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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Don't worry, it was Sherlock. He's like Mikey. He barf emojis EVERYTHING
  2. I had that thought "Why Can't We Just Have Nice Things"?
  3. I think in the modern NFL and certainly in Daboll's offense, the QB's decision making is not quite so linear and certainly defensive coordinators are staying up at night trying to figure out how to confuse and befuddle them. Then there's the idea that 4-8 behemoths are trying to pulverize the QB on every snap. If you're going to say "the QB knows where he is going with the ball each play, no biggie" then you might as well say "the CB just has to figure out which of a handful of routes the WR is running, no biggie" Physically just in terms of sheer effort I would think it's OL But there's no question that the CB has a hard job
  4. This is true, but I think there's a still reason why so many people claim QB is the hardest position in sports
  5. OK, so yeah, the claim is it was an official Bills event, which would make it fair to involve the Bills. It may even be difficult at this distance in time to determine whether or not the information that it was an official event is correct or not.
  6. I don't really "get it" but, Okaaaaay....at least it doesn't mention the Hail Murray
  7. Exact same article already under discussion
  8. If you go to Youtube and advance to 27:30 as stated in the post to which you are replying, you will find Bill Belichek's remarks about a similar hit on a QB where the defensive player did not lead with his helmet, but hit the QB in the helmet. If you go a bit back from that, you can see several views of the hit. It will literally take you less time than it took to post your response. My point is simple: it has not uniformly been that way for years, and your head football coach does not appear to think it should even be a penalty (or else, he coaches his players to commit penalties, your choice) I illustrated my point with a visual example.
  9. It sounds as though you're suggesting legal proceedings as a means to processing and heal from 30 year old trauma and find a voice. I'm not a therapist, but based on experiences that have been publicized, I strongly suspect legal proceedings are not the best means to that end.
  10. I'm not going to dismiss it as a moneygrab without knowing the facts and evidence. We don't know what the evidence is or is not. And we do ask people to avoid politicized and politically-loaded language here ("White Knights"). But the reason I say these type of lawsuits after 30 years are not fair, is that after 30 years, it is incredibly hard to track down witnesses and evidence. Hell, with limited exceptions, I have no idea where I even was on a specific date 30 years ago. Maybe the woman has convincing evidence, but Bennett also has a right to a fair defense which might involve witnesses or evidence that are difficult or impossible for him to find after all this time. Even if he finds them, retrospective memories are even more falliable and subject to influence than recent memories. That's why I think these 30 year retrospective legal actions are a Pestilence upon the Land.
  11. OK, I'm not a fan of these retrospective lawsuits occurring 29 years after the event. I don't think they're fair to anyone. But it's her right to sue Bennett for what [she says] he did. This, though? Does it say anywhere how she feels the Bills "knew or should have known" about the attack? Did she report it to police and to the NFL at the time? What type of supervision is an employer reasonably, under the law, expected to exercise, over an employee who is not at work, at his place of employement, or engaged in an employment-related activity at the time?
  12. Just a point here, in Bill Belichick's own words about a helmet-to-helmet hit on Allen that drew a penalty but not a fine. If the link doesn't take you to the right place, it's at 27:30. Belichick doesn't say "what (Jones) should have done is went lower, he was way way too high to not expect the little yellow flag to come out". Belichick says "he did what we coached him to do, and if that's a penalty we need to change how we're coaching" Also listen to the (Boston media I assume) "take" on it as revealed by how he asks the question. Now apply that to Andre's hit on Fields. He didn't lead with his helmet, etc etc. I'm not quarreling with the penalty, but I think the fine is excessive and influenced by the fact that a loosely-fastened helmet came flying off.
  13. I agree with you about the evaluation revealed by Belichick's QB decisions in 2020. My point is, there was a time during 2019 when Pats fans legitimately thought Stidham might be "all that and a bag of chips" and were saying glowing things about him - in 2019 preseason, reports from practice etc.
  14. And yet, with you and some Pats fans hypothesizing that Cam was cut in part due to Covid and his stance on the vaccine, Belichick stands up in front of the media and says that vaccination was not a factor in his personnel decisions. Where's @Kelly the Dog you may have a valid point in this instance.
  15. I can agree with that, with the proviso that talent is comprised of both native athleticism and skill/knowledge - so good coaching will bring out an extra 10-20% of talent. Meaning it may be more of a 50/50 proposition.
  16. It's not news to the denizens here I have a couple good friends who are very long time Pats fans. Going into 2019 with speculation high this was Brady's last season, they told me there was intense speculation about Stidham, and word he had looked better than Garrapolo ever had in practice and could perhaps replace Brady, among their fellow Pats fans. I watched several Belichick pressers in 2019 and in every one there was some variation of a question about "and how is Stidham coming along?" When 2020 rolled around and he was #3 on the depth chart, it became evident to the most hopeful of these fans that was likely not true (or if true, wasn't translateing to the field) and the drafting of Jones clinched it.
  17. Belichick will be elevating a backup from the practice squad for each game. This is just his dodge to carry an extra player on the roster until someone gets hurt or he gets real-season evaluation of a couple players and decides who to axe, made possible by the fact that he has backups no other team wants to poach who are willing to forfeit guaranteed salary and take PS pay
  18. Where did I say anything about the hit? I'm simply making a point about the "knocked helmet off" part of the narrative. The helmet came off because it was loosely fastened. Tom Brady is smarter than that.
  19. That's a great song, but the Pats have staked too long a claim on it for it to be redeemed They play "Can't Touch This" in practice, why not in game
  20. If Fields fastened his freakin' chin strap maybe his helmet would not come off. Tom Brady would fasten his helmet on properly so that it stays on and protects his head.
  21. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  22. That was ....strangely enjoyable. And not at all what the title led me to expect.....
  23. I don't want to be heretical, but my opinion - or at least, that Josh is a better QB than Favre was until some time into his career. The modern NFL just can not tolerate a guy throwing more INTs than TDs, or throwing more than 1 INT per game.
  24. I can believe that, originally though the assertion was we were trying to sign Sanders in 2019 before we signed Brown. He was under contract to Denver at that time.
  25. You normally make sense, but I'm not following you here. How does keeping two QBs on the practice squad affect our ability to keep Hollister? He wasn't going to sign to the Bills practice squad if he could sign to a 53 man roster somewhere else and see playing time.
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