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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. I haven't looked at the Jags defense in any detail, but I thought (again, from a distance, not delving into it) they were thought to have a pretty good defensive front.
  2. If you're talking "air yards per attempt", when I sort your link on that stat, I come up with Allen is #9 if you include only QB who have started 4 or more games. To put some perspective on it, that's still more than such QBs as Brady, Cousins, Ryan, Rodgers, Herbert and Mahomes - but it's neither 2nd nor 5th.
  3. There's nothing wrong with being a spread offense, and for sure the Bills use spread offense concepts. I'm just not sure that's a proper characterization of our offense this year. Believe it or don't, we actually run (1,2) and (2,1) sets this year with a higher frequency than we run 4 WR sets (or 4 WR and 5 WR sets). Now that can be misleading, because especially with Knox we may run a (1,2) or (2,1) set and still split out 4 or 5 wide. https://www.sharpfootballstats.com/personnel-grouping-frequency.html When asked to characterize our offense, both Daboll and Allen dodge the answer. They say something like "we're going to do whatever we think gives us the best chance to win this week". Maybe that's a problem - maybe if they focused on fewer things and polished them to execute to perfection, our offense wouldn't stall out as readily.
  4. Someone said that Rodgers was following the unvaxxed rules within the facility (albeit not in interviews, but we see other players around the league we believe to be unvaxxed maskless in interviews, so need clarity there). So I'm personally going to reserve judgement on how much Rodgers was breaking the rules until the facts come out (novel notion, I know) Did he lie or at best, answer deceptively when asked if he was vaccinated by reporters, Yes. I will say it will totally rot my socks if our little I-mac and Bease got socked for $14k clams by the NFL for leaving off their mask in the facility but it comes out Rodgers has been playing a "big star, don't bother me" card to avoid this.
  5. There once was a QB named Lawrence whose draft buildup was filled with adorants But the NFL game Made his skillset look tame "It's harder to win here" said Lawrence
  6. OK, but why has the team taken this step? To inactivate a player they're compensating at the rate of $0.75M a game must have some strong cause. You could be right, but to keep a player on the roster but inactive on a team that's been nailed some by the injury bug seems non-competitive.
  7. So the two classic ways to beat Cover 0 are throw deep over the middle of the field (which requires adequate protection) or throw screens. Brett Kollman did a good thing on it a couple years ago if you're interested: The QB scrambling through a big hole if you leave one would be a third *g* The Bills didn't have a lot of plays in the first half and especially the first Q - the Dolphins had 20 plays to 10 for the Bills. But what it looked like we tried was the QB keeper, a deep shot (that missed, under pressure) then 2 screens (that failed). Later in the 2Q we had some more successful screens IMHO the deep connection between Emmanual Sanders and Allen is still problematic. He just doesn't seem to be where Allen expects him? Maybe I'm wrong and it's on Allen, but Sanders was 0 for 4 in that game and if he's even 2 for 4 it's a different game.
  8. Well, as of Tues, Vegas WR room is short of a player
  9. Smoke would make a huge amount of sense for them. His thing is that he apparently doesn't want to grind on a scout team and not play. If he's in shape, which I assume he would be if he's trying to catch on - he knows their playbook, so their need and his opportunity match up.
  10. So now I'm confused, has OBJ been suspended for conduct by the Browns then?
  11. Indeed. Heard screaming, pinned inside, and neighbors tried to help but were driven back by flames. And she got to listen to her pet's cries as she died. https://www.al.com/news/2021/11/tina-tintor-woman-killed-in-henry-ruggs-crash-was-heard-screaming-inside-burning-vehicle.html
  12. Carr's faith is very admirable, but my comments about "not being aware" were (in context) not intended to imply that the details of the situation preclude love and forgiveness (some may see it that way). It was to the "did he not know he could call me at 3 am?" comment which some tagged (me too) as inapplicable to this case. Calling someone at 3 am is what you do when you know you're impaired and you don't see a "safe for you" alternative to driving yourself home (maybe you're afraid the UBER driver will Insta you and post it). If you're racing a sportscar >150 mph at 3 am, what's a 3 am call to Carr gonna do for you? You want him to get his Camero and join you? You're not looking for a ride home, you're looking for an illicit thrill. That was my point saying maybe Carr wasn't aware of all the details when he spoke. As NoSaint (who I was replying to) said: "I do wonder if he’s missing the mark on the “being there for him at 3am” sentiment. this isn’t the high school kid nervous about getting in trouble making a bad choice trying to get home. the man decided to joy ride at the most extreme levels." So Zay gets a chance to make good on his Dad's boasts about what he could do with a real QB
  13. I agree with this, and yet it's different now. I think the best way to phrase it is that Whaley had a very good ability to evaluate football talent. But he didn't seem to be concerned with building a great team. The talent he brought in were sometimes "I" guys, no "I" in team - and that wasn't curtailed or influenced at the coaching level. So I'm not sure we were just a franchise QB away, although a true franchise QB can apparently do a lot to meld the other guys on offense (and even defense) together.
