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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Praying "Please Beasley keep that Twitter deleted........Please Beasley keep that Twitter deleted......Please Beasley keep that Twitter deleted....." Also praying "Everyone else on the Bills don't chime in...Everyone else on the Bills don't chime in....Everyone else on the Bills don't chime in"
  2. Again, note that the debate isn't about his choice. No one is questioning his choice (at least not here) It's his behavior around it that's the issue - lying about his vax status, possibly violating NFL covid protocols to conceal his lie. I think it's probably not a suspendable offense, but argue the facts, not the straw-man of "choice" here. Choice is not the issue. And again, I think it would totally suck if they dock our guys $14k for being slow to put a mask on but A-Rod can lie like a rug, break protocols to conceal his lie, and have that pass by. But I recognize life isn't fair.
  3. You forgot the "I think" or "I believe" in there, since in fact that suggestion has not been made by anyone. Well, maybe some dude on twitter somewhere but calling that MSM is a stretch. I personally think it's 100% bogus that our guys Beas and 'lil Dirty get socked $14k of their hard earned money by the NFL but the NFL is *crickets* on Rodgers so far. I personally would like to see him fined, Big Time, but I expect that "lying to fans and media about vax status" is not against NFL rules. 🤷‍♂️ and I think the Packers are too wussified to step on the tootsies of their Great Big Star, however he behaves.
  4. Plainly put: Rodgers and every other football player have the NFLPA-negotiated right to not be vaccinated. That is their decision. They don't need to justify, explain, or discuss their decision. Not to you, not to me, not to reporters, not to anyone. Most of them are getting no crap at all for that private and personal decision because - wait for it - they are keeping it private and personal. Oh, and guess what's happened when players have followed that path - 🦗🦗. Josh says flat out "I'm going to keep that in house" or "I'm going to keep that private", End of Discussion right there. The only ones who are getting crap for it, are the ones who have chosen to go public with their debatable beliefs and reasons or by ..... wait for it....lying about it like Rodgers did.
  5. Rodgers needs to stow his indignation. He's the one who said "Yeah" when asked if he was vaccinated, followed by "I've been immunized" Rodgers has apparently no concern about what catching the virus would do to his fatherhood (or other physical capabilities), long term - even though (since it's a novel virus) that is totally unknown, and historically, long-term effects from viruses >>>> long-term effects from vaccines. Debating this beyond the scope but it needs to be noted that epidemiologists and virologists whose full time job it is to track illness across the country and review and collect all the evidence concluded that yes, in fact, the unvaccinated are driving the pandemic in this country currently. Please note that what Rodgers says is in-bounds here, but generally discussing whether Rodgers beliefs are correct or incorrect and whether his decision to consult Joe Rogan rather than a physician for treatment is wise or unwise are beyond the scope; Somewhere Else, Not Here.
  6. The list is for completions. You can go here and count if you like: https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/charts/player/josh-allen/ALL529264/season Then pick another QB and compare if you like.
  7. We'll see when the injury report comes out in a couple hours. Sometimes it seems like the injured guys do their own warmup, inside and with special treatment on the injury area. At least I've seen guys listed as "limited" in practice who were not seen by media, and they played. Unlikely
  8. I don't know about "overblown", but I'd go with "self-inflicted": -2 TD called back against the Titans, for at least an 11 point swing -probably the wrong play or wrong implementation of that play on 4th and short -forcing the deep shot when the underneath guy is open We are good, but we can be better
  9. I didn't see this clip from Hyde yesterday, apologies if duplicate
  10. I don't know about that playlist. I can see Ryan Bates picking "Party in the USA" and totally see Tommy Sweeney picking "Baba O'Reilly". Josh Allen picking "The Stranger" by Billy Joel, sure. But the "Entire Defensive Line" picking "Faithfully" by Journey? 🤔
  11. At one point, Dawson actually grips and throws the ball but mostly he's handing it off to an assistant who throws it back. Most of the catches he is making with his L hand underneath and his R hand turned (I'm sure there's a term for this but I don't know it)
  12. The thing is, if you sort on "Air" it conflates how often a team throws and how far in the air the ball travels. That may be what you want, but IMO looking at "air yards per attempt" is the better metric for how deep the QB is throwing
  13. That's a really good question. Perhaps Beckham didn't want to go to any of the teams who enquired about a trade so his reps dragged their feet on the renegotiation?
