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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. I think the reason is purely monetary. I'm sure they've calculated the ROI for extending the use of the stadium to concerts/conventions etc in the Buffalo area vs. the additional construction and maintenance costs.
  2. Sorry, your distinctions are too fine for me. Even raising that as a possibility from a rookie after 11 games is "over the top" and I think you know it. Like I said, I'm all for giving Mac Jones his propers that he's playing very well but that's just silly, even with the "maybe" and the "neck up".
  3. The answer is "Perhaps" Factors: Is he vaccinated? The general guess from his Insta timeline and a photo from a month ago of him wearing a mask (TBN story) on the sideline seems to be "No." -If not vaccinated, the minimum he can be out is 10 days from the date his positive sample was taken (Nov 17 or 18) - Nope, he's missing the Thanksgiving game too. -If vaccinated and no symptoms, in theory he could test negative today and tomorrow or tomorrow and Sunday, and be active for this Sunday's game - but that is probably unlikely. -Either way, he could be out longer than 10 days if he has persistent symptoms or fails medical clearance
  4. “Some thirty inches from my nose The frontier of my Person goes, And all the untilled air between Is private pagus or demesne. Stranger, unless with bedroom eyes I beckon you to fraternize, Beware of rudely crossing it: I have no gun, but I can spit.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/310947-some-thirty-inches-from-my-nose-the-frontier-of-my I somehow don't think packed sporting events were Auden's thing nor would be modern passenger Aircraft. Getting back to the topic of the thread, current forecast on WUnderground is cloudy at gametime with 20% chance of showers, rising to 50% chance of showers at 3 pm with falling temperatures.
  5. I don't know in general, but I think part of the issue is a perceived mis-match between the style of offensive football we're playing (heavily reliant on the passing game, and the deep passing game at that, with a finesse OL and little run game) and the elements we play in.
  6. They won't be, now that they've settled. Was this a general question? Lawyers always look around for the deepest pockets to target. Britt Reid worked for the Chiefs, and was leaving the Chiefs facility that day driving a truck that was potentially a perk of employment there. Of course the Chiefs would be sued, except that they headed it off by settling.
  7. Well, DVOA is one of those Frankenstatistics I don't understand, although I know a lot of people like it. Perhaps I am influenced by Aaron Schatz calling Josh Allen a "parody of a first round pick" or words to that effect, and one of his disciples saying that if Allen succeeded in the NFL it would go against "math itself" or words to that effect, but fundamentally when someone calls something a statistic but can't readily explain the exact formula and how it's derived, I say "put a hand over your wallet". The bottom line is that the Bills had a convincing win over the team that is currently leading the AFC west, lost very close games to the team that is currently pulling away from the pack in the AFC (the Titans) and to another team in playoff contention (the Steelers), beat the living bear fat out of a bunch of bad teams we should have beaten the living bear fat out of (Jets, Dolphins x 2, Texans, WFT) and inexplicably stalled on offense and lost to a very bad football team we really should have beaten. You play who you play - the teams on your schedule. We aren't looking like the class of the AFC at this point, but all the finger-pointing and wailing seems just as unwarranted as all the "can anyone stop the Bills?" "Superbowl bound!" hype that was flying around after we beat the Chiefs. We are who we are, and that's a good team with some flaws to overcome, learning to mentally handle the unfamiliar position of being favored to win rather than the lovable underdogs. It's harder to stay "humble and hungry" in the former position.
