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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. He had 3 sweet passes at the end there when the game was on the line He's got to know his answers better when they're coming for him, and he's gotta hit the "bunnies"
  2. Yeah. I'm afraid we have some serious DL talent where conservatism may have us go with a veteran at the final cuts, and they could easily become this year's Wyatt Teller.
  3. OK my 5: OT Caleb Banenoch, and yes he has been worse than Hart OG Marquel Harrell TE Nate Becker (is he still on the team?) CB Nick McCloud (depends on how serious other DB injuries are) DT Treyvon Hester If you say "Who?" and "never heard of them", all of these guys based on comments from people who watched the open practices and The Athletic, are probably playing at a lower level than guys like bums-of-the-moment Tyrell Adams and Bobby Hart.
  4. I could be wrong - but I honestly think we would be looking at guys further down the depth chart on the OL. From Sal's tweet:
  5. After the preseason game in Detroit, we need to make some choices. Please try to be realistic - I'm sure it's popular to name one of the QB or a vet tackle, but there are probably guys lower down the roster who meet the scissors first. Sal Capaccio's Roster Breakdown Bills Media Guide for your convenience: https://bufbills.com/player-bios/bills_media_guide.pdf Joe Buscaglia and Matt Fairburn Preseason Roster Review https://theathletic.com/2765876/2021/08/12/observations-on-all-92-buffalo-bills-players-as-they-head-into-the-preseason/
  6. I woulda thought he'd be bringing in his live lion to bite some kneecaps
  7. Fromm showed some life there with a couple of our bottom-of-the-roster guys Stevenson and Lenoir.
  8. Early on, and Brown still not as consistent as one would like to see.
  9. We want 2 guys who can do it so...at the point where we parted with Ty Nsekhe and aren't sure yet that Brown can step up. Though IMHO it's looking like Brown > Hart at this point.
  10. I had no idea we had a LB named Mike Bell on our team. None.
  11. Fromm certainly not making a strong case
  12. I am not filled with enthusiasm at the thought of Hart as our backup tackle
  13. Except of course, for the times it doesn't get called
  14. Durrrr, I was responding to a guy wanting to see more Brandin Bryant. Now granted it's not all him but. It would help to have more gouge on who is in
  15. Um what's going on that all of a sudden Detroit can run up the middle on us?
  16. Oh, man, Antonio Williams also injured - tough day for him and for Hodgins.
  17. Because of complaints about the broadcast not naming Bills players, I'm gonna put in some 1st half tweets from Chris Brown that I think give a better idea who was doing what
  18. Bills seemed to be protecting Mitch almost as though he was the Franchise
  19. I'm actually curious what the Lions feed is saying about all this. Can you kind of give a summary? Fundamantally what I gather is we're very much playing backups, and they're playing more starters, and they're not looking so good.
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