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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Who is that on the other side of Dawson Knox? Also LOL at the foot speed in the drill. It's like "fast, medium, slow" with Spencer Brown set on "slow" Yes Considering Watt's almost-unchecked habit of slamming the opponent in the gut or even the nuts while "trying to punch out the ball" I might asterisk that number.
  2. Well, since he has like a 54% catch % with the Browns and 50% this season, your eyes ain't kidding you
  3. A decade ago I woulda been pissed. Now... ........There's a reason my screen name is "Hapless Bills Fan" Who am I kidding, I'd be pissed AF According to Breer, Yes. Unless perhaps the presser is outside or held via Zoom
  4. It's supposed to be a statement from the NFL I can not disagree
  5. Yes, if as Breer said it's a violation to not wear a mask for a presser inside the facility, then either some of these outspoken players have casually backed their freight into a vaccination station with one upper arm exposed and joined the vaccination train without saying a word about it - or the league has been doing a Sgt Schultz ("I see nothing...nothing" - anyone else remember that show?) which is lame AF. No I don't. There's way too much coordination that goes into running a Superbowl. There's all the league Honors events, there's the Halftime Show - that team would just be SOL.
  6. I think that might be one of the points people are making - that if there are violations that are occurring right in front of the league, like unvaccinated players doing pressers unmasked - if the league is turning a blind eye to it until there's a problem, then saying "oh, well, it's the club's responsibility to enforce", that's pretty damned lame especially after they fined Beasley and 'lil Dirty in pre-season.
  7. Personally I consider myself a redneck, so I don't consider "redneck haircut" derogatory, just descriptive. And I gotta agree with @Nextmanup: it's not about being vaccinated or unvaccinated (his choice); it's about his employer has protocols for each choice, and he chooses to 1) ignore the protocols 2) lie or at best mislead about his status. That's prime ijit territory IMO. "Cowboy up" like Josh did and just say 'I'm going to keep that information in-house' if you don't want to tell the truth about it.
  8. That would be one reason the Shield ain't happy
  9. I mean, for a long time now, they seem to have given up. I suppose they could get back to it. But it's still Josh's right not to give them an answer to his medical information.
  10. I mean, it's his choice to get vaccinated or not, but there are NFL rules to follow either way. I may not like my employer's rules, but they're still the rules I gotta follow as a condition of employment. The choice to not get vaxxed is legitimate under the CBA. The choice to not get vaxxed AND not follow the rules - I can not disagree with you. The Shield doesn't sound happy https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDTCWSFXEAQRsmv?format=jpg 'Course it could all go "pppffffffttt" like the Titans kerfluffle did.
  11. 100% this. We all know the NFLPA negotiated it's the player's choice. Get it or don't get it. Say you did or didn't, or refuse to answer - all valid. But don't lie or mislead. That there's just weak sauce.
  12. "Your Brother's better than you!"
  13. "There's no question. Get out there early Weds"
  14. I thought Beasley showed a great attitude about it post-game, saying whether they're yelling Bease or Boos they're making a lot of noise and he likes it.
  15. OK, OK, I know this is a totally legit thread But when it wound up next to the Ruggs thread, is there anyone else who got as far as "Allen's assault" and suffered heart palpitations?
  16. Yow. Tough break for Thomas to miss 2 seasons, hope his rehab progresses. But, they've been playing without him so No Change
  17. I think they're missing a Ton. Love may be a good QB someday, but right now he isn't fit to carry Rodger's shoestrings much less his jock. I don't know if anyone asked. Since Josh has repeatedly answered "I'm going to keep that private", there wouldn't be a lot of point. Given that vaccination status can directly impact NFL game status, it's a relevant question for a reporter to ask and no one is going to be terminated for asking it.
  18. Just a note that Beasley normally DNP on Weds for "Vet Rest" , so the ribs may or may not be serious - he did get speared pretty good though, that's gotta hurt. I believe the team needs to report his DNP as an injury if he is receiving treatment, or at least they're likely to err on the side of caution after being investigated in this regard for Hughes
  19. https://www.profootballnetwork.com/how-the-nfls-covid-19-rules-are-different-for-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-players/ Well, unvaccinated players have to undergo daily testing. Remember the kerfluffle when Cam Newton left the area to get treatment, got Covid tests on his own, but was locked out for 5 days? This is one that either you're complying, or you're not, and the team could get in big trouble if it allowed a player to violate this. In theory, I suppose the $258M dollar man could arrange to have an NFL-approved technician travel with him, collect his test, and FedEx it off for testing. Also In theory, I guess Allen could have flown off to the Carribean on Tuesday eve. after film sessions, flown back and initiated testing on Friday, and been allowed into the facility on Weds. after Fri-Tues tests. Then there's this: That should preclude Allen from attending the team Halloween party (and a party such as the one Aaron Rodgers threw) IF he's unvaccinated. But again, as we have now seen with Rodgers, that doesn't stop a player from breaking the protocols and basically letting the NFL come after them or not. See above.
  20. The bottom line is we don't know. There's stuff that implies he may now be vaccinated, but as we've seen from the Rodgers thing, a player may violate the protocols then pay the fines if/when the NFL comes after them.
  21. A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever AJ you beaut you!
  22. It doesn't, actually, but I'm not going to debate that with you. Just ................... Wow.
  23. ?? NFL revised its protocols for this preseason, Then revised again for the regular season That's well after the vaccine was available to the general public
  24. Again - we are NOT going to turn this into Yet Another Beasley thread. But since most of us probably were not among those attacking Beasley, answer is probably Same.
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