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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. As noted elsewhere, they are doing this without all-22 Film Still worth watching IMO. Initial takedown: 1) JFC, Dawkins got Pwned. Just Ugly. 2) It may be unfair to finger-point Feliciano. I can't say he was great, but Turner points out that protection calls all day by and large slid the line right, to let Ford help Williams with TJ Watt. This basically left Feliciano 1:1 with Heyward and Dawkins on an island. Dawkins looks nothing like the Franchise LT we paid in this film. It's Ugly. If a full off-season of training and no injury was supposed to result in an improved Feliciano, the early returns are not positive. That said, why the Bills failed to say, "OK, this isn't working, let's get you guys some help" I can not guess 3) Except that as Turner points out, every single guy on the line looked bad at times so 🤷‍♂️
  2. Interesting. I remember watching games from Portugal in 2019 but I don't remember what I did.
  3. That makes perfect sense to me - Moss is uninjured now, but the injury/lost time in camp was a factor in deciding to bench him And probably other decisions went into it as well (like McK shoulder and Breida as backup KR/PR)
  4. Diggs 💓 him some 'lil Dirty' In his post-game presser and his Monday presser, I believe McDermott was asked about the decision to sit Moss and he said "it was a numbers thing" and that "Breida is an important contributor on Special Teams". Now it's true he didn't say "healthy scratch", but that's the usual interpretation of "numbers"
  5. Then I suggest you "get over it", and not let your indignation with word choice interfere with your ability to process the point someone is making? I could be wrong, but I think if Wilson, Brees, Mahomes, Rogers, or Big Ben appeared confused by the opposing team's defensive coverage, Sims would say so. In fact I believe I recall just that description about a NE game a couple years back.
  6. McDermott in his press conference said that Dawkins wasn't still being affected by Covid. You would think Dawkins would know what he's going through, but does this mean McDermott is out of touch with the physical status of key players? Dion: take a memo from John Harbaugh. "Nobody Cares, Work Harder"
  7. I'm liking no "game status" for Micah Hyde. Hope he's full bore. With Davis, my hope is they're smart - I'm sure he wants to play, but if he's hampered a week off will help him heal, sit him, let him heal more, and take advantage of our so-called deep WR corps by letting someone else get his snaps. Brother Bill, Is That You? Bills by a Billion!
  8. I don't think losing is ever a good thing. I do think there's something to be said for the idea that if the schedule doles you weak opponents or "good matchups" early on, the coaches and players may get an unrealistic picture of the State of the Team and the changes they need to make.
  9. Well FML I know it's not just me because Cover1 put out an analysis of the OL problems in the Stillers game and said "Again, no Coaches Film" and Chris Sims was all "you have to trust me, I don't have film to show this..." I wonder if I VPN my location to UK if it would show? Thanks! Yeah, they changed up the interface so that it now runs as part of NFL.com, which is a downgrade IMHO because I can't figure out a way to get it to show me individual plays or times in the game, it's just dumb and runs through the complete game (with ads still left in) or the condensed game. The complete game used to have play by play announcing and all the normal in-between snap walking on or off the field, but the ads were taken out. If I had known, I would most certainly have NOT wasted my $$ on Gamepass but hopefully it's just a SNAFU with switching to a new interface and they'll fix it.
  10. What is up with this? It's Thursday and that's not a choice I can select yet. Did Gamepass discontinue it? That's the primary reason I subscribe to Gamepass If they don't release Coaches Film any more, is there a way I can get a refund?
  11. This is the 🎤 drop for the thread IMHO I'm a fan of the Bills, but I'm not a fan of these "Uh-oh, Bills are in Trouble(trot out some obscure fact) thread
  12. *sigh* Or maybe not. Please go watch with an attempt at an open mind and go read Kubiak's article and then come back and talk about it. The whole point of the piece is that the Steelers were exploiting our game plan by using what is normally a strength (option routes where the receivers have flexibility to change what they do based on what they 'read" from the defense) and turning it into a weakness. The coaches and Josh needed to understand what was being done in order to make adjustments that will fix it. There are probably some other things the coaches could have tried but I think it's probably simplistic to say "just make adjustments".