  14. I believe the league changed the rules and clubs can now virtually interview guys the last 2 weeks of the regular season. Lemme look https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-teams-can-now-interview-head-coaching-candidates-during-last-two-weeks-of-se Of course, depending upon the situation with regard to seeding the Bills could refuse permission I guess
  15. The whole idea of not making moves at guard was that Ford had THIS offseason to work on his body and not rehab an injury. He got shut down Week 9 after he tore his meniscus, and had surgery pretty much right away, so by the off-season he should have been ready to go.
  16. Boettger is already gonna be playing if Feliciano is out at LG. The question is who plays RG if Brown can't go and Williams is playing LT. Ford? Bates? You scared me. But it could still be true.
  17. I think the "something else" the team needs is 1) better OL play 2) an upgrade at RB 3) Josh Allen to set his mind on "take what the defense gives you" at the start of the game.
  18. So much changes between these early rumors and the end of the season, that I'm "yawn" at this stuff
  19. Website says "Knox and Feliciano" https://www.buffalobills.com/news/jon-feliciano-and-dawson-knox-declared-out-for-bills-at-jaguars-week-9 So stay tuned on the latter
  20. This is correct before the trade deadline. After the trade deadline, all players who are released are subject to waivers. I didn't know this, read it in the other Beckham thread and looked it up - it's true. The Browns are said to be restructuring his contract, so who knows what it will be when he's released?
  21. FIFY No, but you did shift some of the responsibility and blame to her. It's 100% fair to point out that every human being in the vicinity of a drunk who's about to get behind the wheel and didn't stop them could have prevented the tragedy if they tried - but it's inappropriate (IMO) to BLAME them for not doing so or to shift responsibility for anything bad that happens subsequently, to them for not doing so. I don't find the above offensive at all. It's appropriate to ask, just as it's appropriate to ask if he had any friends with him, did they try to stop him or call him a driver? But they don't share the BLAME for what the guy did, nor the responsibility. That stays with him. I will act to protect my fellow men and women when the opportunity arises because IMO it's the right and moral thing to do - but I am not responsible for their actions if I don't (or if I try and fail) nor am I to blame for their actions. You initially wrote: "She is not blameless either", which appears to be blaming her for his actions and diminishing his culpability by handing some off to her. I dunno about offensive, but I don't find that kind of responsibility shifting appropriate. Again, IMO.
  22. Is that known? 18 drinks? Sheesh. Maybe some of them were for other people?
  23. I'll put this up front: agreement first On this, I believe everyone here agrees with you, and also points out that this guy had many more resources than most - $$ to pay a private driver, driver services provided by his team and his union, Uber/Lyft/Taxi, Phone-a-friend etc. Of course he shouldn't be driving himself out to drink. Period. But others have pointed out that for a guy driving a souped up fancy car, getting buzzed and then driving it fast in the wee hours was probably one of the attractions of the evening, and that it's quite possible he had done this multiple times before with no problems (or maybe even a cop who pulled him over, saw who it was, and followed him home with a warning or nothing) This is actually funny. I'm assuming nothing. YOU are. You write "Also, why didn't his GF step in and at least attempt to stop him from getting behind the wheel in that state? She admitted to the cops that they had been drinking all night. She is not blameless either.", thus shifting blame for the actions of a Grown-Ass Man to his GF for failing to control him. You have no idea what his GF might have said or done, but you're just assuming she didn't step in and try to stop him I used the word "Sometimes when" indicating something that happens in some situations, not necessarily in this - as in "Sometimes when men abuse their WAG we hear (not saying this is you), "she knows how he gets when he's drunk, why did she get in his face like that?" like it's her fault she got clocked" No, son, I'm not assuming anything. That's why I used the word "Sometimes". My point is that women get blamed two ways - by you, for failing to stop a guy (when you don't know what she did or didn't try), and then, in cases where the woman did try to stop the guy and got abused for it, by people who blame her for getting in the face of a guy who potentially may get physical when he's drunk (note the use of the word "potentially" and "may" here, K?) A guy who your words describe as a "brain dead feral creature", no less. Yeah, Shawty needs to get in his face and control him then. 🙄 Not assuming - just pointing out the Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don't aspect for the woman.
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