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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. He did. We were saying in the shout box is Zach Wilson the 3rd best QB on the team right now? Also unclear why they traded for Flacco
  2. Um this is the Knox injury thread. Are you posting this in the intended place?
  3. That’s why the surgery to immobilize the fracture and minimize the need for casting is so important
  4. Negative. We kept 6 WR last year also. Our 7th this year was a 1 day deal to get him onto IR. The position group we sacrificed TE for would be DL
  5. I let this sit for 5 hrs and then came back to it because when I first read it, that last "also" part ticked me off. It just reads like blame-shifting towards his injured girlfriend, to me. These guys and their teammates would be the first to tell you they are "Grown Ass Men" who don't need anyone questioning their judgement or telling them what to do with their fine selves. Sometimes when men abuse their WAG we hear (not saying this is you), "she knows how he gets when he's drunk, why did she get in his face like that?" like it's her fault she got clocked, she should know better than to risk angering a super-strong "braindead feral creature". If being a "braindead feral creature" who has been drinking means his judgement can't be questioned because he has none, why are we expecting his girlfriend (who may have been drinking just as much or more proportional to her body mass and metabolism) to have better judgement AND then exercise some control over him? For all we know, she did say "hey, let's call an UBER and he said no and started to get pissed so she backed off
  6. Raiders didn't move on old email. Gruden resigned. Now, whether his tail got twisted to do so I can't say
  7. Slow it down, folks. We don't know yet whether he lied to his coaches and other Green Bay or NFL employees or people in actual close contact with him. That tar will get too thick to spread if you keep it hot too long. Lied to reporters thus fans, I would say "yes". Others may disagree 🤷‍♂️. But some would say he has no obligation to be truthful to the press.
  8. LOL in the AFCCG last year Tyreek Hill said he was most impressed by "61, he almost caught me and I'd probably never have played again, he's big" Tyreek Hill agrees with you he's our BUD but I want him on the line getting after it
  9. Jaquon Johnson played well in week 4.
  10. Bit of a shocker to me that the Horseshoes have only won 1 more game than the Jets.
  11. Is that correct? It seems as though when we travel the guys are inside and also sometimes postgame in B'lo - I don't see rain, wind, etc.??? - it seems like it's being done in a room Maybe it's a screened off part of the fieldhouse and if the # of people is kept low it's OK?
  12. That'd be "meh" muppy, srry! Rhyme scheme AABBA Allen talent and Smilin no rhyme
  13. Not sure what forcast you're looking at Here's Weather Underground: https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/us/fl/jacksonville Supposed to be a front with rain/wind moving through Fri/Sat. Sunday low 60s, sunny, winds 10-12 mph
  14. Let me see if I can tune this one up a wee bit.... Bills Kicker is wee Tyler Bass Whose balls are both made from pure Brass His Swag does not lack Just his Left cheek is black He Kicks Boomers on Turf and on Grass
  15. I know the NFLPA argued for a number of last-minute changes to the protocols. For example, the NFL originally wanted vaccinated and unvaccinated players to wear different colored wristbands and the NFLPA said "Ah....No." But if you search online sometimes it's far easier to find the original protocols than the revisions, leading to people saying that unvaccinated players can't fly on the same charter (which I don't believe is correct - it was the original plan and then teams objected) But I don't know, except as I said - a lot of players around the league who are believed to be unvaccinated based upon their personal statements, are giving pressers in person and unmasked.
  16. Next thing you know, he'll be borrowing McKenzie's Chubbies (it's a brand of sportswear you pervs) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZuNLOJBuM/ (note the snow on the ground)
  17. My / 🎤 Favorite so far. I can just hear the slightly accented voice of the narrator on those wildlife programs.
  18. All I can say is: if it's true that the law would actually hold that if someone asks you a question with a clear definition that has been clearly explained to you in your field of endeavor, and you say "yeah" (which Rodgers did, see Jeopardy clip) - you are not, legally speaking, lying ........... .....The Law is an Ass. Even further for an NFL player, this is a term with a specific meaning spelled out in a legal document as part of the contractual agreement bargained between the NFLPA and the NFL, included as part of the materials provided by the NFL and the NFLPA for training sessions with the players. To argue "oh, he didn't lie if he believes something different" when he's signed a legally binding contract that incorporates by reference something that spells the meaning out differently and he's sat though trainings explaining how the NFL defines it .... WTF, man? I could be wrong, but the only people I can find in this thread saying he should be suspended are pretty clearly referring to protocol violations, not to lieing to the press, as a cause for suspension. I would agree with you that lieing to the press is not, in general, cause for suspension. There have been a number of players around the league who are believed to be unvaccinated, who are doing these unmasked interviews. It's not just Beasley. And it's not just like Beasley strolls up and sits down in front of the mike on his own. There are team PR people involved who control the details of the setup, how far away the press is, how long the interview lasts, etc etc. So either a bunch of teams (not just the Bills and the Packers) sincerely believe the Covid protocols were modified to allow players to give interviews unmasked under certain conditions - therefore Breer's informant is mistaken - or a bunch of teams (not just the Bills and the Packers) are deliberately and flagrantly allowing their unvaxxed players to flout the rules. Or, public belief about the unvaxxed status of those players is incorrect. I was speaking of Billsfan1972, who wondered why his post drew a couple of vomit emojis.
  19. ruh roh because if Hyde's got a hand injury, shouldn't he be on the injury report even if he's practicing in full?
  20. YIKES on Poyer. Jaquan Johnson filled in pretty well for him during Week 4, but judging by that "mic'd up" segment, it sounds as though Poyer out leaves a leadership void. Also not enthused at the possibility of a Dawkins-Boettger-Morse-Ford-Williams line
  21. OK, so the team has benched him because they think he made nasty tweets critiquing Mayfield/the Browns that ostensibly came from his dad? I'm just trying to sort this out.
  22. Nope. Now I grant you, Jones only saw the field 27% of the offensive snaps in 2020 and 20% so far in 2021 (he's been playing some Teams, which he was not asked to do with Buffalo or in 2019-20 with the Raiders). But he got 72% of the offensive snaps with LVR in 2019, and he contributed 2 receptions per game and 15 yds per game. 27 targets in 461 snaps. That's like what, 1 target every 20 snaps or so? Pretty shabby for a guy who only needed a real QB throwing to him to make good.
  23. Unfortunately, the majority of the assets are likely to go to the lawyers, the victim's family will get some. I had no idea that auto insurance companies could deny payment for DUI and speeding - can anyone here confirm or deny? Yes.
  24. So fundamentally you think Odell's agent told them "bench my guy, he's not playing with Mayfield any more"? As far as OBJ's "camp" (what does that mean?) or "father", I would find it troubling to hold OBJ responsible for their actions and impact his career because of them. Presumably OBJ can influence them, but ultimately he can not control them.
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