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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. He replaced Marshall Yanda at guard in 2017 for 12 games. I wonder if there's something still going on as a fallout from his knee injury
  2. I think actually, because of the trend I comment on above. Skura started all 16 games in 2018 and the first 11 games of 2019 at C for a team whose QB won MVP in 2018 and had a noted rushing game, and which went to the playoffs both years. Last season he started the first 9 games but struggled and had several botched C/QB exchanges before getting benched. But in the league, when a guy starts and has some success for a winning team, he tends to get the benefit of the doubt even if he has a down year or some struggles. That's what makes it a surprise.
  3. I can't disagree with this conclusion for the Bills, but around the league I do observe that when a vet who has been productive switches teams and has an off year, he does usually seem to get the benefit of the doubt.
  4. If someone has already signed up without, we could make a club and post a cross-reference chart
  5. Guy has been on a tour. AZ, Mia, TB, SF, now ATL. https://www.si.com/nfl/falcons/news/josh-rosen-matt-ryan-atlanta-falcons-backup-quarterback I thought he actually seemed more likeable in that interview than any other interview I've seen of him - like it's finally percolated through to his soul that in fact, where football is concerned, he's in fact not the Smartest Guy in the Room, or the Most Interesting Guy in the Room. When he came out in the draft and I thought he was a safer choice than Josh Allen (yes, I was a Wrong Josher, though I never kicked after the Bills made their choice and Minnesota won me over), one of my thoughts was that if we drafted Rosen (and remember, I admit I wanted us to) I would rather use a cheese grater as a washcloth than listen to another of his interviews. vs. Our Josh, who I swear, if you dropped him into a snake pit would have the snakes giggling and offering him snake cigars (but let's not try)
  6. Perhaps we should caveat this: Big contract for UDFA, involving $192k guarantee Yeah, I just thought it was interesting given that supposedly he was asked to work on this. Sounds like something he is either unwilling, doesn't believe he should have to, or just can't change
  7. Interesting, given that at one point in Miami, Flores publicly said he benched Rosen in part because he needed to work on his body language. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/08/13/brian-flores-wants-better-body-language-from-josh-rosen/
  8. On the "Bills think he gave something" side: Johnson had 44%, 40%, and 40% of the snaps in the last 3 games of last season. So the Bills clearly felt he had something to give on the defensive side. On the opposite side, his snaps got cut to 20%, inactive, and 26% during the playoffs. So when it was "win or go home" there was someone else they preferred to have out there AND the conclusion was "DL was not good enough" You can't improve something by keeping it the same, which is sometimes what it looks as though the Bills want to do
  9. I wonder if Leslie Frazier starts his Bedtime Prayers with "Thank You Jesus...for leading the Texans to want someone else as their 2021 Head Coach"
  10. FWIW, the Bills kept 10 last season. 6 IOL and 4 OT, counting Bates and Ford (who can actually play some tackle) as IOL Several media members covering the Bills have suggested that the Bills will be signing an OT who is currently on another roster, in place of Bobby Hart. Which is why we should not "have a cow" if Hart makes the 53-man roster while we sort through the cut-off bin. It's also possible we wind up trading for a servicable vet. I don't think Anderson makes the roster. We do still seem to love us some Jordan Devey (though he can't play C and he can't play T) but, FWIW, we have Jamil Douglas ahead of him on the depth chart currently and I haven't heard his name too much - which is often a Good Thing for an IOL You might rather have a 3rd TE over a 9th OLman, but ask yourself if you'd like to finish a game with any TE but Lee Smith playing OL?
  11. I think they made a decision to keep the guy who was looking better at DE over the guy who was developing at DE and the better special teamer. I approve the decision I don't think they're going to keep only 9 OLmen. Last year anyway, if you dressed at least 8 OLmen you got to have more active players on the gameday roster. Dunno if it'll be that way, but hard to dress 8 with injuries if you only have 9
  12. I suspect this trade has the potential to wind up like the Teller trade where we kept Spencer Long. We traded a young player under rookie contract and kept an expensive vet for 1 season. The young player blossomed. But looked at in the context of that pre-season, it made sense - the Bills were determined to upgrade at center, Morse was out with concussion, Long had actually played C in the NFL so if Morse got concussed again he gave us an NFL-proven option. It turned out that Morse played all 16 games and Long only came in for part of 2 games (one mid season and the finale). I think the Bills are determined to upgrade their pass rush without sacrificing too much in the run game, and Johnson sat on the bench against the Ravens. The price of that decision is keeping an overpriced, underperforming vet around for a year 🤷‍♂️
  13. *shrug* I think there may be few capable vet DEs remaining on the market at present. If you're a desperate team due to injuries, who are your choices right now? Addison is a guy who is 1 season away from 9.5 sacks and 14 QB hits, and those weren't an aberration on his prev. few years. We may think more of Justin Houston, but his numbers are not that dissimilar to Addison prior to 2020. I can see where another team's talent evaluators might feel there's more in him than you do at present.
