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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Yeah, I'm pretty much amazed at the speed of what's being reported. Compare and contrast how long it took to file charges against Britt Reid.
  2. If he maintains his skill level, you can count on it. In my opinion. Judging by past history, Chiefs would be all over it.
  3. I think reforming our justice system to enlarge the number of cases punishable by death is a bit beyond the scope of this FOOTBALL BOARD. That said, at present please realize that a death sentence is generally held to be more costly to tax dollars than incarceration.
  4. I'm not saying he should go to jail for life, but I don't think it should be described as a simple "mistake" either.
  5. I haven't watched enough tape and if I had watched enough tape, unlike all the experts on TBD I don't feel I know enough about the Bills blocking schemes and assignments to judge for sure. I think Brown-Williams in general looked better than Williams-Ford, but Brown for sure made a goof that resulted in a pick in the Titans game. I saw Morse getting picked and having no one to pass his guy off to while Williams was off in space going "no one to block, no one to block" but that's the sort of thing where I don't know what Williams is supposed to do. I think he played way better than Ford, but that's kind of a low bar
  6. The stuff that reported it has been deleted so maybe it's untrue. Or maybe it was squelched due to medical privacy
  7. There are mistakes and mistakes. If you make a decision to do something that is illegal and known to be dangerous, and it costs someone their life, do you think it should be treated in the same category as "a mistake" like shoplifting or breaking a store window or something? Probably not, especially with a very good lawyer
  8. We'll see. I would say the same about Britt Reid but wouldn't be shocked if he got wristslapped. Ruggs said to be in hospital with broken hip: https://www.totalprosports.com/2021/11/02/breaking-raiders-wr-henry-ruggs-involved-in-fatal-car-crash-video/
  9. No info on Nevada law, but to me, speaking morally, you drink and get behind the wheel drunk and it's murder.
  10. This. Call an Uber, Phone a Friend...hell, dial a random number - What Bills fan in Buffalo wouldn't wake up their SO and throw on their Zubaz and hoodies to go pick up Diggs and his car and take both to a safe place? Would give one a Helluva good story.
  11. Unfortunately the "misleading" part appears to be the "potentially" Ruggs is known to own the green Vette observed at the scene and it's being confirmed he will be charged with DUI and possibly more.
  12. https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/raiders/raiders-henry-ruggs-reportedly-involved-in-fatal-crash-2470417/
  13. You think it's a bad move to make an acquisition that lets them move Jones to the position where he played better last season? I'm not saying it's "enough", I'm just saying it's a positive move. Like I said, we'll see what else they do.
  14. That's gonna go with the territory if they continue with the notion of starting Williams at G. Williams is a much better player at RT than Bates or Ford or Doyle at this point. Boettger has played capably at LG last season but apparently struggles to play both sides. I'd like to see someone evaluate how Bates did at RG because this might be our chance to check out what Dawkins-Boettger-Morse-Bates-best available RT would look like.
  15. I wish I had workable all-22 to go through the game play by play, but this is plain and simple bull#### from what I have seen. Did Feliciano get beat at times, Yes. Did he block well and Do His Job at others, Also Yes. He's not a top OG. But he's not trash. He's paid like a low-level starter (#28 in AAV on his contract, I believe), with possibly a bit of a premium because he's proven he can play both sides and play center capably. He plays at that level. Beane seems to have a pattern to take multiple "shots on goal" at a position when he doesn't have the ammo for a big move. I believe Beane thought that with Forrest Lamp and Jamil Douglas in FA, possible that Boettger could take a step and Feliciano or Ford improve after a full off season of training, he'd done enough. He needed to succeed 2/5 shots. IMHO Beane made a mistake not investing more in the OG position (draft or FA), but his FA dollars were limited and he had to make hard choices. And I can see the logic of what he did do.
  16. I read it somewhere else here, but I don't remember the source. Ugh. Did he say anything about its severity or progress?
  17. I feel a bit bad for Lawrence, but part of me is Salty over the power of narrative. The narrative when the Jags drafted Lawrence was "consensus no-brainer pick. He was a generational talent set to take a cursed Jaguars franchise and turn them into a contender. A golden-armed prodigy taking the form of something the NFL hadn’t seen since Andrew Luck." So now that he's completing 59.6% of his passes and has thrown 9 picks to 8 TDs, the narrative is that "Trevor Lawrence is being failed by the entire Jaguars organization". It makes me salty because in Allen's rookie season, he was considered way too raw to take starter reps in training camp and preseason, then pitchforked into the first game at halftime. His OL was Dawkins -Ducasse (last season) -Bodine (last season)-Miller-Mills (last season as starter) - so 3/5 guys on their way out of the league and 1/5 guard who went on to play for some bad OLs. His top WR were Zay "13 ypg for LVR" Jones, fat Kelvin Benjamin (last year in football), and rookie Robert Foster. And yet because of the "narrative" that Allen was "a parody of a first round draft pick" (see Josh Allen receipts thread) etc, the "narrative" his first year wasn't that the organization had mismanaged the situation and hadn't put enough talent around him; the narrative was that he sucked.
  18. I don't think he gets traded for a pick. He gets traded if we can get what Beane thinks is a missing piece for this season, to a team that believes Trubisky is a missing piece they need this season. I don't like the move in terms of locker room chemistry (Cam I mean). Or Fitz, for that matter.
  19. I mean, they are one game off the lead in the AFC North, I'm not ready for that just yet.
  20. Technically he can't control his family and is not responsible for what they do but 🤷‍♂️ Is Cooks on the market?
  21. Pete Schrags said they called, but I expect they call about a lot of guys. I don't see the Beane-meister dealing a 2nd and 3rd round pick for a 9 game rental
  22. 🤷‍♂️ Moving Chris Jones back to DT and having a quality DE to help generate pressure is a good move for them. We'll see what else they do
  23. What makes you think that? Except that Beane has been quiet at the NFL trade deadline of recent years
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