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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. I think the rule change you’re looking for is explained here: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/08/04/nfl-rules-will-now-treat-head-first-dives-like-feet-first-slides/
  2. I think I”m going to get 100% tornado warnings superseding the game Over, and Over, and Over again. OK, I get it we need to know about tornado warnings (that means actual tornado sighted) but they’re just rambling on and on instead of giving the pertinent information (where is it, where’s it heading?) at reasonable intervals
  3. Mahomes wife retweeted it Oct 11 after the Bills game. I guess we were considered a ref-induced abherration And of course, the performance of the OL has nothing to do with a QB sneak success 🙄
  4. You haven’t actually. You keep referencing legal actions and the law, but the point is, the relevant standard isn’t a legal standard, it’s the standard set out in the NFL/NFLPA CBA for “conduct detrimental” - which is vague as hell. There’s nothing that says the NFL’s definition of “conduct detrimental” or its decision as to when to apply that standard has to meet a your standard of “rational behavior” - what standard for “rational behavior”? Decided upon by whom? You said it - it’s in your mind that applies. Florio spelled it out quite clearly: This isn’t about legalities, the “conduct detrimental” and the rest of it are PR tools for the league, and the league will act in its PR interests. As far as the flawed evidence, the NFL controls its own investigation and evidence can be brought forward as “new to them” at any point they like. But then whether they actually had or could have had or should have had the evidence months ago becomes a moot point. We’ve seen that over and over and over again with different NFL disciplinary matters. I’m out. You aren’t interested in reviewing any of the material I linked or transcribed that disagrees with your assumptions about how this process works in the US and I’m not going to persuade you of anything.
  5. Agree or disagree? (BrittanyLynne8 aka Mrs Patrick Mahomes retweeted this)
  6. TBH I was more worried about the integrity of his cervical spine. Yikes.
  7. That just begs the question “why did the offensive line get destroyed against Pittsburgh?” The reasons for that being as I specified
  8. But Gunnar, the aspect of the law that this concerns is a collectively bargained contract under which the league/commissioner have broad powers to discipline players for vaguely-defined “conduct detrimental to the league”. Which can basically be, whatever the NFL/Goodall says it is, acted upon whenever the NFL/Goodall decide to act on it (independent of legal proceedings or “material new information” discovered during them) The only action the law is interested with regard to voiding league disciplinary actions, is “did they follow their own procedures?” And you have yet to explain how, in acting now and not earlier, they wouldn’t be.
  9. Blocked punt, ultimately Game plan that bet on Pitts blitzing and us countering with 4 & 5 WR sets and no runs (Surprise!) Josh and Manny Sands connection “off” and Josh unwilling to take the short stuff early Trick question? Truthfully watching the KC at Tenn game made me feel a bit better about our D They did get run over, but they got run over in the act of truly trying to tackle the guy
  10. He’s an unabashed Chiefs homer and fan but that’s OK. He’s decent to talk football with if you get into the weeds of specifics. He owns it when he’s shown wrong
  11. Your Kink is OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I think it's a standardized test that gets compared to a player's baseline results, but there's been talk some guys don't give it their best shot so that it's easier for them to meet or exceed their baseline So he could have done that He could also be OK now but will develop symptoms tonight or tomorrow
  13. I just put that “Baby GOAT” stuff as the kind of hyperbolic media narrative that we hear so much these days - like what’s-his-name saying Herbert is a sure-fire HOFer (Schefter, that’s who I mean) or that game last season where the announcer was hyping up how Lamar keeps getting better, just put his bust in Canton already on a game where he had just missed a straightforward sideline throw and the Ravens lost (think it was Titans game last season)
  14. They are playing 3 rookies, is part of the problem But Orlando Brown has NOT been what they expected when they traded for him, and neither has their FA spend Joe Thuney
  15. Just seems like last couple years, Mahomes was never criticized for throwing off target, behind his receivers or high or low because they caught everything This year, they don’t make those catches - either the throws are a bit further off, or just a lack of focus on their part Huge difference @Zerovoltz, as an LT, Orlando Brown is just Not Good
  16. I think Tenn offense is a whole new monster with both AJ Brown and Julio Jones healthy I’m a bit bemused at how this team possibly lost to the Jets, but surely missing both Brown and Jones had something to do with it Well, Well, Well, Well
  17. Oh come on “KC has been in every other game with a chance to win it” 🙄
  18. Indeed. Announcers excusing that as “it wasn’t his fault” but he was running with the ball like a loaf of bread, like we yell at Allen for - and tucked it in at the last minute, too little too late.
  19. I’m not sure whether I feel better about our defense that at least we didn’t look THIS bad against Tennessee’s offense, or worse about our defense vs KC because we didn’t make KC look this bad
  20. Change is not always different than hope. Benching our franchise LT for a rookie who hasn't earned a spot on the active roster based on practice or on preseason performance is a change BASED on hope - you "hope" that against the odds, "change" to a 5th round rookie who hasn't been considered one of the 8 or 9 best OLmen to date would be "change for the better". That's really sort of a "Hail Mary" play. I'd be all for meaningful change to try to improve, like trying to swing a trade for a better OLman than Feliciano if one is available. We could also look at whether Boettger or Bates would be an upgrade at LG - sometimes teams are slow to bench an entrenched starter, though I'd like to assume they're making assessments based upon practice.
  21. It never fails to amaze me how people fail to recognize the impact that being chased around the backfield like a chicken has on a QB's ability to see the field and spot open WR or favorable matchups. It's a game of inches, and the same throw that's complete for a reception becomes off target with just a fraction less time. Just compare and contrast Mahomes in the AFCCG where he had all week, to Mahomes in the Superbowl. Or Josh in the Steelers game to Josh in the WFT game. Josh gives our OL a lot of leeway, but even he gets to a limit sometimes.
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