  14. I had no idea a team could suspend/inactivate a healthy player against his will at all. Does anyone know more about this? Does the team have to justify their decision in some way? Can the player file a grievance? Pretty sure the Browns don't want Beckham going to KC either
  15. Yeah, No. Not buying this. He's entitled to seek out treatments he believes in from doctors he trusts. But when it comes to being vaccinated, the NFL/NFLPA agreement was VERY SPECIFIC about what they are referring to as vaccination. Two shots of Pfizer or Moderna. One shot of J&J. One shot of Pfizer or Moderna with a positive Covid PCR test within a certain time frame or antibody tests showing a certain level of antibodies (numerically specified). Not even other Covid vaccines approved for use elsewhere. Then they have rules, one set if you're vaccinated according to that definition, one set of you're not. Agree, disagree, those are the rules. It had to be clear to him that when the media was asking if he was vaccinated, they were using the word as defined by the NFL/NFLPA agreement, so at very best, Rodgers answer was deceptive. No, we all don't get to re-define words in our minds according to what they mean to us; effective communication requires that people define words the same way. Breer says no, the mask rules apply to the interview room. And apparently the Packers know this as they were arranging for other players to be interviewed by zoom. That last may be true, and then we get into the League's position of "enforcement is left to the clubs - Oh, until and unless we don't like your interpretation/enforcement", which I think is weak. Agree with you about the Packers wanting to tread lightly and not confront Rodgers. And, if he hadn't tested positive, no one would know. But let's not make it as though it wasn't very clear what the rules were. "Exact letter of the law" implies to me some minor bureaucratic detail wasn't followed. These things go to the heart of the matter: are you vaccinated according to a very clear definition we laid out, or are you not?
  16. It was probably bringing in Beasley's name just to take a crack at him. You're entitled to your personal opinions about a player. He's entitled to his choice about the vaccine. Given that the guy deleted his twitter and is trying to move on from the opinion-warbling that probably sparked your view, it seemed gratuitous. Asking nicely here: can we not make this Yet Another Thread about Beasley, please? Especially the guy is a Baller and he went hard for us last Sunday, absent further controversy from him, how about put some respect on that?
  17. I think you might not have sorted that list on said stat (air yards/attempt)
  18. So one of the statements he makes about Buffalo is very definitive "they are a spread offense" He says the Dolphins played "6 sub no deep" against us, meaning "cover 0" "that takes away all the spread, there's no more spread offense when you do that" and then it's "a matter if you can hang in there or not". He says "they are a spread offense and they can dink and dunk you and pick you apart". Looking at the passing chart against the Dolphins, I can see his point: 3 passes over 20 yards, all incomplete. Looking at the previous week's chart (Tennessee) not too different. Do you guys agree with Meyer? Is that who we are now?
  19. When he was interviewed, Carr may not have been aware of some of the details - like the 156 mph speed and his BAC, or the woman in the car he struck being trapped and burnt alive. I know initially I assumed it was more the standard "drank too much at Top Golf and the dance club we visited afterwards, and thought I could still drive home"
  20. You're correct that even a practice squad player earns enough, if not to pay for a $100/hr private driver - at least enough to pay for a taxi, Uber, or Lyft 2-4x/week. Something like $165k/yr It's my understanding that the NFLPA sponsors a ride service. This is from 2013 but I haven't seen anything about them discontinuing it. http://www.thepostgame.com/features/201304/nfl-players-worry-about-privacy-when-using-car-service "Just call the 1-800 number on the back of your NFL player I.D. card. The NFL Players Association will provide a chauffeured car to take you wherever and whenever -- that's 24/7/365 -- you need to go...... ...The confidential NFLPA program -- provided in cooperation with its vendor, Corporate Security Solutions, Inc. -- offers a ride anywhere in the United States or Canada..... The PTL has two offerings. Though the NFLPA assumes the administrative fees, the prearranged ride costs players $90 (including gratuity) per hour for a black limo sedan. The cost rises if a player chooses other vehicle options, including Escalades (the most popular choice), Hummers, stretch limos or a party bus. Players can pay with a credit card..... The other offering is the "emergency" response or a non-scheduled pickup. If a player needs a ride or has drunk too much, he can call the number. An operator/security representative at CSSI's command center in Orlando, Fla. will answer, take their information and dispatch a sedan, costing $90 per hour, to pick up the player." It says CSSI guarantees confidentiality, and after the ride is paid for CSSI shreds the paperwork. Of course, whether or not this program still exists, the player could take an UBER, Lyft, or taxi at potentially lower cost (but be subject to the honesty of the driver not sharing on social media "guess who I just transported"
  21. Emo and remorseful Derek Carr wishing there was something he could have done to prevent this https://www.tmz.com/videos/2021-11-03-110321-derek-carr-1297615/ "Did I not let him know that I would be there for him at 3 am?" I have to say that video with the raw emotion and regret in it (for something he had no personal part in) makes me think better of Derek Carr as a person and as a leader.
  22. Good ESPN article on the Aaron Rodgers sitch https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/32545222/aaron-rodgers-tests-positive-covid-19-rules-unvaccinated-nfl-players-packers-qb-return-more
  23. I'm pretty sure that's not correct. I'm pretty sure these rules were in an original proposal, but were revised so that unvaccinated players did not have to travel separately (which would pose a logistical challenge for the teams and potentially result in higher chance of exposure). Unvaccinated players are supposed to be masked on the plane.
  24. Kelvin Sheppard. Bills 2011 3rd round pick. Colts waived him a year later (2014). Sheppard went on to play 2 years for Miami and then for the Giants.
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