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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Then these people are weak sauce as fans, they're behaving badly, and they should STFU (IMO). From Cole: But he is calling out the fan base as a whole, along with regurgitating his little misinformation fest: Hello, Beasley? Can we discuss the concepts of "risk reduction" and "relative risk"? I suppose it's hopeless, but I have been Hopeful in my time.
  2. This is just my sense talking to fans here and there outside of this board, but I think it's not just a "handful of people on the board" who care about it. I suppose the crowd ya run with has an influence on perception. I think a better way of putting it would be: even for those who care about it and think it is unfortunate and wish he would change his views, most of us still recognize he's a helluva football player, love what he brings on the field, and want him on the team because of that. If I were at a tailgate in person, it would certainly not be on my mind or something I'd talk about. But when Beasley is at it again like he is right now, tweeting up a storm of misinformation about why (or why not) to get vaccinated, he does make it a little harder for me to remember what a great player he is. It's not like it's a deal to me what Beasley personally does. Like he says, he's getting tested every day. But others are not, and don't want to take other steps either like masking, and this is making life crappier in a lot of places for a lot of folks. Some people who don't have Covid are literally dieing right now because the ICU bed and the cardiologist they need are not available to them due to beds full of Covid cases, and how I feel about that isn't printable on this newsgroup.
  3. This is shaping to be a good test for both teams! Last year in the playoffs and against the Steelers, the Bills seemed to come into the game with the hope they didn't need a run game or a functional TE if they felt they should be able to pass (and we couldn't run against the league's best DLs anyway). That didn't work too well. So far, this year, Hard Knox seems to be a level up and so does our run game - how big a level to be determined I'm encouraged that we have been able to put up > league average rush yards against Mia, WFT, and Hou, two of which teams had top defenses in the league last year and were anticipated to have good defenses this year. But KC and Tenn were two teams we just couldn't run against last season. But we'll see. Did NOT like the way 5 of our drives stalled against Houston (gave me 2019 playoff flashbacks), though I take the point that when you're up 33 to zip at the point where the backup QB goes in there's perhaps not too much to complain of. There were self-inflicted wounds there with a sack, a TFL, an aborted snap, and penalties. But there were also incompletions on 3rd down.
  4. He is credited with 2 tackles. Gotta remember the Texans only played 42 offensive snaps. 2 were at the end of the half, so didn't generate defense. 12 were in their last 2 drives of the game, in the 4Q against our backups. So overall, the starting D only played 28 offensive snaps while the game was "in play". Our leader in tackles today all had 3, and feature an unusual list of names (Lotulelei, Matakevich, Oliver as well as Edmunds and Lewis (replacing Johnson).
  5. Perspective. Last year the league average rush YPG were 118.9. The Bills averaged 107.7, and that's "on average the Duck is Dead", a combination of very low rush yard games and decent/high rush yard games Before today's game, league average is 107.6 ypg. The Bills average was 127.3 ypg, 8th in the league - and it likely went up substantially today. (Josh has been averaging 29.3 ypg, but before you say "see, below average" remember you gotta take the QB rush yards for every team out of the average) Today we had 199 rush yards, 141 from the Backs. Just what is it you expect?
  6. Indeed. It is notable that while the Bills only punted once today, they had a TOD, a pick, and FG from 33, 26, 23, and 21 yds. While those are all "outside the red zone", they show that the Bills are still allowing long drives to stall out, and whatever the problem is, that's got to be corrected and fast. We should have had at least 8 more points today and yes, I'm greedy.
  7. Agree not as “unstoppable” but far better balance last 3 games. Opponents get paid too. Being circled on the calendar means they’ve been studying how to best shut us down. see “Ravens 2019 vs Ravens 2020” Manny Sands wasn’t clicking with Josh Wk 1 & 2. Looking up there.
  8. Milano has a history of trying to play when severely hampered. Healthy Milano >> Coach Klein, but Frazier and McD eventually figured out how to shift responsibilities and make it work. Klein with appropriate adjustments >> Severely hindered Milano IMO IR Milano. Don’t play a half-baked Cookie
  9. We’be already gone over this ad infinitum. We had a game plan to attack their 2ndary, expecting them to blitz. Instead they did a masterful job of dropping 7 or 8 into coverage and beating the ***** out of our OL with 3 or 4. And we kept lining up in 4 or 5 wr sets, 45% of the time with no help in protection and no run threat. Moss inactive. Sweeney inactive. Josh may have been hyped up but given protection and time he usually settles down.
  10. Fair point on Williams with regard to Brown, that’s a lot of assessment on 4, 7, and 10 snaps in 3 games, some of which were as an extra OLman. An additional Q is, who is the backup swing tackle? Bates? Ford?
  11. My impression was that Williams kinda sucked at guard with the Panthers and that Brown isn’t really ready but, have not been impressed with Ford at RG so …..…….. perhaps Williams was recovering still that year with Panthers
  12. You could check the injury report. He was listed as “questionable” for the game
  13. You’re a Sick Puppy, my friend Was staying with some Pats fan friends and they were totally disgusted: “shut up already, it’s the Pats vs the Bucs not Brady vs Belichick” I do grasp the “make the whole NE region sad” narrative but Pats fans seem fairly dispirited already. Course that could change quickly if NE pulls off a win over the SB champs
  14. Dude, if you look at the stats overall, the odds of drafting a guy who can play in the NFL - not a superstar, just a guy who can Do His Job - are roughly 50% in the top 3rd of the first round. Falls to about 30% in the bottom 2/3 and top of the 2nd, then drops from there. Lots of reasons for this. What do you consider a “bust”, especially at DT?
  15. when did Williams take snaps at RG for any extensive time? IMO nothing good happens when you mess with the entire lineup on OL. Plug Boettger in at RG where he played reasonably last season and go
  16. I think they felt they had the hosses to “affect the QB” and learned “no we don’t”. There’s a reason we signed Obada AND drafted DE # 1&2
  17. I’m pretty sure it’s a pat answer and he really knows, it’s just his way of saying he’s trying to tune it out
  18. Reasonable take. I thought Bengals D played the first half like they forgot Lawrence has legs (and knows how to use them) In the 2nd half they wised up and made life harder, but I still think the Bengals D needs a step. So the Bengals def. need to stop trying to protect the “Franchise” with other team’s discard pile on OL
  19. They played two halves. Jailbreak in the first and solid in the 2nd. Seem better at run blocking than pass protection If it was the call I saw he had a grip on the guys arm and swung him around by it
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