  13. This is either a semantic argument where you're specifically taking umbrage with the word "confused". That's your right, but if you actually watch the clip and/or read Kubiak's article, it's clear he has a specific meaning with regard to the way the Bills offense operates, where it depends critically on Allen and his receivers interpreting the defense the same way and doing the same thing, in response to what they interpret. It's not intended as a personal criticism of Allen as a player (clearly, in the context). Substitute some other word that makes you less indignant and try to extract the meaning, because I think they both have valid points and I hope that Daboll and his assistants are working on counters because we'll see this again next time we play a team with a dominant front 7 and a "good enough" secondary. Or don't, I really don't care, but "Sorry @Eastport bills" I think your indignation is misplaced. The other possibility is that you have no particular umbrage at the word "confused" but you're generally indignant that a fringe NFL player dares to criticize one of the best QB in the game. It's essentially argument by expertise: If someone has a lower level of skills as a player, How Dare They criticize someone? Yet most of the coaches who played, played in college and either didn't have the skills for the NFL or were lower tier players who had a relatively short career as backups. So by your logic, coaches shouldn't criticize players, in which case, how could coaching take place The bottom line is that someone's mental knowledge of the game and the X's and O's and ability to break it down are not dependent upon their success as NFL players (where superior athleticism plays a large role). We all know there are commentators who were great, HOF players and who are mediocre in their ability to research and break down the game. There's a lot to be learned from both pieces about what went wrong with Pittsburgh and I hope these are things our coaches are addressing. I'm glad you've come around
  14. I think the thing the Chiefs had, that we frankly didn't and perhaps still don't, is the YAC threat. Kelce has it because he's just so big, he can gain 4 more yds while you're trying to bring him down. Hill has it because he's just so fast that if you miss once, he's gone. 👀
  15. Losing Micah Hyde would be huge, especially since we let Dean Marlow walk in FA. IMHO the Bills have traditionally erred on the side of playing injured players. It's been said that some of the Bills backups would be starting on other teams. Time to show more (1,1) sets and play 3 WR, but also time to see what Kumerow can do on Sunday.
  16. Oh, that's adorable. "Say I'm your daddy without saying I'm your daddy" With a WHAT?
  17. The proper way to do that would be to discuss with the league (with pictures) concerns about penalties being called evenly on both sides
  18. I think that's /mic on that topic there's mad/upset and then there's screaming at your QB on the sidelines - not a productive way to handle this
  19. Well, if it's an empty backfield, it's a pretty good guess it's a pass play Otherwise, the probabilities are in favor of it being a pass play But what pass play specifically? Really?
  20. Oh, I missed the screaming so I inferred Well In that case...maybe his screaming influenced the ref on the FG offside: "I could let that slide.....(looks at Joe Judge)...Nah." Then maybe he needs to make friends with Jones and ask him to work with him a little extra on how he wants him to run those routes?
  21. Well, it was a valid penalty. But it is a situation where the refs calling a penalty directly influenced the outcome of the game
  22. I haven't had a problem with my ISP, but one time my desktop got infected with some groovy computer viruses and trojans that took the better part of a weekend to eradicate. Since then, I stream only using a virtual Linux box on a Windows computer or (better yet) an old laptop we have running Linux Mint.
  23. It's ScottLaw. He has no idea. But you know the saying - even a busted clock is right twice a day.
  24. According to the PFF grades, Jon Feliciano was the biggest issue but I'm not sure how much faith I put in them. Did you actually listen to the linked piece? Because that doesn't read as though you did. He was very specific about what he meant and explained. Jim Kubiak, whose piece for the Buffalo News was also linked above, pointed out similar things - also with film clips and X's and O's illustrating his point.
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