It means he came in, Did His Job, and nothing particularly disastrous happened. I looked it up: 2019 Titans game, took about 1/3 of the RT snaps after Cody Ford went out. Jets finale, played most of the game at LT. 2020, Titans game, played about 10% of the snaps at LT for Dawkins (I should say "nothing MORE disastrous happened" since that game was a CF to start with). 2nd NE game, played 11% of the snaps for Dawkins - at one point the announcers were commenting on how the Bills were moving the ball behind their revamped OL and then clued "actually, they have backups in at both tackle positions....". Miami finale, played half the game for Dawkins. I think it's important to remember that we do have a vet backup on the team who has "gotten it done" in cameo appearances at tackle. He's not an ideal tackle because "short wingspan", but I would actually feel better about Bates at LT than Bobby Hart at LT. Beane also made the point that Ford can play tackle if they need him to (obviously, he lost the RT job for a reason, and the Chiefs are a case-study in why it's not a great thing to make multiple OL substitutions, but...). Or, maybe Beane is just trying to reassure himself after watching Hart play on Saturday.... OK to your point about needing tackle depth more than interior depth: I could be wrong, but I don't think we drafted Brown and Doyle as tackle depth per se. I think we signed Daryl Williams to a 1 year, top-5 RT salary that looks like a 3 year, top-10 RT salary, and we're hoping that one of the two pans out at RT and can take over next year, freeing up $5M in cap. Bonus if one of them can play well enough to be considered depth this season. BUT our starting LT and RT are both pretty durn solid. What's shaky, IMHO, is our interior line STARTING quality. It just wasn't good enough last season, especially in the run game and the AFC championship. And, Mitch Morse seems to be one helmet whack away from retirement, or at least missing significant time. I would have liked to see us draft the best C/G we could get our hands on, put him in at G this season and let him learn the speed and power of the pro game - then move him over to center next year. What Beane did instead was take the Maybe Approach: throw bodies at the problem, and maybe something will work out. -MAYBE Ford will be healthy and stay healthy and become a solid guard. -MAYBE Feliciano will play better now that he's not returning from off-season surgery and a torn pec. -MAYBE Boettger will take a step. -MAYBE Lamp or Douglas will be an upgrade if the above can't get 'er done in the run game.
  12. Isn't CWade supposed to be fast? So in theory, he could show something...
  13. Steelers Fan Neighbor is unenthused - says none of the Steelers starters are expected to play. Memo to self: Volunteer to watch Parrots this month, in order to refresh their memory of Shout! song.
  14. Agree, but there are drops and then there are drops. A PBU or a drop on 2 and 7 on the opponent's 35 yd line is annoying but "whateves" Drops in the end-zone are killer, especially if you're open and the pass is Money
  15. That Aged Well!!!! TIL: DeShone Kizer is still in the league. Had no idea.
  16. Must not be happy with DeShone Kizer and Logan Woodside. Either that, or they want the inside gouge on how to destroy Daboll's offense
  17. Yes. Yes, Sal did: "I’ve felt CB Dane Jackson had been too up-and-down over the first week. But today was his best day. Much more consistent." It just goes to show that different people see things differently. For example, most commentators have said that Trubisky has looked good in camp, consistent and steady, but Matthew Fairburn (I think, might have been Joe B) wrote a more criticial assessment for The Athletic.
  18. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm rapidly arriving. I think Davis is still there and making plays. He shows up on the video clips and such. The thing is, it's not unheard of to have someone like Kumerow dominating in camp and vanish in preseason games then for-real. But the fact that Kumerow is winning against Tre' White speaks volumes.
  19. Let's hope that Rams game ref got "re-educated" This is interesting, because apparently Knox was taking reps with the 2's. Who was the TE taking reps with the 1s then? Wasn't there one? Or are they giving Knox extra reps to try to train him out of the "dropsies"? Hollister still not taking part in team drills
  20. I'm thinking it's time to start looking at Gilliam and Kumerow with the 1's and send Knox to work with the 3rd string. Kumerow can block. So can @_1sledge I know this is Crazy Talk, one is too short and one is too thin to be TE, but Sheesh! I don't care if you're athleticism is off the charts, Dawson, you need to hang on to the ***** ball
  21. 🤦‍♂️ Fairburn sounds more definitive, no Manny Sands
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