  8. Are you a parent? I'm a parent. My kid is in college now and I know a number of other parents. Most of them work. Many of them work long hours, where the kid doesn't get as much parental time as would probably be optimal - and that's actually more true of low end jobs where both parents work and sometimes 2 jobs just to make ends meet, as much or more than high end jobs. Parents will always blame themselves for what their kids do or don't do, but that by the time a kid is in HS, even Jr High, it's scary how little influence the parents have. For example, there are studies that a narcotic prescription after wisdom tooth extraction places teens at high risk for opiod abuse. We were basically guilt-tripped into accepting and filling such a prescription (I did not know that at the time) by our kid's oral surgeon "why would you want your kid to suffer unnecessary excruciating pain?". Similarly narcotic prescriptions given for sports injuries. Parents wind up hosting drinking parties they don't know about where they buy soda and pizza and the kids bring in white rum in Dasani bottles. I know families with tragedies where anyone in the world would say "those parents were good, involved, caring parents who tried their best to raise healthy kids". I know families I think are awful - multiple divorces and remarriages, bad values, turmoil, where the kids are sweet, caring, and responsible. Is it probable that Reid was more married to football and parenting his players than to his sons while they were growing up, probably so, but not knowing the details of who he was as a father and parent I'm not going to point a finger. I believe Reid has 3 other kids who are fine.
  9. [This is an automated response] The topic title is potentially misleading. Accurate titles help the community find topics relevant to their interests and avoids reader frustration. Please change the topic title to more accurately reflect content of the original post.The topic starter can edit the topic title line to make it more appropriate. Thank you.
  10. Tannehill was not uncomfortable enough, no question there. That was a strange game plan, where we appeared so fixated on stopping the run, that we gave up the pass to some extent. 216 yds on 29 attempts is not a great day, but he got conversions when he needed them. Really that game hinged on a handful of plays: the Josh Allen pick which gave Tennessee the ball on the Buffalo 11, the long Derrick Henry TD, and the 3rd downs we couldn't convert in the RZ earlier in the game. But you're right that it's crazy to score 31 points and lose - just as it's crazy to give up 9 points and lose with one of the league's best offenses. But as far as "do to them what they were doing to us", there's a couple of things. Foremost, what exactly do you mean by it? Let's look at Tennessee's passing game. A lot of Tannehill's passes (12 out of 29) were behind or within 5 yds of the LOS. More than half were within 10 yds. It's hard to sack a QB who dumps the ball off quickly, but we're certainly affecting him. Josh Allen would get sacked hurried and bothered a lot less behind our line if he would do likewise and take the short easy completion a bit more often. As for the other games, again - we're leading the league in pressure % and hurry %, and 1st in air yards - all while being 27th in blitz %. That says we're being very effective getting pressure with 4 guys most of the time. In other words, being very physical. Most of the time.
  11. I read this and I kind of wonder what games you've been watching, in general. I don't know what the defensive plan was in the AFCCG. It was a plan where you lose your hat - a Bad Plan. We also wore down in the 2nd half of the Tennessee game and were so focused on stopping Henry (which we did, barring that one long run) that we couldn't stop them on any possession. So those are valid points for "finesse" I guess. If you look at the Pitts boxscore, they were pretty well shut down. In general, the Bills defense has been playing hard and physical this year. They've been swarming to the ball. Guys don't just get hit by one tackler, they get hit by 2 or 3. I can hear them hit on the TV. Many of our turnovers are not finesse turnovers. That fumble recovered by Hyde? There was nothing finesse about that. That was a straight up smack-down pigskin larceny. We're not limiting teams to 3.8 ypa (#3) rushing by being "finesse". We're not leading the league in QB hurry % and pressure % and top-10 in QB knockdown % while being near the bottom (27) in blitz % because "finesse". We're first in YAC allowed because teams are "imposing a physicality" we aren't matching. I don't see us crying for flags on D. The crying I see (sometimes) is us being flagged for just, you know, "doing our job". Tre White in particular gets no respect. And yes, it's bonkers to knock one of the top defenses in the league. I do think it's a fair point that we haven't been as consistent as I'd like to see on D. I feel like sometimes we get "up" for a game and then let up the next week. So that's a point the coaches and player leaders are hopefully addressing.