  14. I dunno about "untradeable" Addison's SALARY, for the trading partner, is just over $4M which has him as like the #39 or 40th DE in annual salary. Leadership, we have Jerry Hughes in the room, does Addison "add"? Now for the Bills, they may feel they pay about the same to trade or to keep, but then there's the "aging vet vs. young players for the future" aspect. We have Johnson on a cheap contract for one extra year which if other things are equal, puts him ahead of Obada But, we really need to "affect the QB" over everything else, so....
  15. I don't think CS is claiming this is from a friend who is a scout. He states that he got it off a Fins message board where it was posted by a relatively new user. I'm sure the NFL would like it to be a money grab and go away, instead of a massive scandal involving one of their marquee players. I agree with you that for an athlete that wants any professional service (therapeutic, relaxation, sexual) they would normally find a small group of people who know what service they are being asked to provide, agree, and do it very well. I mean, this just makes sense. Why would someone who can afford the best take his chances if he's going to get a good massage or a "meh" one instead of find one recommended therapists and stick with 'em, unless the massage itself isn't the point? I think most top pro athletes are also very aware of avoiding situations where they might be put in a "he said she said" position. "Always Have a Fall Guy", right? Get it in writing with a guarantee Seriously, what's the league gonna say? At the moment, they obviously don't think the evidence they know about rises to the level of an immediate suspension, but the league is all about optics and with ongoing investigations, that could change tomorrow. Well that clears That up at least, Thanks.
  16. There's some "off" stuff: "According to my guy Flo/Grier believe that Miami is the 3rd best team in the AFC right now but that’s our ceiling with Tua. Also other teams around the league believe Miami is ready to challenge for a Super Bowl RIGHT NOW at every other position. The key words being RIGHT NOW. Flo/Grier and others in the FO believe that adding DW4 is the missing piece to beating Buffalo and KC." Miami is the 3rd best team in the AFC right now when they prove they're the 3rd best team in the AFC. The Browns, The Ravens, and the Titans say "Hi!" The Colts and the Ravens also think they're in the mix. Unless Flores and Grier are delusional, they have to know that. At best, they must be hoping that adding a bona fide top QB talent to an otherwise strong roster would help them jump those teams. "Miami is the only team left at the table and Miami WILL NOT give up 3 1s and 2 2s because we ain’t going to bid against only ourselves. We are willing to give 2 1s 2 2s and 3. However Houston believes these will be low picks bc they think SF is absolutely a playoff team now and in the future and obviously if we add DW4 they believe we are Super Bowl contenders this year. So for Houston they see what Miami wants to give as late 20s 1st rounders." So, is "we" Miami? Or is "we" SF?" Wonder if there's a similar post somewhere on a San Francisco Fans board
  17. I don't think it's that simple. We didn't just give up points with our plan, we gave up TOP. If your offense doesn't have the ball, it can't score. Especially if the offense is having trouble figuring out what it can do successfully, it needs to get the ball back so it can figure it out. Chris Simms Unbuttoned had a good piece on it just after the game. I'm not saying the offense had a good game, but just pointing at them (all on the offense) is missing my point.
  18. Joe B and Matt Fairburn have a shot at right about/wrong about question, in the form of biggest surprise, biggest disappointment https://theathletic.com/2795735/2021/08/29/bills-preseason-wrap-biggest-surprise-disappointment-and-questions-from-buffalos-summer/?source=emp_shared_article
  19. Joe Schad is the reporter covering the Dolphins for the Palm Beach post, previously worked for ESPN One would think, but if I could conditionally buy a house that might or might be liveable for the next 2 years and you let me make the conditions protective enough of my interests, I might go for it - if it was a much bigger and nicer house than the one I'm currently living in
  20. Morse played Sunday, didn't he? Follow-up: Yes he did, there's a clip of Allen hugging him after the TD pass to Davis. Diggs didn't play although he's started practicing, guess you could say "health" Strange. The only thing I can think is that the Bills are very confident about what he can and can't do as an RB and a ST'er, so they wanted as much look as possible at other guys who might fill those roles. EDIT: Oh, and of course, less risk of injury to him which might complicate any plans.
  21. I suggest the same one the team has given him "BBB" for Big Baller Beane". We could call him "Triple B"
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