  12. Perverts. I do NOT want to know what's in your browser history.
  13. I don't know the answer to your questions. I do know that even without actual legal liability, litigation is expensive - both in terms of lawyer's fees, and in terms of public relations. Having your coach's DUI son permanently disable a young child is not a good look for "The Shield". The NFL may have told the Chiefs "make this go away quietly" And then of course, Reid had two prior convictions for "driving under the influence of a controlled substance" in PA. The warrant mentioned "multiple DUI contacts" whatever that means (arrests where charges weren't filed?). It's not impossible that there's evidence people on the team knew he was drinking in the facility and leaving drunk on prior occasions, if not that evening. Just my opinion, but as with Rugg, when someone does something as horridly irresponsible as Britt Reid did, what are the odds that they didn't do this before?
  14. With that tid-bit, we must consider you fully validated on that point. I think you got it. The Bills have been doing a good job of swarming to the ball (at least in some of their games)
  15. I'm not sure what this means, in this context. It's not like catching covid and being ruled out per NFL protocols is something he has a choice about. If it's true that he's not vaccinated, that's to me inconsistent with "opting out" last season due to Covid concerns, but it's still his right under the NFL/NFLPA agreement. Prior to this season and his "opt out" season, he appeared in all 16 games for 4 straight seasons, so it's not like he had a prior history of missing games.
  16. I think Harry was on the verge of being benched for Zimmer when Zimmer got hurt. This is Harry's chance to shine, I hope he is able to take full advantage (and also able to remain healthy)
  17. Hey. You got linkies, there, Bro? Would like to take you up on the suggestion.
  18. If one does not understand what someone means by something, one can always ask for clarification. In this case, I think the meaning was clear by context. It's not "ghetto slang", by the way. It's a small point, and focusing there does not address my main point - You attributed to me conclusions not justified by what I actually wrote. I think in context it's clear why the Eagles making the playoffs is relevant to what I said - it shows they were a talented team accustomed to recent winning, before (among other changes) Reid chose to hire an OL coach as his DC and they wound up 8-8 (despite an all-pro season from McCoy and career high YPG from Vick) then 4-12, with Reid fired. As for the bolded, I must recognize you a far superior talent in this regard. Absent actual information (such as why/how I became a mod) you are endlessly creative at fabricating stuff you can use as sneers and personal attacks, and apparently unconcerned for any effect this practice might have on your overall credibility. C'est la Vie. I'm done here.
  19. Pretty sure I recall an interview with Walt Corey during the Superbowl years where he said they basically sketched out a new scheme on the sideline during the game and implemented and won the game "We became geniuses"
  20. LOL AB says he is vaccinated and would be "happy to get a booster on live TV" I looked up "attention w____" in the dictionary and it had AB's photo https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/11/antonio-brown-fake-vax-card I wonder if Burstyn thinks he'll get paid? Apparently the club is supposed to verify the vaccination cards somehow: Tampa Bay Bucs: "This card legit?" Player: "Yep" Tampa Bay Bucs: "OK, we trust you"
  21. Yeah, well - sounds like we need our Offense to hang on to the ball and keep their offense off the field, because if we give the Colts 69 offensive snaps like we gave the Jets, or 62 like we gave Miami, it's gonna be "Our Truck Runneth Over" with our DL lying on the field like road kill.
  22. No, no real update. He can be activated as late as Sunday morning if he's vaccinated. Hyde sounded in his Weds interview like he'd talked to Star and he's fine and "it'll be good to have him back" like he expected him to be back this Sunday Phillips sounded in his interview today like he knew for sure Star would be out for Sunday, so that may be the more up-to-date picture. Even if vaccinated, he has to be symptom-free for 48 hrs and test negative 2x 24 hrs apart, so if he had symptoms today, he would be out for Sunday.
  23. Well, at least we have unambiguous clarity on what Narrative ESPN will be pushing I want to give Mac Jones his propers. He's doing what he's asked to do. He understands enough about what he's seeing to put the ball in the right place. He has the support of a strong defense, a decent OL, and a good run game. Intangibles and from the neck up "the greatest we've EVER seen from a quarterback"? Pitch me with a fork, man, that's beyond "gag me with a spoon"
  24. Woulda been nice if they coulda taken a game off the Ravens, less likely now.
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